Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "The two-phase simplex algorithm" file: %simplex.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 07-12-2019 version: 0.1.0 Purpose: {Implement the two-phase simplex algorithm.} History: [ 0.0.1 [15-06-2019 "Started"] 0.1.0 [07-12-2019 "First version"] ] Category: [tools math] library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: 'function domain: [tools math] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD ] comment: "Assumes all variables are > 0" Help: { USAGE (block! form) simplex <objective> <constraints> or simplex/minimize <objective> <constraints> <objective> is block! of coefficients <constraints> is block! of block!s of constrains e.g. Maximize z = 3x + 2y subject to -x + 2y <= 4 3x + 2y <= 14 x - y <= 3 must be given as: simplex [3 2] [[<= -1 2 4][<= 3 2 14][<= 1 -1 3]] } Notes: { Many aspects taken from Returns a block with 2 elements, 1st is: none if no solution exists or "Unbounded" if solution is +infinity or found value 2nd element is; a block with the values of variables of objective function If strings are passed you can omit variables' names if their coefficient is 0. If strings are passed you MUST always keep the variables' names in the same order also when they are on different constraints !. } ] ; if not value? 'simplex-ctx [; avoid redefinition simplex-ctx: context [ ; debug debug: :comment ;:do ; series, math change-each: func [;replace ;map [throw] "Change each value in the series by evaluating a block over it. (modifies)" 'word [word!] "Word or block of words to set each time (will be local)" data [series!] "The series to traverse" body [block!] "Block to evaluate. Return value to change current item to." /local n ][ repeat n data [set word n data: change/only data do body] head data ] count-each: func [ "Count how many values in the series return true by evaluating a block over it" 'word [word!] "Word or block of words to set each time (will be local)" data [series!] "The series to traverse" body [block!] "Block to evaluate. Return true to add to the count." /local count n ][ count: 0 repeat n data [set word n if do body [count: count + 1]] count ] rotate: func [ "Rotates elements in a series by an offset. (modifies)" series [series!] offset [integer!] ][ head case [ offset > 0 [move/part series offset (length? series ) - offset] offset < 0 [move/part series (length? series) negate offset] offset = 0 [series] ] ] fill: func [ "Duplicates an append a specified number of times. (modifies)" series [series!] value count [integer!] ][ head insert/dup tail series value count ] summation: func [[catch] 'index [word!] start [integer!] end [integer!] body [block!] /local sum n ][ ; FIXME: change algorithm to reduce rounding errors? if start > end [throw make error! "start is greater then end in summation"] sum: 0 repeat n (end - start + 1) [ set index n + start - 1 sum: sum + do body ] sum ] ; ; parse objective and constraints obj-vars: constr-vars: none parse_problem: context [ out: copy [] vars: copy [] res: copy [] sign: num: cond: var: err: none digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"] upper: charset [#"A" - #"Z"] lower: charset [#"a" - #"z"] letter: union upper lower digits: [some digit] add_op: [(num: "1" sign: 1) "+" | ["-" (sign: -1)]] number: [copy num [opt digits "." digits | digits "." | digits] ] variable: [copy var [letter any [letter | digit]]] term: [ opt add_op opt [number opt "*"] variable (num: sign * load num append vars var: to-word trim var) ] line: [ any [" " | "^-"] newline ; empty line | some [term (repend out [num var])] copy cond [">=" | "<=" | "="] (append out to-word cond) opt add_op number (append out sign * load num) [newline | end] (append/only res copy out clear out) ] constrs: [opt [thru "sub" thru "to" | "s.t."] some [line | err: thru end]] constraints: func [ string [string!] /local pos row ][ clear out clear vars clear res if not parse string constrs [throw make error! join "Malformed constraints string near: " copy/part err any [find err newline tail err]] constr-vars: unique vars if obj-vars <> constr-vars [throw make error! "Malformed or unsorted constraints or objective variables"] vars: constr-vars ; pad tableau with 0s and make rows in proper format repeat row res [ ; FIXME?: by sorting we could place variables wherever we want ; but than