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Enhanced field
4.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
To get a field where is possible to switch between normal and secure mode and which is able to remember the history (if not in secure mode)
author: oldes
A Button with Shortcut Key
479 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Shows how to easily add a shortcut key to a button.
author: Anonymous
REM 0.4.2 - Text Editor - self extracting archive
25.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
REM is a powerful full screen text editor for Rebol/Core and Rebol/View
author: Cal Dixon
Dialect Object Model
56.8 KB
7 Nov 2023
Use an exstensible, Rebol user-mode, Markup function to parse DSL's that will return an easy to follow tagged key value Dialect Object Model. It will allow different DSL's or programming languages to work with, or together through a Central Processing interpreter. Yes Rebol/Core. A demo example of a HTML DSL is parsed by [...]
author: daniel murrill
Similarity Metrics
21.2 KB
19 Feb 2006
Toolkit of string distance metrics.
author: Francois Vanzeveren (fvz)
1 million rows grid 3
1-million-rows-grid3.r2.2 KB
11 Mar 2017
Demo of grid data display, with lots of features (save/load, add/remove, undo, multiline edit, sort, search, key scroll, separator lines, etc.) using VID's 'list style. See the minimal examples (grids 1 and 2) to learn the basics about using the VID list widget.
author: nick
Little 3D Game
3d-game.r3.8 KB
2 Jan 2017
Try to click the bouncing REBOLs as many times as possible in 30 seconds. The speed increases with each click! The 3D logic and calculations in this script were taken directly from Gregory Pecheret's ebuc-cube script, at: This script can also be found in the tutorial at [...]
author: nick
36.0 KB
26 Sep 2003
To visually examine nested objects/blocks. Examples: monitor monitor system/words monitor svv
author: Romano Paolo Tenca
Analog Clock
5.6 KB
28 Jan 2013
Colorful clock with analog display
author: Vincent Ecuyer
Animated GIF Example
animated-gif.r8.2 KB
30 Jun 2008
An example of how to use the 'anim' function. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Always on Top
always-on-top.r1.0 KB
23 Dec 2013
Demonstrates how to use the Windows API to make a Rebol application always stay on top of other windows (so that the Rebol window is always visible in front of any other programs that are opened). Be sure to use the view/new option, then run the 2 Windows API functions, then do-events to show the GUI.
author: nick
args - generic command-line argument parser.
29.9 KB
17 Dec 2008
End to end command-line argument management. Using a command-line description dialect parse a command-line and if its valid, construct a context which reflects it.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Auto-hiding scroller style example
14.4 KB
14 Nov 2020
Add an auto-hiding scroller to VID GUIs
author: Marco Antoniazzi
17.3 KB
21 Apr 2016
icon for archiver.rBackup files
author: Marco Antoniazzi
A Reb-Site
70.8 KB
23 Mar 2008
a-reb-site.r was written to: - compare form and function of a reb-site with that of a conventional web-site. ( obliging web-site - perhaps!) & - to provide an example of a reb-site script, & - as an illustration of the compact size of a reb-site relative to the average web-site [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
Data formatter
1.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Create text columns
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
Area with scrollers style
13.7 KB
27 Sep 2004
This is a new area style with possible vertical and/or horizontal scrollers. It allow selection of text outside the viewable area and have a read-only mode.
author: Didier Cadieu (alias DideC)
App Builder
appbuilder.r26.4 KB
16 Feb 2017
An app builder to help new students learn how to write Rebol code. To create a user interface for a new app, just point and click any GUI widget (button, text field, dropdown box, etc.). You'll be prompted to edit the properties of each added widget, and you can add actions which will run when the user interacts with the widget. Actions [...]
author: nick
Images Buttons
762 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Example of how to make buttons made from images. Clicking on a button updates text in the window.
author: Anonymous
VID Button Set
button.r2.4 KB
8 Mar 2009
A simple VID Button set. Includes Ok, Cancel, Toggle and Choice
author: Ammon Johnson