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world-name: r4wp

Group: #Red ... Red language group [web-public]
I am moving all my web site and web apps to a new server. Unfortunately, 
I have to change all the DNS entries too, so interruptions might 
occur during the next 24-48h on the following sites:

- cheyenne-server.org
- curecode.org
- static.red-lang.org
- softinnov.org
http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/http://www.red-lang.org/ says 
red site is down
Be careful with that. The Red site is speaking in the future. Wikipedia 
will not regard that as encyclopedic information
Hi Doc,

   I have found the time to view the documentation of RED/System on 
   your site.

   Red/system brings the expressiveness of REBOL in a low level language.

   I see there is no object orientation capabilities into this language. 
   Is it planned ? Otherwise, as a programmer, why you dont find it 
   usefull ?
Janko: right, I live in Podgorica now. I will check the kiberpipa 
Legal told them they needed Spanish, but metrics told them no one 
used the Spanish site. So it just had to be sorta right.
Right, that's new I guess. How many K's is this source now? Ah only 
289 KB couldn't even blink my eyes while downloading it, so there 
will be no real bandwidth issue, I can host one download link on 
my site as well :-)
Branches: no, they are volatile, and I certainly don't want to have 
to thing about updating them on the web site each time I add/remove 
Then create some howto's and in time change from REBOL driven site 
to Red driven site.
Hmm, now I might see, what others mean - the Github link is not apparent 
anywhere on the site. Maybe once you find some free time (hardly 
nowadays), here's what I suggest:

- add Downloads link to the top menu

- add just one sentence - you can download .zip archives of particular 
branches from link-to-github ...

That's might help some users ....
just one link - to the github red site ... then user should orientiate 
himself there ... nowadays visiting Red-lang.org does not suggest 
clearly, where one could get Red to give it a try ....
Ok - I am confused - are we talking about getting Red/System now, 
or your c-library bindings and examples? I downloaded Red/System 
from Github, the zipped version using the supplied button. Then when 
I had all that working I went to the Red blog site - contributions 
- c library binding - and downloaded your c-library etc from there 
using copy and paste
Arnold: the changes you did that were accepted have been pushed to 
master branch too and are now published on red-lang.org. For documentation 
changes, the master branch version is the one that gets published 
on the web site.
Twitter message on web site: that's blogger's widget for Twitter's 
feeds...can't do much about it.
Doc, quick license question: Was the BSL chosen because it allows 
you to distribute a binary without requiring that you distribute 
the license, unlike MIT and almost all other open source licenses? 
Would it be a problem if you incorporated Apache licensed code, which 
doesn't distinguish between source or binaries in this? You probably 
wouldn't have to actually include the license with the product, only 
in a web site or help file somewhere...
If I put a link on my web site then I'm giving it. I don't have to 
include it, just give it. With BSD and MIT licenses you have to include 
it though.
When you distribute your REBOL program now, you just dump the script 
somewhere, on a web site or in an email or in AltME. To match that 
with Red, you don't want to have to give a licence at all
Pekr: I think the Twitter widget I'm using on my Blogger's site is 
dead, not a single other Twitter plugin for Blogger is working...
well, I have twitter code on my 2zone site, ad it works ....
So you can share the total donation amount (per month, or all), and 
"thanks to those people" text on the web site. Put people to the 
list if they donate even once.

There is something similar on C64 Scene Database: http://noname.c64.org/csdb/donate.php
Of course, I prefer REBOL data, with makedoc being my preferred markup 
format. I don't know if Carl's WIP wiki is worth asking about, or 
another wiki engine or site would not lock us in too much. Some of 
us did some work on a wikimedia interface for R3 docs, which didn't 
get far. And I have a wikidot site we can play with if people want.
One example of a reference that I find very useful is the Clojure 
cheat sheet. The one one clojure.org doesn't have tooltips, but some 
do. The nice thing is that all link to the clojuredocs.org site which 
is a great for crowdsourcing usage examples, including notes, caveats. 
For sure Red should have something similar.


(at) Clojure jafingerhut: To be honest I hate those popup messages. 
You cannot copy anything from them and to keep them in site you are 
required to hover the mouse over the link. Not  what I want if I 
have to type something from its contents in another window.
site = sight
What? The site or the docs?
;-) the site emits too few photons
Well, I try to switch to dark themes to both save powers and my eyes. 

I've provided a switching option to more classical "light" theme 
for the docs, but doing the same for the web site was too much work 
for me, so I've left it with the dark theme only. I will fix that 
once we get a new web site for Red (or if someone skilled enough 
can make the changes, I'll be glad to push them online).
Well, all the existing Red docs are on github, so feel free to add 
PDF generation, I will gladly add them to the web site.
I would wait with the new site until it is possible and realistic 
to do it using Red.
long ago

 I explored a bit into themes for blogger that would give a better 
 fit for Red, but in the end the one chosen by Nenad turned out to 
 be far from the worst choice. (There were nice blue and green themes 
 but 'red' kind of limits the possibiities in that sense) The generated 
 CSS is like any generated webfile: big and bloated. I had no lust 
 in reducing it, spending a lot of time on it.
GrahamC: I will add to the Red web site only links to strictly Red-related 
communication channels. OTOH, I can tweet this link.
There's not so many buttons on Github page ;-) But maybe Doc could 
add above link pointing to latest archive directly to his site, would 
make things for beginners easier. Well, looking at red website I 
now find it also a mistake not having download section ...
Red is certainly not ready for prime time now. What we need now is 
testers and contributors. So just putting a link to source archive 
in a Download section wouldn't help much, as users would have no 
clue what to do with it. Again, there's a "Fork me on Github" button 
on top of all pages on red-lang.org. If users have no clue what Github 
is, then they are probably not ready for contributing. I will add 
a Download section once we have binaries for Red compiler (encapped 
versions of R2 compiler for now).

Once Red gets ready (documented and in beta state), I will open a 
new site that will be fully user-oriented (in contrary to the current 
one which is followers/contributors oriented).

About Red/System: it is meant to be a dialect embedded in Red, however, 
its intrinsic value seems to be high and will be higher as we add 
more feature and optimize it. Maybe it could be a good selling point 
for making some low-level programmers come to Red.  As Red/System 
is much more mature than Red, maybe I should think about opening 
soon a dedicated web site for it (would still need a binary version 
of the compiler)... What do you think?
As for creating R/S specific site - I am not sure, how much time 
it would take to create, but unless we are able to adress devices 
like Arduino, Android devices, BeagleBoard(Bone), RaspberryPi, I 
would postpone such a solution imo ....
that for normal user, in order to just give some tool a try, such 
user should use systems like Fossil or Git?

That's precisely my point, it's not ready yet for "normal users". 
That's what I mean with not ready for prime time.

I really don't  want to have to maintain two copies of the same instruction 
page on both red-lang.org and github site, just because of people 
passing by and not curious enough to click on the very visible "Fork 
me on github" red banner.
I think I will add a big "Language Under Construction" yellow banner 
on top the red-lang.org site, like in the web 1.0 era. ;-)
Pekr: the right link for the step-by-step instruction is https://github.com/dockimbel/Red/

That's Red home page on Github, the README.md is automatically rendered 
on that page....one-click away from the  main site.
It's a web proxy, you can surf the site from there.
If I go to syllable.org in the emulator, our site flashes by and 
then that screen goes blank, too, so that emulator is broken, too
All these logos are missing some pegs. Could be a real cool way of 
depicting progress. All of the tower starting at the left (REBOL) 
site and ending as a full tower on the right Red site. We are now 
somewhere with the top two layers on the second pin. (Only to find 
out we moved the complete tower to the middle pin.)

Great progress Doc
Doc, it was for Try Rebol site, not my own one attempts to test ...
7000 hits so far on red-lang.org since the new blog entry. The Reddit 
wave has been the biggest I've seen since the site is online. We'll 
need to particulary target Reddit for future Red communication (the 
current one happened by accident, but it's still instructive).
Some antivirus programs gives false alarm for compiled executables, 
so I think its better to not spread this site too much, people can 
think that it downloads viruses.
It's low maintemance - more a badge of recognition for the time being 
but since Doc updates the red-lang.lorg site may just as well put 
those posts in the linked group also.
Group: Announce ... Announcements only - use Ann-reply to chat [web-public]
Look also at this page: http://www.maxvessi.net/rebsite/wr/if 
 your site is about Rebol and isn't the list on the left, please 
send me your link; if you know some site about Rebol and it isn't 
in the list, please send me a link.
I have put my example script for CGI forms with validation and refilling 
previously filled fields online on the rebol.org site. http://www.rebol.org/view-script.r?script=cgi-form-val-example.r
Maybe somebody with more (CGI security) expertise can look at it 
and comment on safety issues please.

I have reworked the whole site. You can download the latest R3 releases 
with graphics engine for windows for now. Further our latest R3-GUI 
release is available too.

The site contains a bounty shop as well, if you want to support / 
donate to some of our efforts. All things we will work on are listed.

Stay tuned, more to come over the next weeks.
We have updated our web-site http://development.saphirion.comto 
now include documentation from our SVN. The documentation is written 
in MDP format, dynamically read from the SVN (so you always get the 
latest version), and converted to HTML for inclusion on the page.
Rebol3 is dead, long live to Rebol3Bazaar

I've been quiet for a long while, and this blog is not easy for me 
to write.

I'm sitting here with a glass of 2013 Ferrarelle mineral water of 
the glass bottle... hoping to be inspired on how to write this...
No, bad introduction...

You know that Rebol is a fantastic programming language, but its 
development was discontinued and bad supported. A lot of people when 
encounter Rebol falls in love for its simplicity, a blend of theory, 
experimentation, and invention, the language embodies elegant and 
wonderful concepts and properties. It was and is the most productive 
language I've ever used. I hope your experience has been similar.

Unfortunately a lot of bad events are leading Rebol to a no through 

- no direction of the new Rebol3
- no a central site open for discussion
- no updates on Rebol 3 source (well, just one every month)
- to many sites about Rebol and with no updates from years

These and other reasons forced me to create http://rebol.informe.com/portal.html
a public forum, with a public wiki and a blog, where everybody can 
contribute. The result is just 17 users, this means that Rebol is 
dying; the cathedral way of Rebol 3  development is not working.

So I'm forced by my love for Rebol to create a new GitHub repository: 
Rebol 3 Bazaar, it's a Rebol 3 source, with graphic working (VID, 
but just on windows at the moment); I promise you:

- pull requests and issues discussed and merged in 24 hours (or max 
a week)
- open to add people to its organiziation
- always update!
- link:  https://github.com/angerangel/r3bazaar

If you like to contribute write me, use GitHub or Rebol portal; you 
don't need to be a programmer, think about a new logo, contribute 
the wiki.

If you know REBOLers who might be interested in this discussion, 
please let them know about this blog posting. I look forward to hearing 
from you,
I updated our Redsite for the latest Red features, specifically runtime 
function creation in the interpreter (which executes the Redpages):


I added a simple IDE example to the list of apps:


It's a cross between the standalone GTK-IDE example and Try REBOL; 
basically Try Red written in Red itself. There are two main areas: 
one for editing your code and one for showing the result. Since it 
runs on your computer, unlike Try REBOL, it keeps state between execution 
of code snippets.

To browse the site and the apps you need the latest binary version 
of the GTK-browser. See above.
I've added a Red interpreter to the Try REBOL site:


Also reorganised many outdated REBOL links. The Red functionality 
is also available on StackOverflow through Graham's bot.
I updated the Try REBOL site to the latest red-core:


I've moved the About button behind the Red button, as this function 
is now executed in Red by default.

Also fixed several bugs in the site. Thanks to Graham for reporting.
http://www.nlpp.ch/	English web-site for our main product we do with 
R2. Feel free to spread the word.

We are going to push some of our stuff to Github. This is intended 
so that peple from the community can use and enhance our stuff and 
submit pull-requests to us. Those pull-requests will be reviewed 
by the Saphirion team, and if accepted, the changes are merged into 
our main line. So, it will be included in our next offical release 
and published via our web-site.
The first thing we start with will be a bunch of documentation files. 
All written in MDP format. These are the files, from which the documentations 
on our web-site are dynamically generated from.
I'm happy to announce that we reached a major milestone and can release 
a bunch of new things. All the different versions have been merged 
into one code base which makes things easier for us. This was possible 
because the new 'retargetable' graphics subsystem was finished. This 
allows us to port R3 to other platforms much easier. Next target 
Linux. The release in detail:

R3-GUI: Quite a lot of fixes and enhancements. Thanks for all the 
feedback. The main milestone we achieved was to switch to a resolution 
independent sizing system. This will scale your app widgets to look 
the same on different display densities. It's a must have for mobile 
apps. Next for R3-GUI is to create a simple mobile style set. Fruther, 
we are going to push the source code to GitHub. We need to setup 
a bridge to our internal SVN repository, so expect some back and 
forth on Github before we are stable.	Anway feel free to help making 
R3-GUI better and better.

Android: This release is now mostly the same as the windows release. 
So, yes, it's now possible to do R3-GUI apps on Android. I'm going 
to try to run Treemapper on it. Type DEMO to see the new R3-GUI version 
and widget scaling feature. Post as much screenshots / pictures of 
your phone as you can :-)

R3/Saphir: New version for windows with bug-fixes are released as 
well. Please see the change-log on our web-site for details.

Thanks to all the team for the great work! I really think we are 
close to have a very good and stable base with R3 and R3-GUI. Looking 
forward to see more and more people joining and becoming part of 

http://development.saphirion.com			(Change Logs, Downloads, etc.)
http://development.saphirion.com/experimental	(Android)
https://github.com/organizations/saphirion		(Documentations)
Group: Ann-Reply ... Reply to Announce group [web-public]
Thanks Peter. I will report the selling status. We should also watch 
the RT web site PageViewNumber from China since next month  http://www4.clustrmaps.com/zh/counter/maps.php?url=http://www.rebol.com
It is common to use this FAQ entry as a way to make GPL extensions 
that wrap proprietary components: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#WindowsRuntimeAndGPL

Developers commonly put links on their web site to the vendor's web 
site to download the DLL. However, it's iffy with GPL2 because the 
actual exception is worded like this:

However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need 
not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source 
or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and 
so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless 
that component itself accompanies the executable.

Read literally, it would exclude runtime libraries that aren't bundled 
with the OS. It's more unambiguously OK with GPL3.
In most cases, the name of the binding tells you which library you 
need. Then find the official site, the official download for your 
system and see if you need any dependencies
On the site from Chriss Ross-Gill there is a way to make one bundle
Good job with the prebuild site
Yes, Andreas, very nice looking site. And thanks too to Saphirion 
for the build farm.
Andreas, thanks for doing the rebolsource.net site. It is quite convenient.
The listing on the Red site is incomplete:
In my humble opinion there is an immense wall between users and developers, 
that is not the open source way. Altme is inaccessible to most user, 
nobody know it and the procedure to register is hidden somewhere 
and too complicated; here we have no more than 50 readers. Rebol.com 
site seems a dead site. Curecode seems a secret society (it's impossible 
to reach if don't know the correct link, who is  working on it?). 
 Stack overflow is the only way at the moment users have to discover 
somenthing about Rebol, but it's not the appropriate site. We cold 
multiply 1000 times users with a good support.  Rebol must be more 
partecipative, but I don't see around anything about it.  Everytime 
I write a post about Rebol, I feel like an archaeologist with a dead 
language. Searching information about Rebol is a huge quest.
What did you do for Rebol? What can you do now for Rebol?

Do you want to build an open working infrastructure or you want remain 
sat on your chair looking Rebol going in ruin?

We have finally Rebol and Rebol VID source working, now we have to 
attract developers from all around the world.

I''m not starting a new Rebol, just making attractive for normal 
people, the bones and muscles of every good open source project.
Regarding the "portal", I fear I have to agree with sqlab so far. 
The approach of just wholesale copying in or duplicating information 
from other primary sources strikes me as particularly bad. 

For example:

This just copies over the "REBOL Programming" wikibook:

However, it does so, without _any_ attribution at all, giving people 
no hint where as to the primary source for that information. Second, 
it is a one-off import which is not being kept up to date, so really 
just muddies the information out there. For example, Ladislav recently 
updated the "mold" article [1], but where is that reflected in the 

[1] http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/REBOL_Programming/mold

I strongly suggest that this wholesale importing of other information 
is stopped or maybe even undone. Otherwise you'll just create more 
stale information. Just a link to to the primary sources really is 
the better approach.

If you want this site to take off, create _new_ information; this 
way, you'll actually _add_ value.
Max, no need, we're already on it. For someone making a community 
site, you seem to have done so by fiat without consulting the community 
About the "painful" part, I would like to provide ready-made Red 
consoles for each platforms. If Andreas (or anyone else) could make 
a redsource site as he did for R3, providing automatic builds, that 
would be great.
Group: Rebol School ... REBOL School [web-public]
Thank you all for addressing my concerns and for your answers about 
my first coding question.

Ahh.. rejoin. Reading up on it makes me better understand how some 
things are to be done in Rebol.

 Continuing to the final goal...

I have to extract an email address from a GET transfer. The methoed 
of sending the info to me is completely out of my control. An email 
address will be entered into a form on a website not controled by 
me. GET methoed will send the data to my script. The people who created 
the form on the external site advised that they label the email address 
as "trnEmailAddress".

 So now I want to see if I am correct in thinking how to extract and 
 use the email address. Will using the decode a cgi form command (I 
 know they are not commands in the tradiational sense)  work. How 
 does it work, does it create variables out of the GET (or Post when 
 using Post, but I am forced to recieve the info via GET) stream?

The GET stream in my case will include "&trnEmailAddress=person%40example%2Ecom. 
So can I do this?

decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string

send trnEmailAddress "Thank you. Rest of message." 

Thanks for your help.
Hi Chris! Thank you. I consulted this site also. But there is better 
news to this! In stead of the words on and of you have to use the 
words true and false and the problems are solved! Didn't even have 
to initialize the /data fields between creating the layout and calling 
it in action with view.

Not documented but stil possible. (Like it is also undocumented on 
the REBOL site that you can have a checkbox followed by an action 
block.And this is also possible on text-labels making them clickable 
and have an mouse-over effect.)
Today I experimented with calling a REBOL script from my php script. 
Thanks to previous contributions of a.o. Ralph Roberts of abooks.com 
from 1999(!) and an entry on the PHP site I found out how to do this 
on my apache driven site.

It was not quite as straightforward as Robert said like: include 
Nor was it as simple as: system("rebolnow.r 2>&1", $myout);
echo $myout;

But it worked when I called out for the REBOL program first. Both 
two of the next examples worked for me:
system("/path/to/cgi-bin/rebol -c %rebolnow.r 2>&1", $myout);
echo $myout;
AND secondly
echo system("/path/to/cgi-bin/rebol -c %rebolnow.r");

The REBOL script must be in the same dir as your PHP script (Not 
in your cgi-bin directory)(I didn't test sub dirs and other dirs 
but I suppose they work like usual)
The script does not need the #!/path/to/rebol line at the top.
The script should not print http-headers and

When printing stuff the last line should read print "" because the 
last printed line will be repeated.

Hope this helps more people to switch from php scripting to REBOL 
scripting for their websites.
The chess program I want to make give the moves of a piece like on 
the shredder site http://www.shredderchess.com/daily-chess-puzzle.html
and it will have a minimal validation routine so my kids (and me 
too) can beat the machine.
(I got the images from this site now I mention it here)
Look at my Try REBOL site for a simple AJAX example
not be pedantic, but i linked to that for the opening two sentences:

In computer science, a tail call is a subroutine call that happens 
inside another procedure as its final action; it may produce a return 
value which is then immediately returned by the calling procedure. 
The call site is then said to be in tail position, i.e. at the end 
of the calling procedure.
yeah - thanks Endo

that works great for well formed html docs - but this site is an 
absolute nightmare!
Group: Databases ... group to discuss various database issues and drivers [web-public]
OpenDBX: Where are the REBOL drivers? The link on their site doesn't 
Back in 2001 I created an intranet site for a local celebrity by 
making the database tables, then having R2 use the 'columns command 
to generate column lists that were used to autogenerate the server-side 
pages for the intranet. All it took was one function call per table 
to generate the whole site. Restyling the site just meant editing 
the HTML template in the function (this was before CSS was practical).
I have the database on my host/provider's site, maybe that is only 
accepting requests by scripts on it's own local address. Could be.

The % parameter? I have http://softinnov.org/rebol/mysql-usage.html#sect12.
for my documentation.
Create 2 files. Call the first one e.g. cgi-test.html, and upload 
it to your server. The only thing you have to change is the link 
to your .cgi script in there:

<TITLE>Simple Web Form</TITLE>
<b>Simple Web Form</b><p>
<FORM ACTION="http://www.xidys.com/cgi-bin/cgi-test.cgi">

Create a second file, called cgi-test.cgi (it has to align to how 
you name it in the above source file). Upload it to your cgi working 
directory. Remember to change the first line to contain the path, 
where your REBOL executable is placed:

#!/usr/local/bin/rebcmd -sqc


print join "Content-type: text/plain" newline
start: now/time/precise

submitted: decode-cgi read-cgi
values: construct submitted

prin "Submitted: " print mold submitted
prin "values: " print mold values
prin "values/field: " print mold values/field

print now/time/precise - start
print newline

Now go to your URL, and try to submit some values. You can test it 
on my site at: http://www.xidys.com/cgi-test.html
Group: !Syllable ... Syllable free operating system family [web-public]
Putting it on a Windows site where you need to log in would offend 
a large part of our audience
Group: Web ... Anything related to the WWW [web-public]
End user X downloads Y's app/uses Y's web site; X tries to access 
a function that uses your site; Y requests a temp key from you; Y 
directs X to your site with temp key, X says Y is OK, you give X 
a PIN; X goes back to Y, enters PIN; Y requests the permanent key 
from you.  Y can now do anything on your site on behalf of X.
It's a web system currently, but it's prepared to support other platforms. 
My Try REBOL site is made with it
(from #Red) - Arnold, which version of Make Doc are you using? I've 
many iterations of MD that I've hacked away at over the years, perhaps 
I'll have something that will be easier to hack?  Most recent version 
I put together for the 'Notes For the Road' site, has some nice features 
- currently hacking at it again for a more ambitious QM project...
do http://reb4.me/r/oauth


probe-lowercase: func [str [string!]][
    lowercase copy str

read [
    scheme: 'oauth
    target: 'get
    url: test-site
    user-data: context [a: "Foo"] ; params
    key: make key [
        consumer-key: consumer-secret: "Your Keys Here"
    user: make user [token: secret: "Your User Keys Here"]
    awake: :probe-lowercase ; result processor, like :load-json
(obviously you'll need to change the test-site to your own test service)
Evgeniy Philippov:
To start some new discussions, 1) I like Squeak/Pharo Smalltalk's 
AIDA/Seaside systems. Hope to to practice them in realworld soon 
(creating a community site)... 2) I'm coding a new Oberon system 
 which will be able to do one of the following at once: a) interpret 
oberon b) translate oberon to x86 machine code c) translate oberon 
to javascript. This is a very long-term project, but I get excellent 
support from the oberoncore.ru community, and am actually making 
good progress. Current oberon project status is c++ sourcecode-based 
ssystem interprets oberon, interpreter has many temporary stubs.
Group: #Red Docs ... How should Red be documented [web-public]
the Scala doc site seems pretty decent, as well: http://docs.scala-lang.org
Are you also thinking of serving the docs site(s) from github pages 
as well?

For now, I would just link the docs from red-lang.org and host them 
on static.red-lang.org which points to my own server.

In a few months, when bootstrapped Red will be complete, I would 
like to move all to a new, more appealing web site. I might use a 
github repo for managing the static parts of the web site. I would 
also move the blog to WordPress or anything else than Blogger.
Don't know if you know http://learnyousomeerlang.com/and where it 
was derived from http://learnyouahaskell.com/that kind of a site 
would be cool for REBOL/Red.
Group: !REBOL3 ... General discussion about REBOL 3 [web-public]
Is the r3-gui available on the Saphirion site download section the 
most recent version? It's from March this year, and I seem to remember 
some activity on it after that point.
r3-gui is available. It's not the latest release but works. We are 
going to update it. I need to fix the web-site project as it's currently 
with an additional lightweight scheme for user/authentication on 
the rebol site and the zmq workhorse lives on the C side, with all 
it's advantages (speed/thread).
Well, I usually use POST to collect a token to allow me to proceed 
on the site
For a developer, the intent is far clearer.

