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remove-emails-cgi.rREBOL [
title: "Remove Unwanted Emails CGI"
date: 10-Aug-2010
file: %remove-emails-cgi.r
author: Nick Antonaccio
purpose: {
Remove any emails from your POP account which contain specified
snippets of text.
#! /home/path/public_html/rebol/rebol -cs
REBOL [title: "CGI Remove Unwanted Emails"]
print "content-type: text/html^/"
print [<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>"Remove Emails"</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>]
spam: [
{Failure} {Undeliverable} {failed} {Returned Mail} {not be delivered}
{mail status notification} {Mail Delivery Subsystem} {(Delay)}
print "logging in..."
mail: open pop://user:%pass--site--com
print "logged in"
while [not tail? mail] [
either any [
(find first mail spam/1) (find first mail spam/2)
(find first mail spam/3) (find first mail spam/4)
(find first mail spam/5) (find first mail spam/6)
(find first mail spam/7) (find first mail spam/8)
remove mail
print "removed"
mail: next mail
print length? mail
close mail
print [</BODY></HTML>]
quit Notes