Script Library: 1241 scripts


REBOL [ title: "RebGUI Spreadsheet Example" date: 18-Apr-2010 file: %rebgui-spreadsheet.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { A tiny demo of RebGUI's sheet widget, with save, load, print and data view features. Taken from the tutorial at } ] do load-thru ; Build#117 display "Spreadsheet" [ x: sheet options [size 3x3 widths [8 8 10]] data [ A1 32 A2 12 A3 "=a1 + a2" A4 "=1.06 * to-integer a3" ] return button "Save" [ x/save-data save to-file request-file x/data ] button "Load" [ x/load-data load to-file request-file ] button "View" [ x/save-data alert form x/data ] button "Print" [ save/png %sheet.png to image! x browse %sheet.png ; or call %sheet.png ] ] do-events
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage