Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Time Clock" date: 16-Jan-2011 file: %time-clock.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { Used to log hours worked by employees. To help eliminate potential falsified hours, the program takes a photo of the employee each time they clock in and clock out, and sets the system clock using Ladislav Mercir's nist-clock.r This code is provided as-is, with no warranty expressed or implied. Use it at your own risk. This script can also be found in the examples at } ] do decompress #{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} ; Ladislav Mecir's nistclock.r make-dir img-dir: %./clock_photos/ unless exists? %employees [ write %employees {"Nick Antonaccio" "(Add New...)"} ] cur-employee: copy "" avicap32.dll: load/library %avicap32.dll user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll find-window-by-class: make routine! [ ClassName [string!] WindowName [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "FindWindowA" sendmessage: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" sendmessage-file: make routine! [ hWnd [integer!] val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [string!] return: [integer!] ] user32.dll "SendMessageA" cap: make routine! [ cap [string!] child-val1 [integer!] val2 [integer!] val3 [integer!] width [integer!] height [integer!] handle [integer!] val4 [integer!] return: [integer!] ] avicap32.dll "capCreateCaptureWindowA" log-it: func [inout] [ if ((cur-employee = "") or (cur-employee = "(Add New...)")) [ alert "You must select your name." return ] if set-system-time nist-corrected-time [nist-correction: 0:0] cur-time: now record: rejoin [ newline {[} mold cur-employee { "} mold cur-time {" "} inout { "]} ] either true = request/confirm rejoin [ record " -- IS YOUR NAME AND THE TIME CORRECT?" ] [ write/append %time_sheet.txt record alert rejoin [ uppercase copy cur-employee ", YOU ARE " inout "." ] ] [ alert "CANCELED." return ] time-filename: copy replace/all copy to-string cur-time "/" "_" time-filename: copy replace/all copy time-filename ":" "+" img-file: rejoin [ img-dir (replace/all copy cur-employee " " "_") "_" time-filename "_" next find inout " " ".bmp" ] sendmessage cap-result 1085 0 0 sendmessage-file cap-result 1049 0 img-file call %scrshot.bmp ] view/new center-face layout/tight [ image 320x240 tl1: text-list 320x200 data sort load %employees [ cur-employee: value if cur-employee = "(Add New...)" [ write/append %employees mold trim request-text/title "Name:" tl1/data: sort load %employees show tl1 ] ] key #"^~" [ del-emp: copy to-string tl1/picked temp-emp: sort load %employees if true = request/confirm rejoin ["REMOVE " del-emp "?"] [ new-list: head remove/part find temp-emp del-emp 1 save %employees new-list tl1/data: sort load %employees show tl1 alert rejoin [del-emp " removed."] ] ] across btn "Clock In" [log-it "CLOCKED IN"] btn "Clock Out" [log-it "CLOCKED OUT"] btn "EXIT" [ sendmessage cap-result 1205 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1035 0 0 free user32.dll quit ] ] hwnd: find-window-by-class "REBOLWind" 0 cap-result: cap "cap" 1342177280 0 0 320 240 hwnd 0 sendmessage cap-result 1034 0 0 sendmessage cap-result 1077 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1075 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1074 1 0 sendmessage cap-result 1076 1 0 do-events
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage