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Threads Demo
4.2 KB
5 Jan 2005
show multithreading with rebol (all versions)
author: François Jouen
Thumbnail Maker
thumbnail-maker.r4.3 KB
14 Sep 2009
Create image preview sheets from a list of files. Used to make the introductory image at
author: nick
Tic Tac Toe
4.2 KB
6 May 2003
No known purpose.
author: Ryan S. Cole
Tiff Lib
47.3 KB
2 Mar 2010
A basic library for reading and writing Tiff files
author: François Jouen
2.1 KB
20 Nov 2005
This script is a demonstration of an analog clock & of a clock movement.
author: R. v.d.Zee
Secret Message
toggle.r340 bytes
6 Feb 2010
author: jameyson
Time Clock
time-clock.r5.2 KB
16 Jan 2011
Used to log hours worked by employees. To help eliminate potential falsified hours, the program takes a photo of the employee each time they clock in and clock out, and sets the system clock using Ladislav Mercir's nist-clock.r This code is provided as-is, with no warranty expressed or implied. Use it at your own risk. This [...]
author: nick
3.6 KB
11 Sep 2010
show how to build a simple tree list
author: Marco Antoniazzi derived from Didier CADIEU
2D transformations
15.0 KB
17 Oct 2020
icon for transforms-2d.rVisualize and experiment with 2D transformation matrices
author: Marco Antoniazzi
Time Requester
time-requester.r18.8 KB
29 Jun 2012
A simple GUI time requester
author: nick
A Tiny Web Server
tiny-server.r2.0 KB
26 Mar 2013
Inspired by Carl's Tiny Web Server: This one is compatible with Rebol 3.
author: [unknown]
Time Styles
6.8 KB
14 Jan 2005
A simple clock & timer style
author: Phil Bevan
Advanced Windows tray support
15.7 KB
1 Sep 2009
Handler for advanced system tray features
author: Richard Smolak aka Cyphre
27.7 KB
4 Mar 2006
Time-line VID style for use in time-table editing using AGG.
author: Christian Ensel
3.4 KB
9 Oct 2005
A simple Timer Style .... with an example of Timer with Saving & Loading
author: Phil Bevan
Tiny GUI Builder
tiny-gui-builder.r2.4 KB
4 Feb 2017
A cut down version of the appbuilder, without any code to deal with actions, data structures, styles, extra help features, etc. Just point and click to build little GUI layouts.
author: nick
View-Desktop packed by Volker
45.1 KB
13 Aug 2004
Make it easier to install and run open source /view-desktop
author: Volker Nitsch (of package)
UDP Signin Client Alarm
udp-signin-client.r35.0 KB
3 Aug 2010
Together with %udp-signin-server.r this program alerts users on a network that a new user has arrived and logged in. Client users are only notified when the new user has signed in specificly to see them. Because this script uses UDP, the client alarm application does not need to connect to any specific IP. Anyone who runs the client [...]
author: nick
19.0 KB
26 May 2015
Units conversion program
author: Scott Wall
4.7 KB
1 Nov 2016
Converts a style sheet to the VID stylize dialect who generated it.
author: Annick Ecuyer