Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Author: "Ashley G Truter" File: %native-requestors.r Date: 15-Jul-2009 Title: "Native requestors" Purpose: { Replaces a number of REBOL requestors with native equivalents. Windows requires COMLib.r from REQUESTOR Mac Win alert Y Y confirm Y Y request Y Y request-color Y N request-date N N request-dir Y Y request-download N N request-file N N request-list Y N request-pass Y N request-text Y Y say (new) Y Y Added following requestors/funcs: open-file save-file send-keys (Windows uses tmp.vbs) } Notes: { Windows can probably use COMDLG32.DLL ( for request-color and the Win32 API for many of these funcs. The send-keys use of VBS is an ugly hack. Much better to use COMLib or Win32 API ... but I havn't figured out how yet. } library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: [windows mac] type: [tool function] domain: [dialogs] tested-under: [view 2.7.6 [WinXP MacOSX]] support: none license: 'public-domain see-also: none ] ] make object! [ OS: either 3 = fourth system/version [ ; ; Windows ; COMLib: do %COMLib.r COMLib/initialize do bind [ sapi5: make function! [ "Use SAPI 5 for text to speech." text [string!] /local tts ][ tts: CreateObject "Sapi.SpVoice" CallMethod [tts ".Speak(%s)" text] release tts ] vbscript: make function! [ cmd [string!] /string /local MS_script result ][ MS_script: CreateObject "MSScriptControl.ScriptControl" PutValue [MS_script ".Language = %s" "VBScript"] PutValue [MS_script ".AllowUI = %s" "TRUE"] PutValue [MS_script ".UseSafeSubset = %s" "0"] result: either string [ GetString [MS_script ".Eval(%s)" cmd] ][ GetInteger [MS_script ".Eval(%s)" cmd] ] release MS_script result ] BrowseForFolder: make function! [ prompt [string!] "Prompt text" dir [string!] "Starting directory" /local MS_shell obj result ][ MS_shell: CreateObject "Shell.Application" obj: GetObject reduce [MS_Shell {.BrowseForFolder(%d,%s,%d,%s)} 0 prompt 8 dir] result: either zero? obj [none] [ obj: GetObject [obj {.Self}] dirize to-rebol-file GetString [obj {.Path}] ] obj: none release MS_shell result ] ] COMLib/api 'Win ][ ; ; Mac OSX ; osascript: make function! [ cmd [string!] /local v ][ call/output/error rejoin [ {osascript -e 'tell app "System Events"' -e 'activate' -e '} cmd {' -e 'end'} ] v: copy "" copy "" trim/lines v ] set 'request-color make function! [ "Requests a color." /title text [string!] "Title text" ; not supported /color clr [tuple!] "Default color" /local v ][ v: copy "choose color" all [ color insert tail v reform [ " default color" *list reduce [256 * first clr 256 * second clr 256 * third clr] ] ] either empty? v: parse osascript v "," [none] [ to tuple! reduce [ to integer! (to integer! first v) / 256 to integer! (to integer! second v) / 256 to integer! (to integer! third v) / 256 ] ] ] set 'request-list make function! [ "Requests a selection from a list." prompt [string!] items [block!] /title text [string!] /default val [any-type!] /local v ][ v: reform [ "choose from list " *list/force items "with title" mold any [text ""] "with prompt" mold any [prompt "Please make your selection:"] ] all [default insert tail v join " default items " *list/force to block! val] either "false" = v: osascript v [none] [v] ] set 'request-pass make function! [ "Requests a password." /title text [string!] /local v ][ either empty? v: osascript join {display dialog "Password:" hidden answer true default answer "" with title} mold any [text "Password"] [none] [v: copy skip v 14 copy/part v -1 + index? find/last v ","] ] 'Mac ] ; ; Helper func ; delims: either OS = 'Win [copy "()"] [copy "{}"] *list: make function! [block [block!] /force /local v] [ v: copy delims foreach item block [ insert back tail v join either any [force string? item] [mold form item] [form item] "," ] head remove back back tail v ] ; ; Native requestors ; set 'request-dir make function! [ "Requests a directory." /title text [string!] "Title text" /dir path [file!] "Set starting directory" /local v ][ either OS = 'Win [ BrowseForFolder any [text "Select a directory:"] either dir [to-local-file path] ["C:"] ][ v: join "choose folder with prompt " mold any [text ""] all [dir insert tail v join " default location alias " mold join "Macintosh HD" replace/all to-local-file path "/" ":"] either empty? v: osascript v [none] [dirize to-rebol-file replace/all find next v ":" ":" "/"] ] ] set 'request-text make function! [ "Requests a value." /title text [string!] "Title text" /prompt string [string!] "Prompt string" /default value [any-type!] "Default value" /local v ][ text: any [text "Dialog"] string: any [string "Enter text below:"] value: form any [value ""] either OS = 'Win [ vbscript/string rejoin ["InputBox" *list reduce [string text value]] ][ either empty? v: osascript reform ["display dialog" mold string "default answer" mold value "with title" mold text] [ none ][ v: copy skip v 14 copy/part v -1 + index? find/last v "," ] ] ] set 'request make function! [ "Requests an answer to a simple question." prompt [string!] /title text [string!] /ok /confirm /type icon [word!] "Valid values are: alert, help, info, stop" /local v opt ][ either OS = 'Win [ opt: 4096 + case [OK [0] Confirm [4] true [3]] all [type opt: opt + select [alert 48 help 32 info 64 stop 16] icon] v: vbscript join "MsgBox" *list reduce [prompt opt any [text "Dialog"]] ][ v: reform ["display dialog" mold prompt "with title" mold any [text ""]] insert tail v join " buttons " case [ ok [*list ["OK"]] confirm [*list ["Yes" "No"]] true [*list ["Yes" "No" "Cancel"]] ] insert tail v join " default button " mold either ok ["OK"] ["Yes"] all [type insert tail v join " with icon " select [alert "caution" help "note" info "note" stop "stop"] icon] ; all [type insert tail v join " with icon alias " mold "Macintosh HD:Users:Ash:REBOL:Projects:BAS-Buster:Icons:alert.icns"] v: copy skip osascript v 16 ] select reduce ["Yes" true "No" false "Cancel" none "" none 1 true 2 none 6 true 7 false] v ] set 'alert make function! [ "Flashes an alert message to the user. Waits for a user response." value [any-type!] /title text [string!] ][ request/ok/type/title form value 'alert any [text "Alert"] ] set 'confirm make function! [ "Confirms a user choice." question [any-type!] "Prompt to user" /title text [string!] ][ request/confirm/type/title form question 'help any [text "Confirm"] ] set 'open-file make function! [ /dir path [file!] "Default file name" ][ all [ local-request-file path: reduce ["Open" "" clean-path %. either dir [compose [(path)]] [copy []][][] false false] join third path first fourth path ] ] set 'save-file make function! [ /dir path [file!] "Default file name" ][ all [ local-request-file path: reduce ["Save" "" clean-path %. either dir [compose [(path)]] [copy []][][] false true] join third path first fourth path ] ] set 'send-keys make function! [ url [url!] keystrokes [block!] /local cmd ][ browse url wait 3 either OS = 'Win [ cmd: copy "^"+{TAB}{TAB}^"" foreach token keystrokes [ insert back tail cmd switch/default token [ #"^-" ["{TAB}"] #"^/" ["{ENTER}"] ] [token] ] write %tmp.vbs join {set s=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")^/s.AppActivate "Windows Internet Explorer"^/s.SendKeys } cmd call/wait %tmp.vbs delete %tmp.vbs ][ cmd: copy {'} foreach token keystrokes [ insert back tail cmd join " & " switch/default token [ #"^-" ["tab"] #"^/" ["return"] ] [mold token] ] call join {osascript -e 'tell app "Safari" to activate' -e 'tell app "System Events" to keystroke } skip cmd 3 ] ] set 'say: make function! [ "Speaks text." text [string!] /using voice [string!] ; Mac only ][ either OS = 'Win [ sapi5 text ][ call rejoin [ {osascript -e 'say } mold text either using [rejoin [{ using } mold voice {'}]] [{'}] ] ] true ] ] do [ alert "This is an alert." confirm "This is the confirm requestor." request "This is the base request function." request-color ;request-date request-dir ;request-download ;request-file request-list "This is the request-list requestor." ["List" "of" "items"] request-pass request-text say "This is the new say function." open-file save-file send-keys reduce [tab "R3" newline] all [3 = fourth system/version COMLib/cleanup] ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage