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Scripts owned by iho

Scripts: 7

Member name:
CouchDB Client
11.5 KB
22 Jan 2010
Use couchdb as a datastore ( )
author: Ingo Hohmann
Help Patch
7.2 KB
20 Nov 2003
Allows to add the following info to functions: return: [datatypes to be returned] category: [a function category e.g. math series] author: [author initials email what you want
author: Ingo Hohmann
IMAP Handler
36.8 KB
30 Mar 2006
Add some RFC3501 (full imap) behaviour to the imap scheme.
author: rt & ingo hohmann
List How-To
list-supply-how-to.r2.4 KB
18 Apr 2006
How-To use a list and the 'supply block
author: [unknown]
Rebol Profiler
profiler.r2.2 KB
13 Oct 2003
For profiling parts of Rebol scripts
author: Ingo Hohmann
Remote file Utility
6.0 KB
25 Sep 2003
Exchange files over a network without ftp
author: Ingo Hohmann
SiMTPop Simulate SMTP & POP
4.5 KB
13 Nov 2003
To simulate SMTP and POP services on a single user PC, works with Outlook 98, but is broken for later Versions
author: Ingo Hohmann