Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Image Viewer" Date: 20-May-2000 File: %viewer.r Author: "Carl Sassenrath" Purpose: { A useful image viewer that shows all the jpeg, gif, bmp, png images found in the current directory. } library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: none type: none domain: [GUI] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] page-size: 800x600 image-file?: func ["Returns true if file is an image" file] [ find [%.bmp %.jpg %.jpeg %.gif %.png] find/last file "." ] files: read %. ;-- Read local file list, but want just image files... while [not tail? files] [ either image-file? first files [files: next files][remove files] ] files: head files if empty? files [ inform layout [backdrop 140.0.0 text bold "No images found"] do-events quit ] view layout [ size page-size origin 10x10 img: image page-size - 20x50 first files effect none across at page-size * 0x1 + 10x-30 arrow left 24x24 keycode 'left [ files: back files name/text: first files show name img/image: load first files show img ] arrow right 24x24 keycode 'right [ if tail? files: next files [files: back files] name/text: first files show name img/image: load first files show img ] tgl: toggle "Scale" [ img/effect: either tgl/state ['aspect][none] show img ] button "Quit" #"^(ESC)" [quit] name: field 300x24 form first files ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage