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presenting-text-in-columns.rREBOL [
Title: "Presenting Text In Columns"
Date: 24-Jul-2006
Version: 1.1.0
File: %presenting-text-in-columns.r
Author: "r.v.d.Zee"
Purpose: {The script hi-lights a method of presenting text in columns.}
Notes: {Much of this script is derived from:
Title: "REBOL/Services Guestbook Demo"
Author: "Gabriele Santilli"
Version: 1.1.1
library: [
level: 'beginner
platform: 'all
type: [reference tool tutorial]
domain: [text text-processing user-interface]
tested-under: linux
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
introduction: {
There are two layouts. The text-layout is shown in the text-panel pane.
The width of the text fields determines the width of the columns.
1. Start a new layout with a new block
- text-layout: []
2. Add initial layout attributes
- append clear text-layout [backcolor coffee origin 0x0 across space 0x0]
(clear is used to renew the layout if needed)
3. Add text with attributes style, width, orientation, font-size, color and source
- forskip sampleData 3 [
append text-layout compose [
row: box 520x26 (row-color)
origin row/offset
text bold 120 font-size 16 ( sampleData/1)
text as-is 150 right font-size 17 blue (form sampleData/2)
text as-is 180 right font-size 16 purple (form sampleData/3) return
box 520x1 green return
reverse row-colors ;a mechanism for alternating the color
row-color: first row-colors
row-colors: [tan teal]
row-color: first row-colors
text-layout: []
sampleData: [
"Kabol" "647,500" "29,929,000"
"Tirane" "28,748" "3,563,100"
"El Djazair" "2,381,740" "32,531,900"
"Pago Pago" "199" "57,880"
"Luanda " "1,246,700" "11,190,800"
"The Valley" "102" "13,250"
"Saint John's" "443" "68,720"
"Buenos Aires" "2,766,890" "39,537,900"
"Jerevan" "29,800" "2,982,900"
"Oranjestad" "193" "71,570"
"Canberra" "7,686,850" "20,090,400"
"Wien" "83,858" "8,184,700"
"Baki" "86,600" "7,912,000"
"Nassau" "13,940" "301,800"
"Al-Man mah" "665" "688,300"
"Dhaka" "144,000" "144,319,600"
"Bridgetown" "431" "279,300"
"Minsk" "207,600" "10,300,500"
"Bruxelles" "30,510" "10,364,400"
"Belmopan" "22,966" "279,500"
"Porto-Novo" "112,620" "7,460,000"
; population data from
main-layout: layout [
backcolor water
space 0x20
h1 "Presenting Text In Columns" navy return
space 0x0
box 25x0 h3 "City" box 165x0
h3 "Area" box 130x0
h3 "Population" return
space 0x5
text-panel: box 520x290 text-layout coffee edge [size: 1x1 color: red]
scroller1: scroller 16x290 water - 5 water + 5 [
text-panel/pane/offset/y: negate value * (text-panel/pane/size/y - text-panel/size/y)
show text-panel
btn 80 sky "Cities" [
append clear text-layout [backcolor coffee origin 0x0 across space 0x0]
forskip sampleData 3 [
append text-layout compose [
b: box 520x26 (row-color)
origin b/offset
text bold 180 font-size 16 ( sampleData/1)
text as-is 120 center font-size 17 blue (form sampleData/2)
text as-is 180 right font-size 16 purple (form sampleData/3) return
box 520x1 green return
reverse row-colors
row-color: first row-colors
text-panel/pane: layout text-layout
scroller1/data: 0
text-panel/pane/offset: 0x0
show scroller1
show text-panel
btn sky 80 "Script" [print read %presenting-text-in-columns.r]
btn sky 80 "text-panel" [
print "^/ The contents of the text-layout: ^/"
print mold text-layout]
btn sky 80 "Close" [quit]
view main-layout |