Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "SiMTPop Simulate SMTP & POP" Author: "Ingo Hohmann" date: 2003-10-03 File: %simtpop.r purpose: {To simulate SMTP and POP services on a single user PC, works with Outlook 98, but is broken for later Versions} VersionInfo: {Incorporates a fix by Matt McDonald to work with later Versions of MS Outlook, and other programs who use EHLO} library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: [ tool] domain: [email dialects internet tcp] tested-under: [core view win linux] support: none license: none ] ] smtp: open/no-wait tcp://:8025 pop3: open/no-wait tcp://:8110 trace/net on line: none get-data-rule: copy [ (either not none? conn [ append line copy conn ][ get-or-end: copy end-rule ]) ] end-rule: [thru end] smtp-rule: [ ( get-or-end: copy get-data-rule data-started: false ) some [ here: [ "HELO" thru newline (answer "250 SiMTPop") | "EHLO" thru newline (print "1" answer "250 SiMTPop") | "MAIL" thru newline (answer "250 Ok MAIL FROM") | "RCPT" [thru "<" | thru ": " ] copy name to "@" thru newline (answer "250 Ok RCPT TO") | "DATA" thru newline (if not data-started [answer "354 start mail input"] data-started: true) copy mail thru "^/.^/" (save-mail name mail data-started: false answer "250 OK Mail recieved") | "RSET" thru newline (answer "250 OK RSET" data-started: false) | "QUIT" thru newline (answer "221 Good Bye" close conn get-or-end: copy end-rule) | :here get-or-end ] ] ] pop3-dialog: reduce [ "USER" func [a][ parse a [thru "USER " copy name to newline to end] if not find mail-boxes name [ append/only append mail-boxes name copy [] ] answer "+OK User name accepted" ] "PASS" func [a][answer "+OK Password Ok"] "STAT" func [a /local ans len][ len: 0 ans: rejoin [ "+OK " length? mail-texts: select mail-boxes name " " ] forall mail-texts [len: len + length? first mail-texts] append ans form len answer ans ] "LIST" func [a /local ans][ ans: rejoin [ "+OK " length? mail-texts: select mail-boxes name " messages (" ] len: 0 forall mail-texts [len: len + length? first mail-texts] mail-texts: head mail-texts append ans rejoin [ "" len ") octets" newline] forall mail-texts [ append ans rejoin [index? mail-texts " " length? first mail-texts newline] ] append ans ".^/" answer ans ] "RETR" func [a][ parse a [thru "RETR " copy num to newline to end] num: to-integer num either num <= length? mail-boxes/:name [ answer "+OK sending mail" answer pick select mail-boxes name num ] [ answer "-ERR no such message" ] ] "DELE" func [a][ answer "+OK deleted" ] "RSET" func [a][ answer "+OK RSET" ] "NOOP" func [a] [answer "+OK NOOP"] "QUIT" func [a][ answer "+OK bye" close conn done: true clear select mail-boxes name ] ] mail-boxes: copy [] save-mail: func [name mail][ either mail-box: find mail-boxes name [ append mail-box/2 mail ] [ append mail-boxes name append/only mail-boxes compose [(mail)] ] ] answer: func [text][ print ["-->" text] either (last text) = newline [ insert conn text ][ insert conn join text newline ] ] recieve: func [/to end-marker /local line ret][ if not to [ end-marker: "^/" ] line: copy "" until [ data: copy conn append line data find line end-marker ] print ["<--" copy/part line (length? line) - 1] line ] dispatch [ smtp [ print "+++ SMTP connection +++" conn: first smtp answer "220 SiMTPop Ready" wait [conn] line: copy "" parse line smtp-rule ] ; smtp pop3 [ print "+++ POP3 connection +++" conn: first pop3 answer "+OK POP3 server ready <SiMTPop>" wait [conn] done: false while [not done] [ line: recieve command: copy/part line 4 if error? try [ pop3-dialog/:command line ][ answer "-ERR command not implemented" ] ] ; while ] ; pop3 ] ; dispatch
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage