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tag index: l · level

43 scripts tagged as: [level  ·  ~to be supplied~]

Animated GIF Example
animated-gif.r8.2 KB
30 Jun 2008
An example of how to use the 'anim' function. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
6.2 KB
21 May 2014
Decodes POST-data used in Form-based File Upload in HTML as specified in RFC 1867, encoded as multipart/form-data as specified in RFC 2388.
author: andreas bolka
Directory Downloader
directory-downloader.r3.4 KB
29 Jun 2008
Download all files and subfolders from a given folder on a web server. Used to transfer entire folder structures via network. Currently configured for the aprelium web server (, but easily adjusted for others. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Display IP Addresses
display-ip-addresses.r473 bytes
29 Jun 2008
Display the WAN and LAN addresses of your PC. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Simple Dll Examples
dll-examples.r724 bytes
29 Jun 2008
A simple example demonstrating how to use functions inside DLLs. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Example for async dns:// and spam dns server
3.9 KB
4 Oct 2003
Example code to: 1) use the dns:// protocol in async mode 2) use the dns:// protocol to check spam address in async mode
author: Romano Paolo Tenca
Simple Draw Animation Controls
draw-controls.r756 bytes
29 Jun 2008
How to move graphics around the screen using the draw dialect. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Simple Image Distort
draw-distort.r1.1 KB
29 Jun 2008
How to distort an image using the draw dialect. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
567 bytes
8 Mar 2016
Get duplicated values in a block
author: Christian Le Corre
Embedded binary file demo
embedded-binary-demo.r2.3 KB
30 Jun 2008
To demonstrate how executables and any other binary data can be embedded in Rebol code, written to the hard drive, and then used as needed. Taken from the tutorial at See section 18.1 for the code needed to embed files like this.
author: nick antonaccio
FTP Chat Room
ftp-chat.r2.7 KB
30 Jun 2008
A simple chat application that lets users send instant text messages back and forth across the Internet. The chat rooms are created by dynamically creating, reading, appending, and saving text files via ftp (to use the program, you'll need access to an available ftp server: ftp address, username, and password). Taken [...]
author: nick antonaccio
Simple FTP file editor
ftp-file-editor.r560 bytes
29 Jun 2008
Download, edit, and resave files on your website, via FTP. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Guitar Chord Diagram Maker
guitar-chord-diagram-maker.r2.8 KB
29 Jun 2008
A demo program that creates, saves, and prints collections of guitar chord fretboard diagrams. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Http tools
6.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
To grab cookies from the server and post form data.
author: Graham Chiu
Image Effector
image-effector.r1.8 KB
29 Jun 2008
A simple GUI demo application. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Peer to Peer Instant Messenger
instant-messenger.r3.8 KB
29 Jun 2008
Exchange text messages directly via TCP/IP network port. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Line Intersection Demo
1.7 KB
10 Jan 2004
Demonstrate an algorithm used to detect an intersection between two line segments.
author: Claude Precourt
LIQUID - core dataflow programming engine.
64.9 KB
28 Mar 2009
Create procedural processing networks.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Listview Demo
listview-demo.r1.2 KB
25 Nov 2010
A demo of the listview control by Henrik Mikael Kristensen. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Little Email Client
little-email-client.r793 bytes
1 Sep 2009
A very small graphical email client that can be used to send and receive messages. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Looping through data GUI
looping-gui.r1.4 KB
29 Jun 2008
An example demonstrating how to accomplish goals similar to the 'Looping through data' demo, using GUI techniques. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
Looping though data
looping-through-data.r2.0 KB
29 Jun 2008
An example application that demonstrates how loop structures can be used to step through lists of data. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
md5sum in REBOL
md5sum.r1.1 KB
7 Apr 2010
Demonstrate streaming checksums combined with seek mode. Prints the MD5 checksum for each file given as command-line argument in a format that is compatible with the commong md5sum(1) utility.
author: Andreas Bolka
Markup language Dialect parser
32.2 KB
5 Feb 2005
To personally study the practicallity of Rebol being used as bridge between browsers and markup languages.
author: daniel murrill
MySql Example
mysql-example.r1.4 KB
29 Jun 2008
A simple example demonstrating how to use mysql-protocol from Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
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