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natural-numbers-sum.rREBOL [
File: %natural-numbers-sum.r
Date: 26-9-2014
Title: "Natural numbers sum"
Purpose: {
Sums all the natural numbers up to
a given input.
Uses the equality:
1 + 2 + 3 +... + n = n*(n+1)/2
to avoid looping.
Author: "Caridorc"
library: [
level: 'beginner
platform: 'all
type: [tutorial tool]
domain: [math]
tested-under: "Windows"
support: riki100024 AT gmail DOT com
license: {CC 3.0 Attribution only}
see-also: none
view layout [
button "Sum of all the natural numbers up to " 400x30 font-size 20 [alert to-string ((to-integer a/text) * ((to-integer a/text) + 1) / 2)]
a: field font-size 20 200x30
] |