Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ title: "Forum" date: 16-May-2010 file: %forum.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { A CGI forum application, running at Please link to it, so that new REBOLers have a place to ask questions! } ] #!./rebol276 -cs REBOL [] print {content-type: text/html^/} switch system/options/cgi/request-method [ "POST" [ cgi-data: copy "" cgi-buffer: copy "" while [positive? read-io system/ports/input cgi-buffer 16380] [ append cgi-data cgi-buffer clear cgi-buffer ] ] "GET" [cgi-data: system/options/cgi/query-string] ] submitted: decode-cgi cgi-data if submitted/2 = "rss" [ write/append %bb.db "" bbs: load %bb.db reverse bbs stickycount: 0 foreach topic bbs [foreach item topic [if find item {<i>STICKY:} [stickycount: stickycount + 1]]] print trim {<?xml version="1.0"?> <rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>REBOL Forum</title> <description>Recent REBOL Forum Topics</description> <link></link> } count: 1 foreach item (at bbs (stickycount + 1)) [ rss-title: copy item/1 rss-title: replace/all rss-title {&} {&} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {"} {"} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {'} {'} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {<} {<} rss-title: replace/all rss-title {>} {>} rss-description: rejoin [ (copy/part (pick item ((length? item) - 2)) 200) ", Posted by: " (pick item ((length? item) - 1)) " " (pick item (length? item)) ] rss-description: replace/all rss-description {&} {&} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {"} {"} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {'} {'} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {<} {<} rss-description: replace/all rss-description {>} {>} print trim rejoin [ {<item> <title>} rss-title {</title> <description>} rss-description {</description> <link>} ((length? bbs) + 1 - count - stickycount) {&archiveflag=new</link> </item>} ] count: count + 1 if count > 10 [break] ] print trim { </channel> </rss> } quit ] print {<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>REBOL Forum</TITLE><link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title=" rss feed" href="./index.cgi?f=rss" /></HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#808080><CENTER> <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=20 cellSpacing=2 height=100% width=85%> <TR><TD bgColor=white vAlign=top>} footer: {</TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER></BODY></HTML>} unless exists? %index.html [ write %index.html {<html><head><title></title><META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=./index.cgi"></head><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"></body></html>} ] if submitted/2 = "downloadreader" [ print trim/lines { <center><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a></center><br> (Open the REBOL console and "do" this page URL)<br><br><pre> } print decompress #{ 789CC5544B8BDB3010BEFB570C82425C70B4CE52167C6B69F7B4A5901E430EB2 3DD9A8B525571AC7D996FEF74AF2234EB2DBC7A9821069E69BC7F78DA5F58777 9F1E6043922ACC80ADC3F15E9BB686358A120DDB46912D0CA2CAC03E59C29A1F 2476BCB7253B5120B7F23B4202E9CDCDD1FD22D28D2C6C06856E9E60B3052805 895C589C4C51D436CEE80CA5460B9B08DCBA080BB68BC84A8BD2E1929DAC100C 7E6BD15238F04080FB6D88F38B3D78F447B4563CA2CD183006AF0CE6BADA797E 4B3A52C0BA138A62DFD79F2A0E4DF9259A065539F4073B692CF58780E81BA594 FBC8A1CF1E1A1C76AF3BE70D7B9172C2230DA01F3F4F0091464E142F2C14A808 4D10162AF1A45B1A5A092A2F7ADDE33E5F61B4B543FD0C7CEEA492AEBBC542D8 A411D2C0C2E856959CF418C953780DCBD59B18D278B2ADE2D8CD6F757BBCBB8D 830223D99308F5A863DF3C639367D46F334040891A81648D5B58080297E8EB49 562754A10856F12CF74CE4B18C9BEE172DD50568D60828EC2AA966FFBE2A7363 0FA52FDD576958F277CB65FC5DAA6D74BD3B1FF3C868728F033F0509373CE144 84CE88E6CFC3BB7B7978219D416A8D0ADB9C14B0F7BA53E1E6ACD17F5CD39560 33753B23099FBF5A561C9EBD5F41C5CFCE392574F170EF202FDFB57139B225EC 899A8CF319ACD035CFF36599CFC439A7F0D6147B79C0F23F9048445FFB5FC88C 21D78CFCEB0A23AD733EFDDBE8DECD68FB0BE01DA7BF9F050000 } print {</pre>} print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "api" [ print {<pre>} print decompress #{ 789CB5503D0BC23010DDFB2B8E0E3A15F74217C14E82E01A3AC4F62A912629F9 4044FADF4DD3D8D6A238883784BCBB07EFE3B8DB1EF6400C330DA6101F3DCCA5 B21C722B4AC3A4D0711145B4AA14EAD62147ABDD0548DDB312AB1A187E46B6AC 14969F50858DD5A804E5182047ADE9190B2010811B7E4B5AA94D0A0A2F920920 7EDBCFBD0EDAD94CB79BCEAB9956D6BDD19F517B032367743423045B232760CF 28FCAB90569BD26A23394CA91556B64420EB3EC4334C110D6509BC7EEA69D18A B7FD5B434EACFB967859DE6B6D7FEDE30149C2C94C64020000 } print {</pre>} print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "source" [ print trim/lines { <center><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a></center><br> (Open the REBOL console and "do" this page URL)<br><br><pre> } prin {REBOL [] editor decompress } print compress read %index.cgi print </pre> print footer quit ] write/append %archive.db "" write/append %bb.db "" bbs: load %bb.db displaylength: 49 captchacheck: does [ if submitted/10 <> (trim/all submitted/12) [ print {<strong>Incorrect Captcha Text</strong><br><br> Click the [BACK] button in your browser to try again. <br><br><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a><br> } print footer quit ] ] random/seed now/time password: copy [] wrds: first system/words foreach ch mold pick wrds (random length? wrds) [append password ch] if submitted/2 = "addnew" [ if (submitted/4 = "") or (submitted/6 = "") or (submitted/8 = "") [ print { <strong>Incomplete submission</strong><br><br> Click the [BACK] button in your browser to try again. <br><br><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a><br> } print footer quit ] captchacheck make-dir %./history/ save rejoin [ %./history/ now/year "_" now/month "_" now/day "_" (replace/all form now/time ":" "_") ".db" ] bbs entry: copy [] append entry submitted/6 ; topic submitted-message: replace/all submitted/8 {REBOL [} {R E B O L [} submitted-message: replace/all submitted-message {REBOL[} {R E B O L [} append entry submitted-message ; message append entry submitted/4 ; name append entry form (now + 3:00) append/only tail bbs entry if (length? bbs) > displaylength [ write/append %archive.db mold bbs/1 remove head bbs ] reverse bbs foreach topic (copy bbs) [ foreach item topic [ if find item {<i>STICKY:} [ move/to (find/only bbs topic) 1 ] ] ] reverse bbs save %bb.db bbs print {<strong>New Topic Added</strong>} print footer wait :00:02 print {<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=./index.cgi?f=added">} quit ] if submitted/2 = "printtopic" [ if submitted/6 = "archive" [bbs: load %archive.db] current-topic: copy pick bbs (to-integer submitted/4) print rejoin [ {<center><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=printarchive">Archive</a></center><br> <center><table border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width=90%><tr><td><hr><br> <font size=5>} (current-topic/1) {</font><br><br>} ] foreach [message name timestamp] (at current-topic 2) [ replace/all message newline { <br> } message2: copy message append message { } replace/all message2 { } {    } parse/all message [any [thru "http://" copy link to { } (replace message2 (rejoin [{http://} link]) (rejoin [{ <a href="} {http://} link {" target=_blank>http://} link {</a> }]))] to end] print rejoin [ message2 {<br><br><font size=1>posted by:   } name {       } timestamp {</font><br><br><hr><br>} ] ] if submitted/6 = "new" [ print rejoin [ {<FORM method="post" ACTION="./index.cgi"> <input type=hidden name="addresponse" value="addresponse"> <input type=hidden name="topicnumber" value="} submitted/4 {"> Name: <br> <input type=text size="60" name="username"><br><br> Message: <br> <textarea name=message rows=5 cols=50></textarea><br><br> Type this quoted captcha text below: "<strong>} password {</strong>"<br><br> <input type=text size="60" name="pass"><br><br> <input type="hidden" name="password" value="} password {"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit response"> </FORM></td></tr> <tr><td align=right><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a></td></tr></table></center>} ] ] print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "search" [ print {<center><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a></center><br><hr><br>} search-all: does [ foreach topic bbs [ foreach [message name timestamp] (at topic 2) [ if any [(find message submitted/4) (find name submitted/4)] [ replace/all message newline { <br> } message2: copy message append message { } replace/all message2 { } {    } parse/all message [any [thru "http://" copy link to { } (replace message2 (rejoin [{http://} link]) (rejoin [{ <a href="} {http://} link {" target=_blank>http://} link {</a> }]))] to end] print rejoin [ {<font size=5>} archive-note topic/1 {</font><br><br>} message2 {<br><br><font size=1>posted by:   } name {       } timestamp {</font><br><br><hr><br>} ] ] ] ] ] archive-note: "" search-all bbs: load %archive.db archive-note: {(Archive) } search-all print footer quit ] if submitted/2 = "addresponse" [ if (submitted/6 = "") or (submitted/8 = "") [ print { <strong>Incomplete submission.</strong><br><br> Click the [BACK] button in your browser to try again. <br><br><a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a><br> } print footer quit ] captchacheck save rejoin [ %./history/ now/year "_" now/month "_" now/day "_" (replace/all form now/time ":" "_") ".db" ] bbs topicnumber: to-integer submitted/4 ; topic number submitted-message: replace/all submitted/8 {REBOL [} {R E B O L [} submitted-message: replace/all submitted-message {REBOL[} {R E B O L [} append bbs/:topicnumber submitted-message ; message append bbs/:topicnumber submitted/6 ; name append bbs/:topicnumber form (now + 3:00) move/to (at bbs topicnumber) (length? bbs) ; sort messages by most recent responded-topic: (first last bbs) reverse bbs ; move sticky messages to top foreach topic (copy bbs) [ foreach item topic [ if find item {<i>STICKY:} [ move/to (find/only bbs topic) 1 ] ] ] reverse bbs save %bb.db bbs print rejoin [{<strong>Response added to "} responded-topic {"</strong>}] print footer wait :00:03 print {<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=./index.cgi?f=added">} quit ] either submitted/2 = "printarchive" [ archiveflag: "archive" bbs: load %archive.db head-text: "Archive" ] [ archiveflag: "new" head-text: "REBOL Forum" ] print rejoin [{ <center><font size=6>} head-text {</font><br> <FORM method="post" ACTION="./index.cgi"> <input type=hidden name="search" value="search"> <input type=text size="50" name="searchtext"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="search"> </FORM> <table border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 width=90%> }] counter: 1 reverse bbs foreach bb bbs [ print rejoin [ {<tr><td width=65%>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=printtopic&topicnumber=} ((length? bbs) + 1 - counter) {&archiveflag=} archiveflag {">} bb/1 {</a></td><td width=5%>} ((length? bb) - 1 / 3) {</td><td width=30%><font size=1>} (last bb) {, } pick bb ((length? bb) - 1) {</font></td></tr>} ] counter: counter + 1 if counter > displaylength [break] ] message-count: 0 try [foreach record bbs [ message-count: message-count + ((length? record) - 1 / 3) ]] either submitted/2 <> "printarchive" [ print rejoin [ {<tr><td>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=printarchive">ARCHIVED MESSAGES</a></td>} {<td colspan=2 align=center><strong>} message-count { active messages </strong></td></tr>} ] ] [ print rejoin [ {<td colspan=2>   <strong>} message-count { archived messages</strong></td>} {<td align=center>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=home">Home</a></td></tr>} ] ] print rejoin [{ </table><br> <FORM method="post" ACTION="./index.cgi"> <table border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=4 width=50%> <input type=hidden name="addnew" value="addnew"> <tr><td width=10%>Name:</td> <td><input type=text size="65" name="username"></td></tr> <tr><td width=10%>New Topic:</td> <td><input type=text size="65" name="subject"></td></tr> <tr><td width=10%>Message:</td> <td><textarea name=message rows=5 cols=50></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td width=10%>Captcha:</td> <td>Type this quoted captcha text below: "<strong>} password {</strong>"<br> <input type=text size="65" name="pass"><br> <input type="hidden" name="password" value="} password {"></td></tr> <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit new topic"></td></tr> </table> </FORM> <table border=1 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 width=88%><tr><td align=center><font size=2> <a href="./index.cgi?f=home"><strong>Home</strong></a>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=rss">RSS Feed</a>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=downloadreader">Reader</a>   <a href="./index.cgi?f=source">Source</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>Graham's Forum</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>AltME</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>ML</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>R3 Blog</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>RebelBB</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>Community</a>   <a href="" target=_blank>Tutorial</a> </font></td></tr></table></center> }] print footer quit
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage