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Gradient Colorize
gradcol-all.r707 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Displays gradient colorize in all directions.
author: [unknown]
Gradient Colorize Examples
2.6 KB
13 Mar 2003
Applies multiple gradients to a single image.
author: Carl at REBOL
Gradient in all Directions
grad-all.r680 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Displays all gradient directions.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Gradient Multiply
gmul.r590 bytes
19 Jul 2003
demonstrate gradient multiply effects
author: Jeff
Gradients demonstration
gradient.r848 bytes
19 Jul 2003
Gradients demonstration
author: Jeff
UUID Generation Example via Windows SDK
2.0 KB
10 Sep 2005
Command only example of interfacing to Windows SDK to generat UUIDs. Trivial given heavy lifting by others in Rebol community. Acknowledgements to all.
author: David McAvenue
Graph functions
10.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Some functions for making graphs with 3D columns
author: Oldes
Hello World Window
423 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Opens a window that displays text and a quit button
author: [unknown]
Histogram maker
9.6 KB
18 Apr 2011
To produce a histogram from a data series, to display it in a window, to save it as PNG file and/or as a data file
author: Rudolf W. Meijer
Library History
2.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
Show file change dates for the REBOL public library. Click on a file to view it.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Visual Illusions Series: Heaver Illusion
heaver.r1.8 KB
16 Jun 2005
show some visual illusions with rebol (view 1.3)
author: François Jouen
ICO view
1.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
To view the image from the ICO file (example what to do with %ico-parser.r)
author: oldes
ICO view 2
3.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
To view the images from the ICO files (windows icons)
author: oldes
5.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
To get data from the windows *.ico files
author: Oldes
9.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
To get data from the windows *.ico files
author: Oldes
Iconic Image Browser
4.7 KB
29 May 2004
Browse a directory of images using a scrolling list of icons. Displays a progress bar while icons are being created.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Iconic Image Browser
2.0 KB
3 Dec 2012
icon for icon-browse2.rBrowse a directory of images using a scrolling list of icons.
author: carl sassenrath
Image Sorter
4.1 KB
13 Mar 2003
A handy tool for sorting images into separate directories or deleting images. Includes scrolling list of image files with highlight and scrolling list of target directories. Also uses cursor keys, space, and backspace for navigation.
author: Carl Sassenrath
keyboard input sequencer
939 bytes
13 Mar 2003
a replacement for the missing keyboard input sequences table in REBOL/Core User Guide Version 2.3, Appendix C-4
author: viktor pavlu
Visual Illusions Series: Kanizsa's Figures
kanizsa.r2.1 KB
15 Jun 2005
show some visual illusions with rebol (view 1.3)
author: François Jouen