	read/custom http://google.com[q "Gordon Strachan"]

 write http://my-site.com[title "A Blog Post" content "Today I..."]
Oldes, I believe emails are scrubbed by the script that uploads these 
feeds to the rebol.org site
Has anyone had any contact with Steven Solie about the Amiga R3 build? 
 I see from his site http://solie.ca/that in 2010/11/23 he had R3-GUI 
up and running.
Subscriptions work only at the district level.  That is a long difficult 
sales cycle and you need to get a 5 year commitment.  Sales of a 
product works at the classroom and school site level.
Group: Community ... discussion about Rebol/Rebol-related communities [web-public]
This is a periodic posting of community links along with activity 
levels for discussion dedicated to Rebol and Rebol-like languages. 
The intent is to bring a dispersed community together by providing 
the current list of places where the community gathers along with 
reasonably accurate activity indicators for each place. This list 
will be posted in each location weekly or bi-weekly so that anyone 
dropping by will not have to look far in order to learn where else 
things are happening.

Currently the activity stats are gathered manually and postings are 
also not automated. This will hopefully change as the requisite scripts 
to scrape and post automatically are developed. This updated list 
will eventually be available at http://rebol.comas the site is cleaned 
up post Rebol open sourcing. 

# Chats

## R3 Chat

This is the primary forum for Rebol 3.0. It runs from any Rebol console 
in a text mode, but a GUI version is planned.
- Run R3, type chat and follow the instructions (all platforms.)

- Type "help" for more information or visit R3 DevBase Chat Forum 

- To view public messages from any web browser go to RebDev mobile/phone 
interface (http://www.rebol.net/cgi-bin/rebdev-web.r).

- Problems? Please contact Rebol Technologies at (http://www.rebol.com/cgi-bin/feedback/post2.r).
Activity: 4 messages this month

## Rebol chat on Stack Overflow (http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/291/rebol)

- Note that you will need a reputation of 20 in order to be able 
to post in the chat. 

- You can gain this minimal reputation (essentially a spam filter) 
by participating in the Stack Overflow group of sites. 
Activity: 380 messages this week

## AltME Worlds

A private instant messaging system where rebolers hang out 24/7. 
The current world dedicated to Rebol and Rebol-like language discussion 
is called REBOL4
- Get client at http://www.altme.com/download.html
- connect to the 'rebol-gate' world with user/pass, guest/guest
- request account on REBOL4 world in the REBOL4 request group

Web archives of public groups, first to last in the most active world, 
REBOL4, as well as the dormant world, REBOL3:
REBOL4 (http://www.rebol.org/aga-groups-index.r?world=r4wp)
Activity: 286 posts last 6 days
REBOL3 (http://www.rebol.org/aga-groups-index.r?world=r3wp)

# Forums

## Rebol Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/groups/rebol)
A new special interest group for Facebook users.
Activity: 26 messages this month

## Rebol Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/100845931109002755204)
Activity: 4 messages this month

## Rebol Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/rebol)
Activity: 43 messages this month

## Synapse EHR Rebol Forum (http://synapse-ehr.com/community/forums/rebol.5)
A web-based forum for R2 and R3, provided by Synapse EHR
Activity: 13 messages this month

## RebelBB France (http://www.digicamsoft.com/cgi-bin/rebelBB.cgi)
A simple forum, written in Rebol, for French speakers.
Activity: 140 messages this month

## Nick's Rebol Forum (http://rebolforum.com/index.cgi)

A micro-forum (just a few lines of Rebol) hosted by Nick Antonaccio. 
(Note: the captcha question is first.)
Activity: 79 messages this month

# Q&A (Question & Answer)

## Stack Overflow questions on Rebol
Activity: 219 questions tagged
Activity: 2 questions tagged
Thanks for the additions, Andreas. It was my intent to have this 
in Markdown or something like it to have it be easily posted to any 
web site that could accept such content.
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