Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL [ File: %zip-fix.r Date: 23-Dec-2003 Title: "Zip-Fix" Author: "Vincent Ecuyer" Purpose: {Fixing broken zip archives} Notes: { - fix broken zip archives (partial downloads / disk errors ...) - extract data part from auto-extractible archive files - extract zip files from disk images, sectors dumps, ... } Usage: { Select the broken file, new files named <filename>, <filename>, ... will be builded in the same directory. } Library: [ level: 'advanced platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [file-handling files compression] tested-under: [ view on [Win2K] view on [AmigaOS30] core on [Win2K] core on [AmigaOS30] base on [Win2K] ] support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] ;signatures local-file-sig: to-string #{504B0304} central-file-sig: to-string #{504B0102} end-of-central-sig: to-string #{504B0506} data-descriptor-sig: to-string #{504B0708} ;funcs to-ilong: func [value][ to-binary rejoin [ to-char value and 255 to-char to-integer (value and 65280) / 256 to-char to-integer (value and 16711680) / 65536 to-char to-integer (value / 16777216) ] ] to-iword: func [value][ to-binary rejoin [ to-char value and 255 to-char to-integer value / 256 ] ] get-ilong: func [value][ (to-integer value/4) * 256 + (to-integer value/3) * 256 + (to-integer value/2) * 256 + to-integer value/1 ] get-iword: func [value][ (to-integer value/2) * 256 + to-integer value/1 ] entries: copy [] files: copy [] either all [value? 'view? view?] [ if none? file: request-file/only/filter [ "*.zip" "*.jar" "*.chk" "*.exe" "*.part" ][quit] ][ if empty? file: to-file ask "Archive name: " [quit] ] if error? try [data: read/binary file][quit] parse/all data [any [ to local-file-sig ( if any [empty? entries not empty? last entries][ append/only entries copy [] ] ) any [[ local-file-sig a: copy version 2 skip copy flag 1 skip #"^@" copy method 1 skip #"^@" copy time 2 skip copy date 2 skip copy crc32 4 skip copy size 4 skip copy uc-size 4 skip copy fn-size 2 skip (fn-size: get-iword fn-size) copy ef-size 2 skip (ef-size: get-iword ef-size) copy filename fn-size skip ef-size skip pos: ( either all [ "^@^@^@^@" = size "^@^@^@^@" = uc-size (flag/1 and 8) <> #"^@" ][ append last entries to-binary copy/part a pos p: pos either size: find pos data-descriptor-sig [ change (skip last last entries 10) (copy/part skip size 4 12) size: (index? size) - index? pos pos: skip pos size + 16 change (skip last last entries 2) to-char flag/1 xor 8 append last entries to-binary copy/part p size ][ size: (index? tail pos) - index? pos if method/1 = #"^@" [ append files to-file filename append files to-binary copy pos remove back tail last entries ] pos: tail pos ] ][ either ((flag/1 and 8) = #"^@") and not error? try [ size: get-ilong size uc-size: get-ilong uc-size ][ append last entries to-binary copy/part a pos append last entries to-binary copy/part pos size if size <> length? last last entries [ if method/1 = #"^@" [ append files to-file filename append files to-binary copy pos ] remove/part skip tail last entries -2 2 ] pos: skip pos size ][ pos: find/case pos local-file-sig if none? pos [pos: tail pos] ] ] ) :pos ] | local-file-sig] ]] i: 1 foreach entry entries [ result: copy #{} offsets: reduce [to-string #{00000000}] foreach [header content] entry [ append result local-file-sig append result header append result content append offsets to-ilong length? result ] cd-offset: to-string to-ilong length? result cd-size: length? result foreach [header content] entry [ append result central-file-sig append result copy/part header 2 append result copy/part header 26 append result #{00000000000000000000} append result offsets/1 offsets: next offsets append result skip header 26 ] cd-size: to-string to-ilong (length? result) - cd-size nb-files: to-string to-iword to-integer (length? entry) / 2 append result rejoin [ end-of-central-sig to-string #{00000000} nb-files nb-files cd-size cd-offset to-string #{0000} ] d-file: copy file change find/last d-file %. join %-fixed [either i = 1 [""][join %- i]] if not empty? entry [write/binary d-file result] i: i + 1 ] d-file: copy file change find/last d-file %. %-fixed/ foreach [filename content] files [ if not exists? join d-file first split-path filename [ make-dir/deep join d-file first split-path filename ] write/binary d-file/:filename content ] quit
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage