Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "REBOL Locking System" Date: 23-Jun-1999 Version: 1 File: %lock-file.r Author: "Cal Dixon" Rights: { Copyright (c) 1999 Caleb Dixon. This version is free for ANY use. Do whatever you want with it as long as you don't claim to have created this. } Usage: { Be sure to run the 'lock-server function in a separate rebol process before calling the other functions, they will fail if the server is not available. Once the server is running, you can just "do %locker.r" then use 'get-lock and 'free-lock in any script that needs resource locking. } Purpose: {To provide functions for voluntary resource locking in rebol} Comment: { This version does not do enough error checking. This will be fixed later. } Email: %deadzaphod--hotmail--com library: [ level: 'advanced platform: none type: 'tool domain: [tcp other-net] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] ; change this line if you want to use a port other than 7007 for this service. if not value? 'rebol-lock-port [rebol-lock-port: 7007] lock-server: func [{Handles requests to lock and unlock named resources.}][ locks: make block! [] listener: open/lines join tcp://: rebol-lock-port while [true] [ conn: first listener wait conn req: load first conn if (= to-lit-word (pick req 1) 'lock) [ if none? find locks (pick req 2) [ append locks reduce [ (pick req 2) true ] ] if (available: do rejoin [ "locks/" (pick req 2) ]) [ do rejoin [ "locks/" (pick req 2) ": false" ] ] insert conn rejoin [ "[" available "]" ] ] if (= to-lit-word (pick req 1) 'free) [ do rejoin [ "locks/" (pick req 2) ": true" ] insert conn "[ true ]" ] close conn ] ] try-obtain-lock: function [ "Attempt to lock a named resource" whichword [word!] ] [] [ conn: open/lines join tcp://localhost: rebol-lock-port insert conn rejoin [ "[lock " whichword "]" ] return do load first conn ] get-lock: function [ {Attempt to lock a named resource, and retry if it is not available} whichword [word!] retries [integer!] ] [ gotit ] [ while [ not (gotit: try-obtain-lock whichword) ] [ if (retries < 1) [ return gotit ] retries: retries - 1 wait 1 ] gotit ] free-lock: function [ "Free a named resource" whichword [word!] ] [] [ conn: open/lines join tcp://localhost: rebol-lock-port insert conn rejoin [ "[free " whichword "]" ] return do load first conn ]
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