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Text Size Check
text-size.r501 bytes
13 Mar 2003
Compare text font sizes
author: [unknown]
Text to HTML Converter
2.4 KB
6 May 2003
A useful doc formatting language. Converts text to HTML with titles, sections, sub-sections, and code. Is used to create all REBOL How-to documents.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Resizeable Table/Grid/Multi-column List Widget Example
table-grid-list.r14.3 KB
13 Jul 2011
One of the greatest things about REBOL/View is the built in GUI dialect ("VID"). It's great for building simple GUI layouts quickly and easily, but the native list widget can be confusing for newcomers. THIS EXAMPLE IS A FULL FEATURED TABLE/GRID/LIST WIDGET FOR VID GUIs. KEYS: INSERT DELETE ARROWS PAGE UP/DOWN - + [...]
author: nick
Text-List Cover Up
164 bytes
27 Oct 2008
[no purpose header found]
author: r.v.d.zee
Textile Parser
16.2 KB
16 Jun 2006
Transforms Textile-formatted text into HTML
author: Brian Wisti
textris.r8.2 KB
29 Jun 2008
The game of Tetris, in text mode. Taken from the tutorial at
author: nick antonaccio
TextureLab - Texture generator
25.6 KB
31 Oct 2006
Generate mathematical textures
author: ReBolek
TFACE: Scrolling text face
tface.r16.9 KB
3 Nov 2011
This is a module that can be included in a larger program with the command 'do %tface.r' and it will provide a function (TFACE-SHOW-TEXT <text-string-parameter>' that will display a passed text string in a scrolling window. This code was copied from the REBOL cookbook and annotated so that the copier could understand it.
author: Steven White with help from Carl
3.7 KB
15 Nov 2007
get file from tftp daemon, could be modified as scheme, needs perfection on write to disk!
author: ND
Threads Demo
4.2 KB
5 Jan 2005
show multithreading with rebol (all versions)
author: François Jouen
Throbbing Button
1.0 KB
6 May 2003
To demonstrate a button that screams CLICK ME!! Updated from June 2000 version.
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
tj-map.r2.8 KB
18 Jan 2007
Applying a function to items in a list
author: andrew martin
Thumbnail Maker
thumbnail-maker.r4.3 KB
14 Sep 2009
Create image preview sheets from a list of files. Used to make the introductory image at
author: nick
Tic Tac Toe
4.2 KB
6 May 2003
No known purpose.
author: Ryan S. Cole
Tic Tac Toe
tic-tac-toe.r766 bytes
25 Mar 2018
A 5 minute response to:
author: [unknown]
Tile Game
1.7 KB
2 Feb 2006
Classic tile sliding game in less than a page of code.
author: Sterling Newton
2.1 KB
20 Nov 2005
This script is a demonstration of an analog clock & of a clock movement.
author: R. v.d.Zee
Secret Message
toggle.r340 bytes
6 Feb 2010
author: jameyson
Time Clock
time-clock.r5.2 KB
16 Jan 2011
Used to log hours worked by employees. To help eliminate potential falsified hours, the program takes a photo of the employee each time they clock in and clock out, and sets the system clock using Ladislav Mercir's nist-clock.r This code is provided as-is, with no warranty expressed or implied. Use it at your own risk. This [...]
author: nick
3.6 KB
11 Sep 2010
show how to build a simple tree list
author: Marco Antoniazzi derived from Didier CADIEU