Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Feedback" Date: 2-Apr-2001 Version: 1.0.0 File: %feedback.r Author: "Carl Sassenrath" Purpose: "Sends feedback to REBOL Technologies." Email: %carl--rebol--com library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: none type: none domain: [email GUI] tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] fields: [f-cat f-area f-name f-email f-date f-prod f-vers f-summary f-descrp f-code f-urge] submit: has [out dt t file] [ out: copy "" foreach f fields [ repend out [skip form f 2 ": " mold get in get f 'text newline] ] alert either not error? try [send %feedback--rebol--net out][ unview "Email has been sent to feedback. Thank you." ][ "Email could not be sent. Check network connection and settings." ] ] clear-field: func [f] [clear f/text f/line-list: none f/para/scroll: 0x0] reset-fields: does [ unfocus clear-field f-summary clear-field f-descrp clear-field f-code f-name/text: user-prefs/name ;system/user/name f-email/text: form system/user/email f-date/text: form now f-vers/text: form system/version f-urge/data: head f-urge/data f-cat/text: first head f-cat/data f-area/text: first head f-area/data focus f-summary ] lo: layout [ style tx label 100x24 right style fld field 400x24 across space 4x4 tx "Categories:" f-cat: choice 196x24 "Bug Report" "Enhancement/Idea" "Comment/Praise" "General Question" f-area: choice 196x24 "General" "Core Functions" "View Graphics" "VID" "Application" "Documentation" "Web Site" return tx "Report From:" f-name: fld 196 tx "Product:" 74 f-prod: fld 114x24 form system/product return tx "Email Address:" f-email: fld 196 tx "Version:" 74 f-vers: fld 114x24 form system/version return tx "Date/Time:" f-date: fld 196x24 form now tx "Urgency:" 74 f-urge: rotary 114 leaf "Normal" 200.0.0 "Critical" 40.40.180 "Low" 100.100.100 "Reminder" return tx "Summary:" f-summary: fld return tx "Description:" f-descrp: area wrap 400x72 return here: at tx "Code Example:" f-code: area 400x72 font [name: font-fixed] return pad 106 button "Send" #"^S" [submit] pad 90 button "Clear" [reset-fields show fields] button "Close" #"^Q" [unview/only lo] ] reset-fields view center-face lo
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
  • email address(es) have been munged to protect them from spam harvesters. If you are a Library member, you can log on and view this script without the munging.
  • (feedback:rebol:net)
  • (carl:rebol:com)