Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Printing module using PCL" Author: "Steven White" Date: 27-MAY-2014 File: %pclprt.r Purpose: {A COBOL-like method for printing basic text-oriented business reports.} library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [function demo] domain: [printing] tested-under: "view 2.7.8 on Windows" support: none licnese: none see-also: none ] ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This is a module for primitive printing. ] ;; [ It works in a specific situation, namely, where all printers are ] ;; [ connected to a Windows print server, and all printers are made by ] ;; [ Hewlett-Packard. ] ;; [ It also is designed for simple reports, lines of text only, like in ] ;; [ the days of mainframe computers. ] ;; [ The reason it works in this situation, and this situation is required ] ;; [ to make it work, is that we can send stuff to a printer in a standard ] ;; [ way, and what we send to the printer can contain embedded PCL codes ] ;; [ to control the printer. ] ;; [ The module "prints" pre-formmated lines to a "file" which is just a ] ;; [ big string in memory. Then, it puts them on paper by writing to a ] ;; [ printer through the print server. ] ;; [ Without a network printer that is a Hewlett-Packard printer, this ] ;; [ probably will not work. But with a nice uniform network of HP printers ] ;; [ running on a Microsoft network of networked printers, it works well. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ These items are the ones that would have to adjusted for a particular ] ;; [ installation. They could be pulled out into a configuration file ] ;; [ if desired. ] ;; [ In the working version of this module at the site where it was ] ;; [ written, these items have meaningful values. ] ;; [ If you are looking at a copy of the real module, sanitized for its ] ;; [ demonstration value, these item will have obviously dummy values. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-INSTALLATION-NAME: "Y O U R I N S T A L L A T I O N" PCLPRT-SERVER: %/printserver/ PCLPRT-DEFAULT-PRINTER: "printer001" PCLPRT-PRINTER-LIST: [ printer001 printer002 printer003 printer004 ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ A printer is controlled by putting codes ("escape sequences") into ] ;; [ the data sent to the printer. ] ;; [ These are the codes we use in this module, assembled here for ] ;; [ organization. They are commonly-used ones, but not even close to ] ;; [ all of them. There is a huge amount of stuff that this module ] ;; [ does NOT do. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-RESET: "^(esc)E" ;; Send at beginning and end of job PCLPRT-FORMFEED: "^(page)" ;; Page eject PCLPRT-LANDSCAPE: "^(esc)&l1O" ;; Landscape orientation PCLPRT-FONT-LINEPRINTER: "^(esc)(10U^(esc)(s0p16.67h8.5v0s0b0T" PCLPRT-MARGIN-LEFT-5: "^(esc)&a5L" ;; Five-column left margin PCLPRT-MARGIN-TOP-4: "^(esc)&l4E" ;; Four-line top margin PCLPRT-LPI-8: "^(esc)&l8D" ;; Eight lines per inch PCLPRT-LINE-TERMINATION: "^(esc)&k2G" ;; CR=CR, LF=CR-LF, FF=CR-FF ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ "Printing" is going to mean appending a print line to the end of ] ;; [ this big string. When we "close" the print "file," this big string ] ;; [ will be written to a network printer. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-FILE: "" ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ Here are some other important items, defined here so we can keep ] ;; [ track of them. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-PRINTER: copy PCLPRT-DEFAULT-PRINTER PCLPRT-PRINTER-PATH: none PCLPRT-PAGE-SIZE: 57 PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT: 0 ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure can be used to request a printer name if the default ] ;; [ name is not acceptable, or if you want the operator to specify a ] ;; [ printer. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-REQUEST-PRINTER: does [ PCLPRT-PRINTER: request-list "Select printer by name" PCLPRT-PRINTER-LIST ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure "opens" the print "file," which means we will clear ] ;; [ out the string and put some initial printer control characters ] ;; [ into it. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-OPEN: does [ PCLPRT-FILE: copy "" append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-RESET append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-LINE-TERMINATION PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT: 0 ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure "closes" the print "file," which means we will ] ;; [ put the appropriate printer reset characters at the end of the ] ;; [ string and write it to the printer. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-CLOSE: does [ append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-RESET PCLPRT-PRINTER-PATH: rejoin [ PCLPRT-SERVER PCLPRT-PRINTER ] write/binary PCLPRT-PRINTER-PATH PCLPRT-FILE ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure causes a page skip by putting a form-feed character ] ;; [ into the file. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-EJECT: does [ append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-FORMFEED PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT: 0 ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure "prints" a line passed to it, which means we will ] ;; [ append the passed line to the file, and add a newline. ] ;; [ The refinement of "double" puts an extra newline at the end for ] ;; [ double spacing. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-PRINT: func [ PCLPRT-PRINT-LINE /DOUBLE ] [ append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-PRINT-LINE append PCLPRT-FILE newline PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT: PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT + 1 if DOUBLE [ append PCLPRT-FILE newline PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT: PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT + 1 ] ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ Here is a separate procedure for sending the printer-reset codes. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-RESET-PRINTER: does [ append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-RESET ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure sets the font, etc., to a line-printer style. ] ;; [ To find out what characters to use, use the control panel on the ] ;; [ printer to get the PCL font list. On the list are the exact escape ] ;; [ sequences needed. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-SET-LINEPRINTER: does [ append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-LANDSCAPE append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-FONT-LINEPRINTER append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-MARGIN-LEFT-5 append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-MARGIN-TOP-4 append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-LPI-8 ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ This procedure emits the characters to set the orientation to ] ;; [ landscape. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] PCLPRT-SET-LANDSCAPE: does [ append PCLPRT-FILE PCLPRT-LANDSCAPE ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; [ The procedures below use the procedures above for printing in a ] ;; [ classic COBOL manner. They print headings automatically, check for ] ;; [ page skips, and so on. ] ;; [ The caller of this module should "do" it early in the program to define ] ;; [ the items below, and then set the following items to desired values: ] ;; [ LP-PROGRAM: Name of the program making the report. ] ;; [ LP-REPORT: 50-character report description. ] ;; [ LP-SUBTITLE: not used until we figure out how to center it. ] ;; [ What these procedures are going to give you is a report of text lines ] ;; [ in a fixed-width font, like the line printer of the COBOL days. ] ;; [ At the beginning of your program, call PCLPRT-LP-OPEN. ] ;; [ During your program, format a print line and call: ] ;; [ PCLPRT-LP-PRINT <your-pre-formatted-print-line> ] ;; [ At the end of your program, call PCLPRT-LP-CLOSE. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] ;; -- Items to be loaded before first use PCLPRT-LP-PROGRAM: "" PCLPRT-LP-REPORT: "" PCLPRT-LP-SUBTITLE: "" PCLPRT-LP-PAGE-COUNT: 1 PCLPRT-LP-TITLE: copy PCLPRT-INSTALLATION-NAME ;; will be at top of report PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-1: "" PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-2: "" PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-1: "" ;;-+ PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-2: "" ;; |-> up to three report heading lines PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-3: "" ;;-+ PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT: 0 PCLPRT-LP-PROG-LGH: 0 PCLPRT-LP-REPT-LGH: 0 PCLPRT-LP-PROG-20: "" ;; program name chopped off at or padded to 20 PCLPRT-LP-REPT-50: "" ;; report name chopped off at or padded to 50 ;; -- Helper functions for the main printing functions PCLPRT-SUBSTRING: func [ "Return a substring from the start position to the end position" INPUT-STRING [series!] "Full input string" START-POS [number!] "Starting position of substring" END-POS [number!] "Ending position of substring" ] [ if END-POS = -1 [END-POS: length? INPUT-STRING] return skip (copy/part INPUT-STRING END-POS) (START-POS - 1) ] PCLPRT-FILLER: func [ "Return a string of a given number of spaces" SPACE-COUNT [integer!] /local FILLER ] [ FILLER: copy "" loop SPACE-COUNT [ append FILLER " " ] return FILLER ] PCLPRT-SPACEFILL: func [ "Left justify a string, pad with spaces to specified length" INPUT-STRING FINAL-LENGTH /local TRIMMED-STRING LENGTH-OF-TRIMMED-STRING NUMBER-OF-SPACES-TO-ADD FINAL-PADDED-STRING ] [ TRIMMED-STRING: copy "" TRIMMED-STRING: trim INPUT-STRING LENGTH-OF-TRIMMED-STRING: length? TRIMMED-STRING either (LENGTH-OF-TRIMMED-STRING < FINAL-LENGTH) [ NUMBER-OF-SPACES-TO-ADD: (FINAL-LENGTH - LENGTH-OF-TRIMMED-STRING) FINAL-PADDED-STRING: copy TRIMMED-STRING loop NUMBER-OF-SPACES-TO-ADD [ append FINAL-PADDED-STRING " " ] ] [ FINAL-PADDED-STRING: COPY "" FINAL-PADDED-STRING: PCLPRT-SUBSTRING TRIMMED-STRING 1 FINAL-LENGTH ] ] ;; -- Main printing functions PCLPRT-LP-PRINT-USER-HEADINGS: does [ PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT: 0 if (PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-1 <> "") [ PCLPRT-PRINT PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-1 PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT: PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT + 1 ] if (PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-2 <> "") [ PCLPRT-PRINT PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-2 PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT: PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT + 1 ] if (PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-3 <> "") [ PCLPRT-PRINT PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-3 PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT: PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT + 1 ] if (PCLPRT-LP-USER-HEADING-COUNT > 0) [ PCLPRT-PRINT "" ] ] PCLPRT-LP-OPEN: does [ PCLPRT-OPEN PCLPRT-SET-LINEPRINTER PCLPRT-LP-PAGE-COUNT: 1 PCLPRT-LP-PROG-LGH: length? PCLPRT-LP-PROGRAM either (PCLPRT-LP-PROG-LGH >= 20) [ PCLPRT-LP-PROG-20: PCLPRT-SUBSTRING PCLPRT-LP-PROGRAM 1 20 ] [ PCLPRT-LP-PROG-20: PCLPRT-SPACEFILL PCLPRT-LP-PROGRAM 20 ] PCLPRT-LP-REPT-LGH: length? PCLPRT-LP-REPORT either (PCLPRT-LP-REPT-LGH >= 50) [ PCLPRT-LP-REPT-50: PCLPRT-SUBSTRING PCLPRT-LP-REPORT 1 50 ] [ PCLPRT-LP-REPT-50: PCLPRT-SPACEFILL PCLPRT-LP-REPORT 50 ] PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-1: rejoin [ PCLPRT-LP-PROG-20 PCLPRT-FILLER 43 PCLPRT-LP-TITLE PCLPRT-FILLER 52 now/date ] PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-2: rejoin [ PCLPRT-LP-REPT-50 PCLPRT-FILLER 13 PCLPRT-FILLER 39 ;; subtitle, eventually PCLPRT-FILLER 52 "Page " to-string PCLPRT-LP-PAGE-COUNT ] PCLPRT-PRINT PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-1 PCLPRT-PRINT/DOUBLE PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-2 PCLPRT-LP-PRINT-USER-HEADINGS ] PCLPRT-LP-CLOSE: does [ PCLPRT-CLOSE ] PCLPRT-LP-PRINT: func [ PCLPRT-LP-PRINT-LINE /DOUBLE ;; not used at this time ] [ if (PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT >= PCLPRT-PAGE-SIZE) [ PCLPRT-LINE-COUNT: 0 PCLPRT-LP-PAGE-COUNT: PCLPRT-LP-PAGE-COUNT + 1 PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-2: copy "" PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-2: rejoin [ PCLPRT-LP-REPT-50 PCLPRT-FILLER 13 PCLPRT-FILLER 39 ;; subtitle, eventually PCLPRT-FILLER 52 "Page " to-string PCLPRT-LP-PAGE-COUNT ] PCLPRT-EJECT PCLPRT-PRINT PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-1 PCLPRT-PRINT/DOUBLE PCLPRT-LP-HEADING-2 PCLPRT-LP-PRINT-USER-HEADINGS ] PCLPRT-PRINT PCLPRT-LP-PRINT-LINE ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage