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tag index: d · domain

36 scripts tagged as: [domain  ·  user-interface]

Altme chat reader/exporter
23.2 KB
19 May 2016
Display or export to html the content of an Altme chat group. Can be used in interractif or command-line mode. For usage, run the script with -? argument : "rebol.exe -s altme-chat-reader.r -?"
author: [unknown]
VID Button Set
button.r2.4 KB
8 Mar 2009
A simple VID Button set. Includes Ok, Cancel, Toggle and Choice
author: Ammon Johnson
Software engineering: design by contract
5.7 KB
6 May 2003
Facilitates design by contract
author: Maarten Koopmans
1.2 KB
25 Aug 2004
convert Francs vs Euros
author: Philippe Le Goff
Desktop Shifter
12.3 KB
18 Oct 2013
To change the desktop wallpaper at specified intervals. There's a modifiable default time that a wallpaper will stay before switching. Each wallpaper has separate settings for: *Stretched versus Centered *Solid color versus Top/Bottom Gradient versus Left/Right gradient background *The two colors that can be chosen *A [...]
author: [unknown]
5.5 KB
18 Jul 2007
Return formatted date string using strftime style format specifiers
author: Christopher Ross-Gill
Geek Within Automated Helper
geekwithin.r1.8 KB
15 Jun 2004
Defines a helpful assistant (unlike Microsoft's) that actually shows where to click to perform a set of instructions Meant to be plugged-in to existing Rebol/View applications
author: Bohdan Lechnowsky
GLayout demo
22.4 KB
10 Jul 2009
Demonstration of GLayout's features and capabilities.
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
1.8 KB
6 Aug 2010
Add to index.r all the files and directory of the current directory
author: Massimiliano Vessi
Library data services
655 bytes
13 Aug 2004
Provides the client end of the Library Data Services interface
author: Sunanda
Native Mac OS X requestors
mac-requestors.r4.8 KB
28 Jun 2009
A set of eight Mac OS X native requestors that approximate and extend the functionality of the REBOL request* functions.
author: Ashley G Truter
Menu-System Demo
35.7 KB
12 Jun 2005
Demostration of features of menu-system.r
author: Christian Ensel
88.4 KB
12 Jun 2005
Easy to use VID compatible REBOL menu system (early Beta). Have menus in your REBOL apps, finally.
author: Christian Ensel
Mini Synthesizer
65.0 KB
22 Sep 2005
Multi-purpose music program with the following features: 1) a 24-key (2-octave range includes middle C to B) keyboard/synthesizer with visual and audio output 2) for most basic chords in any given key, outputs the sound of that chord, the formal musical notation, and the corresponding keyboard keys 3) plays Twinkle Twinkle...
author: Ayrris Aunario
Presenting Text In Columns
4.5 KB
22 Jul 2006
The script hi-lights a method of presenting text in columns.
author: r.v.d.Zee
Progress Bar With Read-thru
4.4 KB
18 May 2006
Progress Bar With Read-thru was written to provide a simple progress bar script to the REBOL library. When using REBOL's internal read-thru function, only 5 lines are required to update a progress bar - see note 2. Read-thru is used to download a file to the disk cache - and to provide the data to move the progress bar. The method used to retrieve the downloaded [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
2.9 KB
25 Aug 2004
the day of year
author: Philippe Le Goff
runner.r4.5 KB
18 Oct 2013
Run rebol scripts or open websites at certain time intervals. For example, I use it with an email-checking script and a few others I just felt like compressing it to save some space - I use floppy disks a lot. do this in the console to get the source: write %RunnerDecomp.txt decompress pick (load %Runner.r) 3
author: Izkata
Space Game
262.4 KB
13 Oct 2005
A space shooting game. Objective: Using your cannon, destroy meteors to avoid colliding with them and earn points Controls (keyboard): To shoot, press SPACE key. To rotate your cannon and aim, use the RIGHT and LEFT keys
author: Ayrris Aunario
12.5 KB
27 Mar 2005
A spellchecked area
author: Volker Nitsch
steel library modules (in slim format)
638 bytes
28 Apr 2004
A package which includes all the lastest steel slim modules
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Sticky Notes
10.4 KB
18 Sep 2009
Simple but useful sticky note application. Click on New to create new note item. Use icons on note items to edit, delete & resize the item. Click on an item to move, hold CTRL to align. All notes will be saved (compressed) under %notes.dat when you click on Save or Quit.
author: Endo
10.8 KB
21 Dec 2011
icon for supercalculator.rScientific calculator in Rebol!
author: Massimiliano Vessi
27.7 KB
4 Mar 2006
Time-line VID style for use in time-table editing using AGG.
author: Christian Ensel
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