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png.rREBOL [
Title: "PNG Examiner"
Date: 25-Nov-2001
Version: 0.0.2
File: %png.r
Author: "oldes"
Purpose: {Basic PNG (Portable Network Graphics) parser which can show all informations from standard chunks in the file.
History: [
0.0.2 [25-Nov-2001 "Fixed small bug in parsing textual data." "oldes"]
0.0.1 [31-Aug-2000 "Initial version" "oldes"]
Email: %oliva--david--seznam--cz
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: none
type: 'tool
domain: 'file-handling
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
if empty? png-file: to-file ask "PNG file: " [png-file: %/d/test.png]
png-bin: read/binary png-file
png: make object! [
header: none
Color-type: none
Color-types: [
0 "grayscale, without alpha"
2 "truecolor, without alpha"
3 "indexed color"
4 "grayscale, with alpha"
6 "truecolor, with alpha"
chunks: make block! 6
chunk: make object! [
length: none
type: none
data: none
CRC: none
chunk-bytes: [
"IHDR" [4 4 1 1 1 1 1]
"PLTE" []
"IDAT" []
"IEND" []
"cHRM" [4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4]
"gAMA" [4]
"sBIT" []
"bKGD" []
"hIST" []
"tRNS" []
"pHYs" [4 4 1]
"tIME" [2 1 1 1 1 1]
"tEXt" []
"zTXt" []
print ["PNG size:" length? png-bin "bytes"]
png/header: copy/part png-bin 8
png-bin: skip png-bin 8
if png/header <> #{89504E470D0A1A0A} [print "Illegal PNG header!" halt]
;help functions:
getpart: func[bytes /local tmp][
tmp: copy/part png-bin bytes
png-bin: skip png-bin bytes
slice-bin: func [bin bytes /integers /local tmp b][
tmp: make block! length? bytes
forall bytes [
b: copy/part bin bytes/1
append tmp either integers [to-integer b][b]
bin: skip bin bytes/1
extract-data: func[type][
png/chunk/data: slice-bin/integers png/chunk/data select png/chunk-bytes type
;end of help functions
prin "Searching for chunks... "
while [not tail? png-bin][
png/chunk/length: to-integer getpart 4 ;length
png/chunk/type: to-string getpart 4 ;type
png/chunk/data: getpart png/chunk/length ;data
png/chunk/CRC: getpart 4 ;CRC
repend png/chunks [png/chunk/length png/chunk/CRC png/chunk/type]
switch png/chunk/type [
"IHDR" [extract-data "IHDR"] ;Image header
"sBIT" [] ;Significant bits
"pHYs" [extract-data "pHYs"] ;Physical pixel dimensions
"cHRM" [extract-data "cHRM"] ;Primary chromaticities and white point
"gAMA" [extract-data "gAMA"] ;Image gamma
"hIST" [] ;Image histogram
"tEXt" [;Textual data
parse/all png/chunk/data [copy k to #"^@" 1 skip copy d to end]
png/chunk/data: reduce [k d]
"tIME" [;Image last-modification time
extract-data "tIME"
png/chunk/data: to-date rejoin [png/chunk/data/3 "-" png/chunk/data/2 "-" png/chunk/data/1 "/" png/chunk/data/4 ":" png/chunk/data/5 ":" png/chunk/data/6]
"tRNS" [];Transparency
"zTXt" [;Compressed textual data
parse png/chunk/data [copy k to #"^@" 1 skip copy cm 1 skip copy d to end]
png/chunk/data: reduce [k cm d]
repend/only png/chunks png/chunk/data
print ["found" (length? png/chunks) / 4 "chunks."]
;show results:
print "-------------------------------------------"
foreach [length crc type data] png/chunks [
switch/default type [
"IHDR" [;Image header
print ["Width_______________" data/1 "pixels"]
print ["Height______________" data/2 "pixels"]
print ["Bit depth___________" data/3]
print ["Color type__________" data/4 "(" select png/color-types data/4 ")"]
print ["Compression method__" data/5]
print ["Filter method_______" data/6]
print ["Interlace method____" data/7]
"PLTE" [print ["Palette: " mold data]]
"IDAT" [print ["Image data:" length? data "B"] ]
"IEND" [print "Image trailer - EOF"]
;Ancillary chunks
"bKGD" [print ["Background color:" mold data]]
"cHRM" [
print "Primary chromaticities and white point:"
print [" White Point x__" data/1]
print [" White Point y__" data/2]
print [" Red x__________" data/3]
print [" Red y__________" data/4]
print [" Green x________" data/5]
print [" Green y________" data/6]
print [" Blue x_________" data/7]
print [" Blue y_________" data/8]
"gAMA" [print ["Image gamma:__" data]]
"hIST" [print ["Image histogram:" data]]
"pHYs" [;Physical pixel dimensions
Print ["Pixels per unit, X axis: " data/1]
Print ["Pixels per unit, Y axis: " data/2]
Print ["Unit specifier: " data/3 "(" pick ["unknown" "meter"] (data/3 + 1)
"sBIT" [print ["Significant bits:" data]]
"tEXt" [print [data/1 ":" data/2]]
"tRNS" [print ["Transparency:____" data]]
"zTXt" [
print "Compressed textual data:"
print [" " data/1 data/2 data/3]
either find png/chunk-bytes type [
prin [type " "] probe data
][ print ["Nonstandard" either (to-integer type/2) > 88 ["private"]["public"] "chunk:" type]
] Notes