coefficients of final result could be in a different position. Or we could give also associated names of variables ; but than which names should we give if no names are given? ;sort/all/skip/part/compare row 2 ((length? row) - 2) func [a b] [a/2 < b/2] pos: row repeat var vars [ row: either not pos: find row var [insert row 0] [remove pos] ] row: head row move/to/part back back tail row 1 2 ] ;probe new-line/all res true copy res ] object: [opt [thru "min" (minimiz: true)] thru "=" some [term (append out num) | err: thru end]] ;(repend out [num var])]] objective: func [ string [string!] ][ clear out clear vars replace/all string newline " " if not parse string object [throw make error! join "Malformed objective string near: " err] obj-vars: unique vars copy out ] ] tableau: none objective-orig: objective-null: objective-basic: constraints-orig: objective: base: names: minimiz: none tot-vars: tot-constraints: 0 need_phase_1?: false init_tableau: func [ /local add_column curr-column basic basic-neg ][ add_column: func [ col /local n row ][ n: 1 foreach row tableau [ insert tail row col/:n n: n + 1 ] ] if minimiz [change-each num objective-orig [negate num]] tot-vars: length? objective-orig tot-constraints: length? constraints-orig objective-null: fill copy [] 0 tot-vars objective-basic: copy [] base: copy [] curr-column: tot-vars + 1 ; build basic vectors basic: fill copy [1] 0 tot-constraints - 1 basic-neg: fill copy [-1] 0 tot-constraints - 1 need_phase_1?: false tableau: copy/deep constraints-orig foreach row tableau [ row/1: select [>= 1 <= -1 = 0] row/1 if negative? row/2 [ change-each num row [negate num] ; if 1st coefficient is negative we must swap all signs ] curr-column: curr-column + 1 switch row/1 [ -1 [ ; <= add_column basic append objective-basic 0 append base curr-column ] 1 [ ; >= add_column basic-neg append objective-basic 0 curr-column: curr-column + 1 add_column basic append objective-basic -1 append base curr-column need_phase_1?: true ] 0 [ ; = add_column basic append objective-basic -1 append base curr-column need_phase_1?: true ] ] ; prepare unit vectors for next variables rotate basic 1 rotate basic-neg 1 ; remove condition remove row ] debug [print "inited" ?? base ?? objective-basic new-line/all tableau true ?? tableau] tableau ] calc_Z: func [ objective /local Z col sum start end n i ][ ;Calculate the Z line: Z: copy [] repeat col length? first tableau [ append Z (summation i 1 (length? tableau) [ tableau/(i)/(col) * any [objective/(base/(i)) 0] ]) - objective/(col) ] Z ] find_Pivot_Index: func [ tableau /local column row ratios item z-line entering leaving ][ z-line: next last tableau ; Bland's rule (first negative). Used to avoid cycling column: index? entering: forall z-line [if negative? z-line/1 [break/return z-line] [0]] ; minimum's rule ;column: index? entering: minimum-of z-line if (first entering) >= 0 [throw none] ; no solution ratios: copy [] foreach row tableau [ append ratios case [ all [row/1 >= 0 row/(column) > 0] [row/1 / row/(column)] all [row/1 >= 0 row/(column) <= 0] [1E+63] all [row/1 < 0 row/(column) >= 0] [1E+63] all [row/1 < 0 row/(column) < 0] [row/1 / row/(column)] ] ] remove back tail ratios ; remove unnecessarily calculated ratio row: index? leaving: minimum-of ratios ; this is an arg min if (first leaving) = 1E+63 [throw "Unbounded"] reduce [row column] ] pivot_About: func [ tableau pivot /local i j item pivotDenom pivotRowMultiple col ][ set [i j] pivot base/(i): j pivotDenom: tableau/(i)/(j) if pivotDenom <> 0 [change-each item tableau/(i) [item / pivotDenom]] repeat row length? tableau [ if row <> i [ pivotRowMultiple: tableau/(row)/(j) ; store old value col: 0 change-each item tableau/(row) [col: col + 1 item - (pivotRowMultiple * tableau/(i)/(col))] ] ] tableau ] can_Improve: func [tableau /local num][ ;not empty? remove-each num copy next last tableau [num >= 0] 0 <> count-each num next last tableau [num < 0] ] improve: func [ ][ while [can_Improve tableau][ debug [print "improving" ?? objective ?? tableau] pivot_About tableau find_Pivot_Index tableau ] ] objective_values: func [ ; calc values of non-basic variables of objective function /local values ][ change-each num base [num - 1] values: fill copy [] 0 tot-vars forall base [ if base/1 <= tot-vars [ values/(base/1): tableau/(index? base)/1 ] ] values ] set 'simplex func [[catch] "Returns maximum (minimum) of objective function, subject to given constraints using two-phase simplex algorithm" objective [block! string!] "objective linear function's coefficients or string!" constraints [block! string!] "block! of block!s of constraints with: condition, coefficients, RHS values. Or string!" /minimize /local n row col num catched ] [ minimiz: false ; restore default names: none ; restore default ; FIXME: if (type? objective) <> (type? constraints) [Error] if string? objective [ objective: parse_problem/objective objective names: copy parse_problem/vars ] if string? constraints [ constraints: parse_problem/constraints constraints ] objective-orig: copy objective constraints-orig: copy constraints ; FIXME: copy/deep ? ; check number of coefficients n: 1 repeat row constraints [ if ((length? row) - 2) <> (length? objective) [throw make error! join "Malformed or unsorted constraints or objective in row: " mold row] n: n + 1 ] catched: catch [ ; use catch instead of creating errors minimiz: any [minimize minimiz] init_tableau if need_phase_1? [ ; phase I objective: compose [0 (objective-null) (objective-basic)] ; calculate and append Z line append/only tableau calc_Z objective improve if (first last tableau) < 0 [ throw none] ; no solution ; prepare for phase II ; Remove Z line remove back tail tableau ;Remove the columns corresponding to artificial variables. for col (length? first tableau) 1 -1 [ if objective/(col) = -1 [ repeat row tableau [ remove at head row col ] ; update basic part of objective remove at head objective-basic col - 1 - tot-vars ; change also indexes in base to account for removed columns change-each num base [either all [num > (tot-vars + 1) num > col][num: num - 1][num]] ] ] ] ; Modify the row of the objective function for the original problem. objective: compose [0 (objective-orig) (objective-basic)] ; calculate and append Z line append/only tableau calc_Z objective improve ;FIXME: check for other solutions debug [if minimiz [change-each num objective-orig [negate num]]] debug [print "improved" ?? objective-orig ?? objective ?? base new-line/all tableau true ?? tableau] absolute first last tableau ] ; catch reduce [catched objective_values] ] ] ; context ] ; value? ;==== example ==== do ; just comment this line to avoid executing examples [ if system/script/title = "The two-phase simplex algorithm" [;do examples only if script started by us context [ ; avoid inserting names in global context probedo: func [code [block!] /local result][print [result: do code mold code] :result] probedo [ ; phase 1 & 2 =5 objective: [1 1] constraints: [ [<= 8 1 2] [<= 12 3 2] [>= 3 1 3]] 5 = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; phase 2 =11 objective: [8 9 5] constraints: [ [<= 2 1 1 2] [<= 3 2 3 4] [<= 8 6 6 2]] 11 = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; no solution =none objective: [2 5] constraints: [ [<= 6 2 3] [>= 4 1 1]] none = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; unbounded ="Unbounded" ; FIXME: should be +infinity or 1.INF objective: [3 2] constraints: [ [<= 1 1 -1] [<= 2 -1 1] [<= 2 2 -3]] "Unbounded" = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; phase 1 & 2 =1 objective: [5 -1 -1] constraints: [ [<= -1 3 -1 -1] [<= -2 1 2 -1] [<= 2 2 1 0] [= 1 1 1 0]] 1 = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; phase 2 degeneracy =11.7142857142857 82/7 objective: [5 3] constraints: [ [<= 2 1 -1] [<= 4 2 1] [<= 6 -3 2]] (82 / 7) = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; phase 2 cycling =1 objective: [10 -57 -9 -24] constraints: compose/deep [[<= 0 (1 / 2) (-11 / 2) (-5 / 2) 9] [<= 0 (1 / 2) (-3 / 2) (-1 / 2) 1] [<= 1 1 0 0 0]] 1 = first probe simplex objective constraints ] probedo [ ; phase 1 & 2 minimize =2.2 objective: [4 1 1] constraints: [ [= 4 2 1 2] [= 3 3 3 1] ;[>= 0 1 0 0] ;[>= 0 0 1 0] ;[>= 0 0 0 1] ] 2.2 = first probe simplex/minimize objective constraints ] probedo [ 14 = first probe simplex "Maximize z = 3x1 + 2x2" { subject to -x1 + 2x2 <= 4 3x1 + 2x2 <= 14 x1 - x2 <= 3 } ] probe simplex-ctx/names probedo [ ; phase 1 & 2 minimize =5 objective: [6 3] constraints: [ [>= 1 1 1] [<= 2 0 -3] ;[>= 0 1 0] [>= 1 2 -1] ;[>= 0 0 1] ] 5 = first probe simplex/minimize objective constraints ] halt ] ; context ] ; if title ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage