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Scripts owned by tomc

Scripts: 9

Member name:
pluginable analog alarm clock
3.5 KB
20 Sep 2004
aproximate an analog clock and add alarm
author: Tom Conlin
Binary Search
binary-search.r1.8 KB
5 Nov 2007
Find an index in a sorted list, at which an item must occur, if the item exists in the list. in time porportional to log-2 of the number of items in the list. NOTE WELL no effort is made to confirm the series is actually sorted. returns none if the input arguments are (detectably) flawed returns a index of a match OR an index [...]
author: Tom Conlin
dates of easter
easter.r1.0 KB
1 Mar 2005
find the date Easter will fall on for a particular year
author: [unknown]
generate syntx
gen-syntx.r1.6 KB
9 Jan 2004
generate the list of defined 'words separated by their 'type I used the list as a basis for syntax coloring in an editor works with versions before core 2.5.5 but does not return natives in core 2.5.5 works with some since then as well
author: Tom Conlin
733 bytes
24 Feb 2005
Issue a HTTP HEAD command
author: Tom Conlin
lexigraphic permutations
lexpem.r1.9 KB
26 Oct 2003
to generate permutations of a series in the order they would be found in a dictionary
author: Tom Conlin
Prime number checker
3.0 KB
13 Mar 2003
Address the question, could this integer be a prime number? results of false are not prime, results of true are very probably prime and with the /strong refinement, ( I still have to verify this ) true ( should ) guarantee prime. if the argument is outside the domain of the function, none is returned
author: Tom Conlin
request time
request-time.r4.6 KB
20 Sep 2004
widget to return a valid time datatype
author: Tom Conlin
web to plain
3.1 KB
8 Jul 2003
to translate htmlized text into plain text in one pass markdown?
author: Tom Conlin