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5.2 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides easy to use interface into RIM (Rebol Instant Messenger) communications.
author: Ryan S. Cole
A keyword based search engine for the Rebtutorial articles index page
14.6 KB
14 Dec 2009
Was tired looking up visually the index page for any article containing a specific keyword. For now the script loads and parses the original articles' index page duirectly from the web site, splitting URL links apart from their descriptions, and while counting them it appends them to a block that can be searched by keyword. [...]
author: Gerard Cote
Tiny REBOL Server
0.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
The distributed REBOL server that builds the REBOL system.
author: Anonymous
A Reb-Site
70.8 KB
23 Mar 2008
a-reb-site.r was written to: - compare form and function of a reb-site with that of a conventional web-site. ( obliging web-site - perhaps!) & - to provide an example of a reb-site script, & - as an illustration of the compact size of a reb-site relative to the average web-site [...]
author: R.v.d.Zee
Captcha Example
captcha-example.r1.0 KB
8 Apr 2010
A minimal example demonstrating how to use the captcha library by SOFTINNOV: NOTE: the first part of this script CAN be used to create catchpa images in a non-graphic environment. You can, for example, run the first 6 lines of this script on your web server - just be sure to use REBOL/command [...]
author: nick
CASE multiple conditional function
2.1 KB
27 Nov 2005
Provide a generalized multiple conditional function for situations that would otherwise call for deeply nested EITHER blocks. CASE is more general than SWITCH because the conditions can be any DO-able block rather than being based on a single value. This can be used simply to allow a SWITCH-like behavior that supports ranges instead of single [...]
author: Christopher M. Dicely
Parser for Dicom Header
105.5 KB
7 Apr 2008
Parse dicom headers
author: Willem Michiels
DO-POP Scheme
7.3 KB
10 Jul 2005
A scheme to allow flexible POP3 operations.
author: Brett Handley
glayout - GLASS-based layout engine
141.6 KB
16 Nov 2006
replace vid dialect layout while keeping its basic featureset
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Grey-Soft: Bluetooth Accelerometer Acquisition 2.0
147.3 KB
6 Jul 2010
Using GS bluetooth XYZ devices with Rebol. This a demo version.
author: François Jouen
ImageMagick Support
8.8 KB
23 Aug 2006
Support minimal needs for image processing using ImageMagick MagickWand and MagickCore DLLs Note: DLL's calls tend to change so this is specifically for version 6.2.9 Note: Original uses only MagickCore DLL. This version required MagickWand DLL because they moved the calls to a different DLL
author: Edgar Tolentino
26.8 KB
19 Jan 2009
[no purpose header found]
author: David 'Oldes' Oliva
RIM Bulliten
1.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
A simple RIM bulletin board example using RIM Bot.
author: Ryan S. Cole
Create .EXE from Rebol script + other files using NSIS.
4.6 KB
4 Sep 2006
Create .EXE (with ICON) from Rebol script with optional extra scripts or datafiles using NSIS.
author: Arie van Wingerden
Advanced Windows tray support
15.7 KB
1 Sep 2009
Handler for advanced system tray features
author: Richard Smolak aka Cyphre
Origami Demo
223.0 KB
26 Feb 2007
Playing with Rebol on Ultra Mobile Personal Computer. Use keyboard arrows for options!
author: Franois Jouen
REBOL Mapping of all win32 API errors
193.9 KB
8 Sep 2010
[no purpose header found]
author: Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch
Method to set some Rebol console parameters.
2.8 KB
19 Mar 2010
Used to set the Rebol console's window title and icon. Include a method to get the current windows handle. Work only in windows.
author: Maxime Tremblay, idea comes from %no-rebol-in-title-bar.r script by Nick Antonaccio