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vt100.rREBOL [
Title: "VT100 Functions"
Date: 4-Sep-1999
File: %vt100.r
Author: "Jeff Kreis"
Purpose: "Examples of VT100 screen functions"
Comment: {
To see these escapes in action, script must be invoked in a
terminal capable of VT100 emulation. Also start rebol as cgi,
ie: rebol -c vt.r
otherwise these escapes will not work.
Email: %jeff--rebol--com
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: 'text-processing
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
foreach [name letter] [up "A" down "B" right "C" left "D"] [
set name func [arg] reduce bind [
'rejoin reduce ["^(escape)[" 'arg letter]
] 'letter
clr: "^(escape)[H^(escape)[J"
jump: func [x y][
rejoin ["^(escape)[" x ";" y "H"]
do example: [
print [
jump 10 10 'R
up 4 'E
left 13 'B
down 10 'O
right 30 'L
] Notes