Script Library: 1238 scripts
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TextureLab - Texture generator
25.6 KB
31 Oct 2006
Generate mathematical textures
author: ReBolek
TFACE: Scrolling text face
tface.r16.9 KB
3 Nov 2011
This is a module that can be included in a larger program with the command 'do %tface.r' and it will provide a function (TFACE-SHOW-TEXT <text-string-parameter>' that will display a passed text string in a scrolling window. This code was copied from the REBOL cookbook and annotated so that the copier could understand it.
author: Steven White with help from Carl
Throbbing Button
1.0 KB
6 May 2003
To demonstrate a button that screams CLICK ME!! Updated from June 2000 version.
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
Tiff Lib
47.3 KB
2 Mar 2010
A basic library for reading and writing Tiff files
author: François Jouen
3.6 KB
11 Sep 2010
show how to build a simple tree list
author: Marco Antoniazzi derived from Didier CADIEU
Origami Demo
223.0 KB
26 Feb 2007
Playing with Rebol on Ultra Mobile Personal Computer. Use keyboard arrows for options!
author: François Jouen
Create an Intelligent Mail Barcode encoding string
23.3 KB
7 Nov 2011
This is a program to load the United States Postal Service Windows library for creating the new Intelligent Mail Barcode. It is designed to be included in a calling program, and it provides a function to generate a coding string, which in turn may be printed in a proper barcode font to produce an Intelligent Mail Barcode. Normally, one would use [...]
author: Steven White
UDP Signin Client Alarm
udp-signin-client.r35.0 KB
3 Aug 2010
Together with %udp-signin-server.r this program alerts users on a network that a new user has arrived and logged in. Client users are only notified when the new user has signed in specificly to see them. Because this script uses UDP, the client alarm application does not need to connect to any specific IP. Anyone who runs the client [...]
author: nick
19.0 KB
26 May 2015
Units conversion program
author: Scott Wall
URL Handler
14.6 KB
6 Nov 2016
A script to handle URLs as objects. Rebol's built-in 'decode-url function returns an object, but no methods to manipulate it. This script includes functions that make it possible to manipulate the URL as you please. CGI parameters are parsed into an alphabetized block for ease of comparison of URLs.
author: hy
User Server
unpack.r5.6 KB
18 Oct 2013
I created this to load websites and chek my email, as well as a few other things, at certain intervals. Basically: 'call a script or 'browse a website when the counter reaches zero. This Unpack.r file creates 2 Rebol files - run Startup.r to use this script.
author: Izkata
14.3 KB
14 Nov 2003
Encoding and decoding of UCS strings to and from UTF-8 strings.
author: Jan Skibinski
View-Desktop packed by Volker
45.1 KB
13 Aug 2004
Make it easier to install and run open source /view-desktop
author: Volker Nitsch (of package)
Upload library-script - upload a script to
6.8 KB
29 Jul 2004
upload a script to
author: Volker Nitsch
async event loop tutorial
vid-tutorial-async-event-loops.r1.3 KB
9 Nov 2012
Show how to do async event handling with processing loops.
author: maxim
REBOL Web Server
16.0 KB
24 Oct 2005
A Simple HTTP-Server for running and debugging REBOL CGI scripts, modified %webserv.r
author: Cal Dixon
HTML Rainbow generator for Rebol/View
2.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Create HTML color fade effects. Places output on the clipboard
author: Cal Dixon
VID Usage
80.5 KB
10 Jan 2004
VID Usage Tutorial with Runnable Examples
author: Cybarite
Image Viewer
viewer.r1.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
A useful image viewer that shows all the jpeg, gif, bmp, png images found in the current directory.
author: Carl Sassenrath
VID1 for R3
113.6 KB
17 Apr 2022
Lets you use VID1 with R3
author: Marco Antoniazzi