Script Library: 1238 scripts


rebol [ Title: "3D-Surface Plot" Date: 06-August-2007 File: %surface.r Version: 1.0.0 Email: %phil--bevan--gmail--com Category: [demo] Purpose: { Draw a surface with 3-D Perspective and allow roation } License: {Copyright (c) <2007>, <Phil Bevan> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.} History: [ 0.0.1 - Initial Version - test purposes only ] Email: %phil--bevan--gmail--com library: [ level: 'advanced platform: [all] type: [tool] domain: 'math tested-under: ["view"] support: none license: mit see-also: none ] ] objs: [] ; ; reb-3d.r ; screen: 0x0 sox: 500 soy: 300 screen/x: sox * 2 screen/y: soy * 2 pen-color: black anti-alias: true camera: [0 0 6 0 0 800 800] ; x y z a1 a2 xsc ysc ; draw order for all faces draw-o: [] ; draw block draw-bl: [] fn-rot: func [obj [block!]][ context [ ; print "Rot" ; r1: now/time/precise c1: cosine obj/1/4 c2: cosine obj/1/5 c3: cosine obj/1/6 s1: sine obj/1/4 s2: sine obj/1/5 s3: sine obj/1/6 ; r2: now/time/precise clear obj/3 clear obj/4 obj/3: copy/deep obj/2 ; calculate the perspective of the points after the roation & translation foreach point obj/3 [ ; Roation about z axis x1: (point/1 * c1) - (point/2 * s1) y1: (point/1 * s1) + (point/2 * c1) z1: point/3 ; Roation about y axis x2: (x1 * c2) + (point/3 * s2) y2: y1 z2: - (x1 * s2) + (point/3 * c2) x3: x2 + obj/1/1 y3: (y2 * c3) - (z2 * s3) + obj/1/2 z3: (y2 * s3) + (z2 * c3) + obj/1/3 poke point 1 (x3 + camera/1) poke point 2 (y3 + camera/2) poke point 3 (z3 + camera/3) x: point/1 / point/3 * camera/6 y: point/2 / point/3 * camera/7 append obj/4 to pair! reduce[(x + sox) (soy - y)] ] ; c: 0 ; r3: now/time/precise foreach f obj/5 [ ; c: c + 1 p1: f/1/1 p2: f/1/2 p3: f/1/3 d1: reduce [(obj/3/:p2/1 - obj/3/:p1/1) (obj/3/:p2/2 - obj/3/:p1/2) (obj/3/:p2/3 - obj/3/:p1/3)] ; dist^2 between p2 & p1 d2: reduce [(obj/3/:p3/1 - obj/3/:p1/1) (obj/3/:p3/2 - obj/3/:p1/2) (obj/3/:p3/3 - obj/3/:p1/3)] ; dist^2 between p3 & p1 poke f 4 (-2 * obj/3/:p1/3 - d1/3 - d2/3) ; 2 * z-dist from camera n1: (d1/2 * d2/3) - (d1/3 * d2/2) ; normal x n2: - (d1/1 * d2/3) + (d1/3 * d2/1) ; normal y n3: (d1/1 * d2/2) - (d1/2 * d2/1) ; normal z v: 0 > ((obj/3/:p1/1 * n1) + (obj/3/:p1/2 * n2) + (obj/3/:p1/3 * n3)) poke f 2 v ] ; r4: now/time/precise ;print ["Rotation times" r2 - r1 r3 - r2 r4 - r3] ] ] ; if c = 1255 [probe f probe obj/3/:p1 probe obj/3/:p2 probe obj/3/:p3 print ["^/Distance^/" d1 "^/" d2 "^/Normal^/" n1 n2 n3 "^/" ((obj/3/:p1/1 * n1) + (obj/3/:p1/2 * n2) + (obj/3/:p1/3 * n3))]] fn-show: func [][ context [ ; setup the faces to be shown pts: [] clear draw-o foreach o objs [ foreach f o/5 [ if any [f/2 = true f/3/1 = 3 f/3/1 = 4 f/3/1 = 5][ append draw-o f/4 switch f/3/1 [ 1 [append/only draw-o reduce ['image (pick bmps f/3/2) pick o/4 f/1/1 pick o/4 f/1/2 pick o/4 f/1/3 pick o/4 f/1/4]] 2 [ pts: copy reduce ['fill-pen (pick clrs f/3/2) 'polygon] foreach coord f/1 [append pts pick o/4 coord] append/only draw-o pts ] 3 [ either f/2 [cl: pick clrs f/3/2][cl: pick clrs f/3/3] pts: copy reduce ['fill-pen cl 'polygon] foreach coord f/1 [append pts pick o/4 coord] append/only draw-o pts ] 4 [ pts: copy reduce ['pen 0.0.0 'line] foreach coord f/1 [append pts pick o/4 coord] append pts pick o/4 f/1/1 append/only draw-o pts ] 5 [append/only draw-o reduce ['image (pick bmps f/3/2) pick o/4 f/1/1 pick o/4 f/1/2 pick o/4 f/1/3 pick o/4 f/1/4]] ] ] ] ] ; sort the faces sort/skip draw-o 2 ; reset the draw-block clear draw-bl append draw-bl reduce ['pen pen-color] either anti-alias [append draw-bl reduce ['anti-alias 'on]][append draw-bl reduce ['anti-alias 'off]] ; create the draw block forskip draw-o 2 [append draw-bl draw-o/2] ; show the face show f-box ] ] ; ; surface-obj.r ; fn-append-pt: func [x [number!] y [number!] z [number!] pts [block!] ][ append/only pts reduce [x y z] ] fn-append-fc: func [p1 [integer!] p2 [integer!] p3 [integer!] p4 [integer!] ip-col [integer!] /local fc col][ either p4 = 0 [fc: reduce [p1 p2 p3]] [fc: reduce [p1 p2 p3 p4]] col: reduce [2 ip-col] facet: reduce [fc false col 0] append/only facets facet ] fn-gen-plane: func [ip-col-1 [tuple!] ip-col-2 [tuple!] x1 [number!] y1 [number!] x2 [number!] y2 [number!] nsx [integer!] nsy [integer!]][ context [ pts: [] facets: [] obj: [] obj-col: [] npx: nsx + 1 npy: nsy + 1 cols: reduce[ip-col-1 ip-col-2] ; points & face clear pts for i y1 y2 (y2 - y1) / nsy [ for j x1 x2 (x2 - x1) / nsx [ ; points fn-append-pt i j 0 pts ] ] for i (y1 + ((y2 - y1) / nsy / 2)) (y2) (y2 - y1) / nsy [ for j (x1 + ((x2 - x1) / nsx / 2)) (x2) (x2 - x1) / nsx [ ; points fn-append-pt i j 0 pts ] ] ; faces ; print ["AAA" npx npy] clear facets for i 1 npy - 1 1 [ for j 1 npx - 1 1 [ ; top facets fc: reduce [ (npx * npy) + ((i - 1) * (npx - 1)) + j (i - 1) * npx + j + 1 (i - 1) * npx + j ] facet: reduce [fc false copy [3 1 4] 0] append/only facets facet fc: reduce [ (npx * npy) + ((i - 1) * (npx - 1)) + j (i - 1) * npx + j i * npx + j ] facet: reduce [fc false copy [3 2 3] 0] append/only facets facet fc: reduce [ (npx * npy) + ((i - 1) * (npx - 1)) + j i * npx + j i * npx + j + 1 ] facet: reduce [fc false copy [3 1 4] 0] append/only facets facet fc: reduce [ (npx * npy) + ((i - 1) * (npx - 1)) + j i * npx + j + 1 (i - 1) * npx + j + 1 ] facet: reduce [fc false copy [3 2 3] 0] append/only facets facet ] ] ; print length? facets ; create the object append obj reduce [ ; angles & co-ordinates [0 0 0 0 0 0] ;obj/1 pts [] [] facets cols ] append/only objs obj ] ] ; ; Main line ; clrs: reduce [white orange red white 255.255.200 50.50.200 100.100.150 255.25.10 blue green yellow] ; foreach o objs [fn-rot o] fn-show-cam: func [][ f-cx/text: to string! camera/1 f-cy/text: to string! camera/2 f-cz/text: to string! camera/3 if f-panel/show? [show [f-cx f-cy f-cz]] ] fn-show-angles: func [][ f-cx/text: to string! camera/1 f-cy/text: to string! camera/2 f-cz/text: to string! camera/3 ] help-text: { Welcome to Surface.r. To Rotate the surface use the following keys: "[" & "]" - rotate left/right "{" & "}" - rotate forard/back "<" & ">" - roll left/right To move the surface use the following function keys: F1: move the surface left F2: move the surface right F3: move the surface up F4: move the surface down F5: move the surface back F6: move the surface forward } fn-surface-help: func [][ lv-lay: layout [ backdrop 0.0.0 effect [gradient 0x1 130.255.230 0.150.0] vh1 "3D Surface Help" vtext help-text 400x600 as-is ] view/new lv-lay ] fn-prefs: func [/hide-panel /local lv-err xl-new yl-new xh-new yh-new][ if error? lv-err: try [xl-new: to decimal! f-xl/text][ focus f-xl show f-xl alert "Invalid low x value" return ] if error? lv-err: try [yl-new: to decimal! f-yl/text][ focus f-yl show f-yl alert "Invalid low y value" return ] if error? lv-err: try [xh-new: to decimal! f-xh/text][ focus f-xh show f-xh alert "Invalid high x value" return ] if error? lv-err: try [yh-new: to decimal! f-yh/text][ focus f-yh show f-yh alert "Invalid high y value" return ] if xh-new <= xl-new [ focus f-xh show f-xh alert "The high x value must be greater than the low x value" return ] if yh-new <= yl-new [ focus f-yh show f-yh alert "The high y value must be greater than the low y value" return ] xl: xl-new yl: yl-new xh: xh-new yh: yh-new if error? lv-err: try [squares-x-new: to integer! f-xsq/text][ focus f-xsq show f-xsq alert "Invalid no of x squares" return ] if error? lv-err: try [squares-y-new: to integer! f-ysq/text][ focus f-ysq show f-ysq alert "Invalid no of y squares" return ] if squares-x-new < 4 [ focus f-xsq show f-xsq alert "No of squares must be >= 4" return ] if squares-x-new > 64 [ focus f-xsq show f-xsq alert "No of squares must be <= 64" return ] if squares-y-new < 4 [ focus f-ysq show f-ysq alert "No of squares must be >= 4" return ] if squares-y-new > 64 [ focus f-ysq show f-ysq alert "No of squares must be <= 64" return ] squares-x: squares-x-new squares-y: squares-y-new fn-str: f-fun-str/text if error? lv-err: try [camera/1: to decimal! f-cx/text][ focus f-cx show f-cx alert "The x Camera value is invalid" return ] if error? lv-err: try [camera/2: to decimal! f-cy/text][ focus f-cy show f-cy alert "The y Camera value is invalid" return ] if error? lv-err: try [camera/3: to decimal! f-cz/text][ focus f-cz show f-cz alert "The z Camera value is invalid" return ] anti-alias: f-anti-alias/data either f-pen/data [pen-color: f-pen-col/color][pen-color: none] poke clrs 2 f-top-c1/color poke clrs 1 f-top-c2/color poke clrs 3 f-btm-c1/color poke clrs 4 f-btm-c2/color clear objs fn-gen-plane white red xl yl xh yh squares-x squares-y fn-height fn-str xl xh yl yh squares-x squares-y foreach o objs [fn-rot o] fn-show if hide-panel [hide f-panel] ] fn-high-chg: func [dx [integer!] dy [integer!]] [ context [ if error? lv-err: try [x: to integer! f-x-high/text][return] if error? lv-err: try [y: to integer! f-y-high/text][return] if all [dx = -1 x > 1][f-x-high/text: to string! (x - 1) x: x - 1] if all [dy = -1 y > 1][f-y-high/text: to string! (y - 1) y: y - 1] if all [dx = 1 x < squares-x][f-x-high/text: to string! (x + 1) x: x + 1] if all [dy = 1 y < squares-y][f-y-high/text: to string! (y + 1) y: y + 1] show [f-x-high f-y-high] poke clrs 6 f-htop-c1/color poke clrs 5 f-htop-c2/color poke clrs 8 f-hbtm-c1/color poke clrs 7 f-hbtm-c2/color fn-highlight x y 5 6 7 8 ] ] fn-highlight: func [x [integer!] y [integer!] col1 [integer!] col2 [integer!] col3 [integer!] col4 [integer!]][ context [ ; restore original colours if (high-sq-cols/1) > 0 [ high-sq: high-sq-cols/1 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 high-sq-cols/2 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 high-sq-cols/3 high-sq: high-sq + 1 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 high-sq-cols/4 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 high-sq-cols/5 high-sq: high-sq + 1 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 high-sq-cols/6 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 high-sq-cols/7 high-sq: high-sq + 1 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 high-sq-cols/8 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 high-sq-cols/9 ] h-sq: (squares-x * squares-y) + ((x - 1) + ((y - 1) * squares-x)) + 1 f-xh-val/text: to string! objs/1/2/:h-sq/1 f-yh-val/text: to string! objs/1/2/:h-sq/2 f-high-val/text: to string! objs/1/2/:h-sq/3 show [f-xh-val f-yh-val f-high-val] ; set hightlight high-sq: 4 * ((x - 1) + ((y - 1) * squares-x)) + 1 poke high-sq-cols 1 high-sq poke high-sq-cols 2 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/2 poke high-sq-cols 3 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/3 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 col1 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 col3 high-sq: high-sq + 1 poke high-sq-cols 4 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/2 poke high-sq-cols 5 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/3 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 col2 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 col4 high-sq: high-sq + 1 poke high-sq-cols 6 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/2 poke high-sq-cols 7 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/3 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 col1 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 col3 high-sq: high-sq + 1 poke high-sq-cols 8 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/2 poke high-sq-cols 9 objs/1/5/:high-sq/3/3 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 2 col2 poke objs/1/5/:high-sq/3 3 col4 fn-show ] ] fn-high-prefs: func [/hide-panel][ if error? lv-err: try [x: to integer! f-x-high/text][ focus f-x-high show f-x-high alert "Invalid x value" return ] if x < 1 [ focus f-x-high show f-x-high alert "x value cannot be less than 1" return ] if x > squares-x [ focus f-x-high show f-x-high alert "x value grater than the number of squres in the x direction" return ] if error? lv-err: try [y: to integer! f-y-high/text][ focus f-y-high show f-y-high alert "Invalid y value" return ] if y < 1 [ focus f-y-high show f-y-high alert "y value cannot be less than 1" return ] if y > squares-y [ focus f-y-high show f-y-high alert "y value grater than the number of squres in the y direction" return ] poke clrs 6 f-htop-c1/color poke clrs 5 f-htop-c2/color poke clrs 8 f-hbtm-c1/color poke clrs 7 f-hbtm-c2/color fn-highlight x y 5 6 7 8 if hide-panel [hide f-panel-h] ] lv-lay: layout [ backdrop 0.0.0 effect [gradient 0x1 130.255.230 0.150.0] origin 0x0 at 0x0 space 0x0 across f-box: box screen effect [draw draw-bl] rate 60 edge [size: 1x1 color: gray effect: 'bevel] feel [ engage: func [face action event][ if all[action = 'time rot][ st: now/time/precise theta1: theta1 + 5 theta2: theta2 + 7 if theta1 > 360 [theta1: theta1 - 360] if theta2 > 360 [theta2: theta2 - 360] objs/1/1/4: objs/1/1/4 + 5 objs/1/1/5: objs/1/1/5 + 7 if objs/1/1/4 > 360 [objs/1/1/4: objs/1/1/4 - 360] if objs/1/1/5 > 360 [objs/1/1/5: objs/1/1/5 - 360] rots: now/time/precise foreach o objs [fn-rot o] rote: now/time/precise fn-show shoe: now/time/precise print [now/time/precise - st rote - rots shoe - rote] ] ] ] return sensor 0x0 keycode [F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 #">" #"<" #"{" #"}" #"[" #"]"] [ switch value [ #"[" [objs/1/1/4: objs/1/1/4 + 5 fn-rot objs/1 if objs/1/1/4 > 360 [objs/1/1/4: objs/1/1/4 - 360] fn-show-angles] #"]" [objs/1/1/4: objs/1/1/4 - 5 fn-rot objs/1 if objs/1/1/4 < 0 [objs/1/1/4: objs/1/1/4 + 360] fn-show-angles] #"<" [objs/1/1/5: objs/1/1/5 + 5 fn-rot objs/1 if objs/1/1/5 > 360 [objs/1/1/5: objs/1/1/5 - 360] fn-show-angles] #">" [objs/1/1/5: objs/1/1/5 - 5 fn-rot objs/1 if objs/1/1/5 < 0 [objs/1/1/5: objs/1/1/5 + 360] fn-show-angles] #"{" [objs/1/1/6: objs/1/1/6 - 5 fn-rot objs/1 if objs/1/1/6 < 0 [objs/1/1/6: objs/1/1/6 + 360] fn-show-angles] #"}" [objs/1/1/6: objs/1/1/6 + 5 fn-rot objs/1 if objs/1/1/6 > 360 [objs/1/1/6: objs/1/1/6 - 360] fn-show-angles] F1 [camera/1: camera/1 - 0.1 fn-show-cam] F2 [camera/1: camera/1 + 0.1 fn-show-cam] F3 [camera/2: camera/2 + 0.1 fn-show-cam] F4 [camera/2: camera/2 - 0.1 fn-show-cam] F5 [camera/3: camera/3 + 0.1 fn-show-cam] F6 [camera/3: camera/3 - 0.1 fn-show-cam] ] foreach o objs [fn-rot o] fn-show ] btn "Details" [show f-panel] btn "Help" [fn-surface-help] at 4x4 f-panel: panel [ across origin 4x4 at 4x4 space 4x4 vtext "X" right 20 f-xl: field 100 f-xh: field 100 return vtext "Y" right 20 f-yl: field 100 f-yh: field 100 return vtext "Camera" return vtext "x" 20 f-cx: field 204 return vtext "y" 20 f-cy: field 204 return vtext "z" 20 f-cz: field 204 return f-fun-str: area 228x200 font-name "Courier" wrap return vtext "No of X-Squares" 100 f-xsq: field 124 return vtext "No of Y-Squares" 100 f-ysq: field 124 return f-anti-alias: check-line "Anti-Alias" true return f-pen: check-line "Pen" f-pen-col: box black 20x20 edge [size: 1x1] [ lv-val: request-color/color f-pen-col/color either lv-val = none [f-pen/data: false] [f-pen/data: true f-pen-col/color: lv-val] show [f-pen f-pen-col] ] return vtext "Colors (Top)" 100 f-top-c1: box 20x20 orange edge [size: 1x1] [ lv-val: request-color/color f-top-c1/color if lv-val <> none [f-top-c1/color: lv-val] show [f-top-c1] ] f-top-c2: box 20x20 white edge [size: 1x1][ lv-val: request-color/color f-top-c2/color if lv-val <> none [f-top-c2/color: lv-val] show [f-top-c2] ] return vtext "Colors (Bottom)" 100 f-btm-c1: box 20x20 red edge [size: 1x1] [ lv-val: request-color/color f-btm-c1/color if lv-val <> none [f-btm-c1/color: lv-val] show [f-btm-c1] ] f-btm-c2: box 20x20 white edge [size: 1x1][ lv-val: request-color/color f-btm-c2/color if lv-val <> none [f-btm-c2/color: lv-val] show [f-btm-c1] ] return btn "Hightlight Square" [show f-panel-h] 112 return btn "Hide" 112 [ fn-prefs/hide-panel ] btn "Apply" 112 [fn-prefs] ] edge [size: 2x2 effect: 'ibevel] f-panel-h: panel [ across origin 4x4 at 4x4 space 4x4 vtext "Highlight square" return vtext "x:" f-x-high: field "1" 100 space 0x0 arrow left [fn-high-chg -1 0] space 4x4 arrow right [fn-high-chg 1 0] return vtext "y:" f-y-high: field "1" 100 space 0x0 arrow left [fn-high-chg 0 -1] space 4x4 arrow right [fn-high-chg 0 1] return vtext "Colors (Top)" 100 f-htop-c1: box 20x20 0.0.150 edge [size: 1x1] [ lv-val: request-color/color f-htop-c1/color if lv-val <> none [f-htop-c1/color: lv-val] show [f-htop-c1] ] f-htop-c2: box 20x20 0.0.200 edge [size: 1x1][ lv-val: request-color/color f-htop-c2/color if lv-val <> none [f-htop-c2/color: lv-val] show [f-htop-c2] ] return vtext "Colors (Bottom)" 100 f-hbtm-c1: box 20x20 200.200.200 edge [size: 1x1] [ lv-val: request-color/color f-hbtm-c1/color if lv-val <> none [f-hbtm-c1/color: lv-val] show [f-hbtm-c1] ] f-hbtm-c2: box 20x20 255.200.200 edge [size: 1x1][ lv-val: request-color/color f-hbtm-c2/color if lv-val <> none [f-hbtm-c2/color: lv-val] show [f-hbtm-c1] ] return vtext "x:" 50 f-xh-val: info "0.0" 174 silver return vtext "y:" 50 f-yh-val: info "0.0" 174 silver return vtext "f(x,y)" 50 f-high-val: info "0.0" 174 silver return btn "Hide" 112 [ fn-high-prefs/hide-panel ] btn "Apply" 112 [ fn-high-prefs ] ] edge [size: 2x2 effect: 'ibevel] with [show?: false] ] ; create a function create-function: function [t-func [string!]] [f] [ ; return a newly created function if error? try [f: to-block load t-func] [return none] function [x [any-type!] y [any-type!]] [] f ] rot: false dist: 0.0 theta1: 0.0 theta2: 0.0 fn-height: func [fn [string!] x1 [decimal! integer!] x2 [decimal! integer!] y1 [decimal! integer!] y2 [decimal! integer!] xs [decimal! integer!] ys [decimal! integer!] /local c h][ f-fx: create-function fn c: 0 ; corners for i y1 (y2 + (((y2 - y1) / ys / 10))) (y2 - y1) / ys [ for j x1 (x2 + ((x2 - x1) / xs / 10)) (x2 - x1) / xs [ ; evaluate function if error? lv-err: try [h: f-fx i j][ focus f-x-high show f-x-high alert rejoin ["Unable to evaluate function at " i " , " j] h: 0 ] c: c + 1 objs/1/2/:c/3: h ] ] ; centers c: (xs + 1) * (ys + 1) for i y1 + ((y2 - y1) / ys / 2) y2 - ((y2 - y1) / ys / 2) + ((y2 - y1) / ys / 10) (y2 - y1) / ys [ for j x1 + ((x2 - x1) / xs / 2) x2 - ((x2 - x1) / xs / 2) + ((x2 - x1) / xs / 10) (x2 - x1) / xs [ ; function goes here h: f-fx i j c: c + 1 objs/1/2/:c/3: h ] ] ] fn-str: "(2 * exp - ( ((0.5 * x) * (0.5 * x)) + ((0.5 * (y + -3.0)) * (0.5 * (y + -3.0)) ) )) + (4 * exp - ( ((0.5 * (x + 3.0)) * (0.5 * (x + 3.0))) + ((0.5 * (y + 3.0)) * (0.5 * (y + 3.0))) ) )" ; fn-str: "((i) * (i)) + ((j) * (j)) / 20" f-fun-str/text: fn-str xl: -8 yl: -8 xh: 8 yh: 8 f-xl/text: to string! xl f-yl/text: to string! yl f-xh/text: to string! xh f-yh/text: to string! yh squares-x: 16 squares-y: 16 f-xsq/text: to string! squares-x f-ysq/text: to string! squares-y high-sq-cols: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] f-fun-str/text: fn-str f-cx/text: "0" f-cy/text: "0" f-cz/text: "20" fn-prefs ; initial camera objs/1/1/6: 250 objs/1/1/4: 60 pen-color: none anti-alias: true foreach o objs [fn-rot o] fn-show view lv-lay quit
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
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