Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ File: %the-blue-clock.r Date: 22-Nov-2005 Title: "Time" Version: 1.0.0 Author: "R. v.d.Zee" Purpose: {This script is a demonstration of an analog clock & of a clock movement.} Notes: {This script requires View 1.3} History: [1.0.0 [22-Nov-2005 "First Version"] ] Library: [ level: intermediate platform: 'all type: [demo tool] domain: [sdk GUI] tested-under: [view on [WinXP] ] support: none license: none see-also: %analog-clock.r ] ] minuteHandRadius: 93 hourHandRadius: 75 center: 110x110 minuteHandPosition: 0x0 hourHandPosition: 0x0 clockWorks: [ currentTime: now/time theMinute: currentTime/2 minuteHandTravel: theMinute * 6 ; 1 minute is 6 degrees minuteHandAngle: 90 - minuteHandTravel ; from the required angle of the right triangle minuteHandPosition/1: center/1 + ( (cosine minuteHandAngle) * minuteHandRadius) minuteHandPosition/2: center/2 - ( (sine minuteHandAngle) * minuteHandRadius) theHour: currentTime/1 if theHour > 12 [theHour: theHour - 12] hourHandTravel: theHour * (30) + ( (theMinute / 60) * 30 ) hourHandAngle: 90 - hourHandTravel hourHandPosition/1: center/1 + ( (cosine hourHandAngle) * hourHandRadius) hourHandPosition/2: center/2 - ( (sine hourHandAngle) * hourHandRadius) ] clockFace: copy (make block! 40 []) ; vectorial text improved over "copy []" bold20: make face/font [style: size: 20] append clockFace compose [ pen navy line-width 5 fill-pen 40.40.168 circle center 100 line center minuteHandPosition line center hourHandPosition circle center 3 font bold20 pen green line-width 1 text vectorial "12" 98x15 text vectorial "3" 195x96 text vectorial "6" 103x180 text vectorial "9" 17x97 ] k: layout [ size 220x220 clock: origin 0x0 box black 220x220 effect reduce ['draw clockFace] rate 0:01:00 feel [ engage: func [face act evt] [ do clockWorks show face ] ] ] do clockWorks view k
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage