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Archive version of: rebol-dom.r ... version: 5 ... inetw3dm 10-Nov-2020

Amendment note: added 'strip-obj-char-from() with specific obj. characters to strip || Publicly available? Yes

    	File: %rebol-dom.r
    	Date: 02-11-2020
    	Title: "Dialect Object Model"
    	Purpose: {
             Use a recodable rebol function to create easy to follow blocks/series as 
             a Dialect Object Model  that allow different program languages to work together
             and viewed as HTML and VID. A parse alternative}

library: [
        level: 'intermediate
        platform: 'all
        type: Dialect
        domain: [html vid css json js array]
        tested-under: 'windows
        support: none
        license: none
        see-also: %HTML-view.r

my-dialect: [body: [{background-color="blue" text "white"} ]
p: [
	{ "color":"#0000ff", "bgcolor":"yellow", "width" : "399", "height" : "100", "font-style": "big", }
 This is an example of an Dialect Oject Model
b: [
	{color = "Chocolate" bgcolor = "yellow"} 
 that can be written to look like json' html' javascript arrays' css'  
i: [
	{color = "green"} 
 VID' or plain old rebol ] 
 if you like.

	{width="399" bgcolor="orange"}  
b: [
	{color: "purple" bgcolor: "orange"} 
 Maybe it would be easier to write  
i: [
	{color: "green"}
 MakeDoc.r code but the purpose of this rebol DOM is'	]  
p: [
	{width "399" height= 200 
	style={	color: red;	bgcolor: brown;	border: 2x2;} 
b: [	 
 to read or load as many well known dialects of coding styles as possible
 and write all of it as a single or seperate legible rebol series that's
 quickly manipulated' transcoded as html' and viewed as a VID. ]

use*=*to-set-values: does [=: func [value][any [value]]]

document.: func [request-as][
		attempt [
		DOM: head DOM
		if block! != type? data-node [this: copy data-node insert data-node: [] this]
		if data-node/1 [
		data: type? data-node/1 replace/all data-node/1 "=" " "
		either equal? data tag!
					[node-element: data-node/1: style: .style: to-block first parent-node: data-node 
					 use*=*to-set-values styles: ""
					[node-element: data-node/1: build-tag to-block first parent-node: data-node]
return-tag-node: does [=: :equal? 
				if block! != type? data-node [this: copy data-node insert data-node: [] this]
				if type? block! = node-element: data-node/1 [
				replace/all node-element [=] [] 
			    node-element: data-node/1: build-tag to-block node-element
.style: []
equal?: :=
html: window: end-tag: ""
data-node: parent-node: node: none

.body: .hr: .p: .b: .i: .tr: .ul: .li: .table: .td: .button: .input: .div: .font: .span: 0
node-obj: node-element: node-name: *name: attr-name: attr-value: none

check: func [select-this][node-name: select-this
	any [
		if block! = type? select-this [ select-this: first parse/all node-name " "]
		if string! = type? select-this [select-this: first parse/all node-name " "]
		if tag! = type? select-this [select-this: first parse/all node-name " "]

strip-chars-from: func [node-name][
			foreach char elem-chars:  ["{" "}" {"} "(" ")" "/" "." "[" "]" "," ":" ";" "," "="
                   ] [
			replace/all node-name char " "

strip-obj-chars-from: func [node-name][
			trim node-name if #"^"" = node-name/1 [remove node-name]
			foreach [-char +char] obj-chars: [
                       {" : "} {: "} {":"} {: "} {":} {:} {" "} {" } { " } "" {""} {"} {  "} "" { =} {=} {==} {=}
                   ] [
			replace/all node-name -char +char

getnodename: func [node-name][count: [] my-dialect: head my-dialect
		=: :equal?
		either block! = type? node-name [data-node: :node-name if error? try [
		node-element: data-node/1: build-tag data-node/1][
		node-element: data-node/1]
		node-name: to block! strip-chars-from node-name
		if error? try [count: pick find node-name integer! 1][count: 1]
		if error? try [nodename: to-word join  "." node-name/1 
		repeat ? count [data-node: first my-dialect: next node: find my-dialect nodename indx: index?  data-node]
		][print reduce ["node-name:" mold form node-name/1 "not found"]
		node-element: none
			slf: join node-name/1 count

setnodename: func [old-name new-name][
		this-name: check strip-chars-from old-name node-element-name: check node-element
		same: this-name = node-element-name
		if false = same [getnodename old-name]
		if not find node-element new-name [	
		replace node-element to string! this-name new-name 
		replace data-node to-tag join "/" this-name  to-tag join "/" new-name 
getattribute: func [attr-name][
			attr-name: trim/all form attr-name
			this-attr: to-block find/any node-element join attr-name "?"
			either this-attr [print reduce [attr-name attr-value: mold form this-attr/2]
			][print reduce ["node-attribute:" mold form attr-name "not found"]

setattribute: func [attr-name new-attr][return-tag-node
			either attempt [find/any node-element to-string reduce [attr-name "="]] [ 
			replace node-element attr-name new-attr
			;get-attributes node-element attempt [set-attributes]
			either node-element [insert tail node-element reduce [" " new-attr {="null"}]
			print reduce ["Must get a parent-node with this attribute: " attr-name]

setattributevalue: func [attr-name attr-value][return-tag-node
			either find/any node-element any [to-string reduce [attr-name "="] form attr-name] [ 
			document.(window) any [attempt [.style/:attr-name: = attr-value] attempt [.style/(to-word join "." :attr-name): attr-value]]  
			return-tag-node ;get-attributes node-element attempt [set-attributes]
			either node-element [insert tail node-element reduce [" " attr-name {="} attr-value {"}]
			;get-attributes node-element attempt [set-attributes]
			print reduce ["Must get a parent-node with this attribute: " attr-name]
markup-DOM: func [DSL][DOM: DSL
		either block! = type? DSL [
get-data: func [data][	
		find-end-tag: find data get-word!
			either find-end-tag [
			replace data first find-end-tag  to-tag mold to-refinement first find-end-tag][insert tail data to-tag join "/" any [*name *node-name]
repeat in-data data [cnt: 0
		if set-word! = type? in-data [*node-name: copy form in-data
			replace data in-data node-name: to-word join "." *node-name
		if string! = type? in-data [
			strip-chars-from in-data  
			insert in-data  next reform [node-name " "]
			child: build-tag to-block in-data 
			;foreach [a b][" " " ."][replace/all child a b]
			replace data in-data child
		if block! = type? in-data [
			set to-word join *node-name cnt: cnt + 1 in-data
			get-next in-data

get-next: func [in-data][
	repeat data in-data [
		if set-word! = type? data [*name: copy form data
			replace in-data data node-name: to-word join "." *name
		if string! = type? data [
			strip-chars-from data  
			insert data next reform [node-name " "]
			child: build-tag to-block data 
			;foreach [a b][" " " ."][replace/all child a b]
			replace in-data data child
		if block! = type? data [get-data data
			set to-word *node-name data]
                        find-end-tag: find in-data get-word!
			either find-end-tag [
			replace in-data first find-end-tag  to-tag mold to-refinement first find-end-tag
                       insert tail in-data to-tag join "/" any [*node-name *name] clear *node-name

	repeat data-node DSL [
		if set-word! = type? data-node [*name: copy form data-node
			replace DSL data-node node-name: to-word join "." *name
		if string! = type? data-node [
			strip-chars-from data-node  
			insert data-node  next reform [*name " "]
			child: build-tag to-block data-node 
			;foreach [a b][" " " ."][replace/all child a b]
			replace DSL data-node child
		if block! = type? data-node [ 
			get-data data-node
			this: to-word rejoin [name: join '. *name num: set to-word :name to-integer first reduce [1 + do :name]]
			getnodename to-block reduce [*name num] =: :equal?
			set this data-node
		if get-word! = type? data-node [
			replace DSL data-node  to-tag mold to-refinement *name]
		   alert "Need a Dialect Object Model as type! block"

return-html-dsl: does [
		html: copy form any [find head my-dialect "<body" head my-dialect]	
		replace/all replace/all html "<." "<" "' " ", "
		replace/all replace/all html "{" "<" "}" ">" 
		foreach n-name [
						"[" "]" ".body " ".hr " ".p " ".b " ".i " ".? " 
						".tr " ".table " ".td " ".button " ".input "
						".div " ".ul " ".li " ".font " ".span "
						".img " ".a " ".strong " " ." 
						][replace/all html n-name " "
		append replace/all html </body> "" </body>
		html: any [find html "<body" html]

An example of how to use the DOM functions follows. The syntax hopefully should be easy to follow being that it
resembles how you would use javascript with the HTML,XML DOM. 

It's just a little bit different, why not just make it the same?

Were not scripting against a DOM, (a Documents  Object Modle) but a DOM, (a Dialect Object Modle) because 
you may not actually know the syntax of the loaded document or data before it's transcode to a DOM from a DSL.

Plus Rebol wont let you too far off the hook in writing code any way you like. Some *op Words and  code/data 
has set types that follow a strict syntax. I think the best way around this is to load as type? string!, reformat 
and parse as type? block!. Maybe.....

These DOM functions should work very close to the HTML DOM functions:

getElementsByTagName .getAttribute .setAttribute 

....... <start:rant="on"  placed="strategically" skip="yes:no;">you don't have to readthis</rant>........................

HTML,XML DOM is built as a tree structure from a document. In order to get or set something you must search the
entire tree with each call to a tag. Before returning a single tag it must first build a nodelist of all alike tags before
a method (function call) can be used. 

You actually need a browser, editor or IDE, and code experience with , javascript, html, css, HTML DOM, XML DOM,
HTML5, and to move or share across networks, XSL, XSLT, Xpath, XQuery, Ajax, a server, and server-side/backend with
access to client-side frontends, security, and administration. WWWOOOOOWWW!.
Rebol parse along with block searching is simpler, faster, easier to code, send, or recieve and uses less memory.
The Rebol choir membors know how to do all that need-to-know in one language, Rebol!, WWWOOOOWWW!....

The Rebol upjump (advantage) is a serious downfall. To spend the time using others stuff (bloatware) is a big time 
waister wich leaves Rebol all but alone, by itself and unused cause that bloatware in its domain can do it better 
when it's supported by more of the standard bloatware stuff. But have you seen how many disparate languages 
you need to use in a Web full stack process. 

To get people to use Rebol it has to have modules, FFI, execute C code, plug-ins,  GPU'ed, data-based,  IOS-Android 
and media/browser  access, embedable, AI, CLOUD-able, all wrapped up with a pretty open source bow. Please. 

Thats why i believe RED is the right direction for Rebol. But the wrong direction. Because people only want stuff. Either 
that suff has to do more stuff or be a part of the best known stuff to make them feel better or a part of the best stuff
going on at that moment.

So i give in. I want Rebol to catch on, not catch up. The Rebol-DOM is a way to load every body's stuff in, parse that stuff
up, change stuff, and send that stuff back out and let that other bloatware stuff deal with it.

Rebol don't need no stuff. It needs to progressively replace it by hiding the Rebol language and acting like a cloud
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) open source messenger through the internet. Nothing needs to change. This is what
Rebol is and does already. Rebol just needs this kind of App to materialize and offer itself up on a subscription base.

....... <start:rant="off" skip="yes:no;">did you read that. jeeze</rant>........................................................

markup-DOM my-dialect
getnodename {"b"[1]}getattribute "color"	
document.(getnodename{("p")[2]}).style/width: = "block-build"setattributevalue('height)"1000"

    getattribute "height"

setnodename {b[1]} "listview"
document.(getnodename{("p")[1]}).style/font-style: = "block-build"
data-node: do to-path [DOM .p .b .i] 

document.(data-node).style/color: = "purple" 
	setattribute('i-style) "silly" 

probe return-html-dom