Script Library: 1238 scripts
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Prime number checker
3.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
Address the question, could this integer be a prime number? results of false are not prime, results of true are very probably prime and with the /strong refinement, ( I still have to verify this ) true ( should ) guarantee prime. if the argument is outside the domain of the function, none is returned
author: Tom Conlin
Protecting Passwords
passprotect.r457 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Prompt for password to use before transfer.
author: [unknown]
11.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
This script serves many purposes. 1. Act as an HTTP proxy 2. See what your broswer sends out as an HTTP request 3. Add data filters to remove Javascript pop-up windows, remove banner ads, and more... Uncomment line towards the bottom of the script marked for JavaScript to enable JavaScript popup window death!!
author: Sterling Newton
3.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
RebProcessor is a cross between an HTML pre-processor and a website content manager. The user creates source files (foo.src) which can contain any combination of HTML and RP commands, and the script will generate the target file (foo.html) for further use. ** EMail me for the help file, and for the example source file **
author: Seth Chromick
Remove Unwanted Emails CGI
remove-emails-cgi.r1.0 KB
10 Aug 2010
Remove any emails from your POP account which contain specified snippets of text.
author: nick
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Emulates, with a few lines of Rebol code, the CommServer flash XML socket server from Moock and Clayton.(see for the flash client.) The server sends a simple xml doc like <NUMCLIENTS>numclients</NUMCLIENTS> as soon as someone enters or leaves the server. By updating and comparing the old and updated value of numclients, The Flash client knows if someone has entered [...]
author: SuperTomato
runner.r4.5 KB
18 Oct 2013
Run rebol scripts or open websites at certain time intervals. For example, I use it with an email-checking script and a few others I just felt like compressing it to save some space - I use floppy disks a lot. do this in the console to get the source: write %RunnerDecomp.txt decompress pick (load %Runner.r) 3
author: Izkata
Create .EXE from Rebol script + other files using NSIS.
4.6 KB
4 Sep 2006
Create .EXE (with ICON) from Rebol script with optional extra scripts or datafiles using NSIS.
author: Arie van Wingerden
RebGUI User List Demo
rebgui-users.r2.3 KB
24 Apr 2010
A simple RebGUI demo. Inspired by the tutorial at Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick
Recursively scan directory
2.0 KB
9 Oct 2008
Scans a directory recursively and returns path to all files in a block. Allows file matching and a callback function per file.
author: Henrik Mikael Kristensen
Sammy's manager
samman.r12.8 KB
2 Jan 2012
To generate Sammy.js files using a dialect
author: [unknown]
Search Center
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Searches various places,such as Google, without having to go to their website .
author: Kevin Adams
Search Center
3.5 KB
13 Mar 2003
Uses various resources for various searches without having to go to their website.
author: Kevin Adams
Simple File Sharer
share-files.r1.8 KB
27 Jan 2014
I use it to send lists of files to clients' phones, PCs, or any other Internet device they may use. I text or email them the single short personal html file link created by the script, and they click the contained file links to download all their files. It's a stupid simple script and setup which requires only a single unstructured [...]
author: nick
Simple Search
simple-search.r2.7 KB
17 May 2009
Searches though all files in all subdirectories to find given text in each file. Taken from the tutorial at (a website CGI version of the script is also given in the tutorial).
author: nick
SLiM - STEEL | Library Manager
29.1 KB
7 Mar 2009
Loads and Manage Run-time linkable libraries. Also serves as a specification.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
9.7 KB
6 May 2012
Provide functions to split a series into pieces, according to different criteria and needs.
author: Gregg Irwin
33.1 KB
12 Mar 2006
Time-plan RebGUI for use in time-table editing using AGG.
author: Christian Ensel
User Server
unpack.r5.6 KB
18 Oct 2013
I created this to load websites and chek my email, as well as a few other things, at certain intervals. Basically: 'call a script or 'browse a website when the counter reaches zero. This Unpack.r file creates 2 Rebol files - run Startup.r to use this script.
author: Izkata
Prompt for User and Password
userprotect.r505 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Prompt for username and password to use for a transfer.
author: [unknown]