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cbh.rREBOL [ Title: "Chess board handler"
File: %cbh.r
Date: 28-aug-2012
Version: 0.1.0
Author: "Arnold van Hofwegen"
Purpose: {Function as a chess board interface.
Support playing a game of chess according to the rules of the game of chess. }
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [game demo]
domain: [all]
tested-under: [View 2.7.8 Windows MacOSX]
support: "AltMe"
license: 'lgpl
see-also: [%chessmoves.r %chessimage.r]
; Constants
grootte: 40 ;-- field size on the GUI
transplborder: ; blue
transplfill: ; sky
do %chessimage.r
do %chessmoves.r
; Variables
board-line-width: 1
pen-board: Black
pen-legal-move: Blue
; Functions
; Initialize screens
init-draw-board-box: func [/local n m x y adder field-shape] [
draw-board-box: copy []
draw-board-box: append draw-board-box reduce ['pen 'black 'fill-pen 'silver 'line-width board-line-width]
draw-board-box: append draw-board-box compose [line 0x0 (to-pair reduce [0 8 * grootte])]
draw-board-box: append draw-board-box compose [line 0x0 (to-pair reduce [8 * grootte 0])]
draw-board-box: append draw-board-box compose [line (to-pair reduce [0 8 * grootte]) (to-pair reduce [8 * grootte 8 * grootte])]
draw-board-box: append draw-board-box compose [line (to-pair reduce [8 * grootte 0]) (to-pair reduce [8 * grootte 8 * grootte])]
for m 0 7 1 [
for n 0 3 1 [
; donkere velden, bepaal begin punt en teken een vierkant
adder: either odd? m [0][1]
x: (n * 2 + adder) * grootte
y: m * grootte
draw-board-box: append draw-board-box compose [shape]
field-shape: copy []
field-shape: append field-shape compose [move (as-pair x y)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['hline (grootte)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['vline (grootte)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['hline (- grootte)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['vline (- grootte)]
draw-board-box: append/only draw-board-box field-shape
init-board-box: func [] [
init-draw-legal-moves: func [/local x y t field-shape] [
draw-legal-moves-box: copy []
legal-moves-box/effect: reduce ['draw draw-legal-moves-box]
show legal-moves-box
make-draw-legal-moves: func [fieldnr /local x y t field-shape] [
draw-legal-moves-box: copy []
;draw-legal-moves-box: append draw-legal-moves-box reduce ['pen 'blue 'fill-pen 'sky 'line-width board-line-width]
draw-legal-moves-box: append draw-legal-moves-box reduce ['pen 'transplborder 'fill-pen 'transplfill 'line-width board-line-width]
destinations: select from-to-fields fieldnr
if not none = destinations [
foreach field destinations [
x: grootte * to-integer field - 1 / 8
t: (field - 1) // 8 + 1
y: 8 - t * grootte
draw-legal-moves-box: append draw-legal-moves-box compose [shape]
field-shape: copy []
field-shape: append field-shape compose [move (as-pair x y)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['hline (grootte)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['vline (grootte)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['hline (- grootte)]
field-shape: append field-shape compose ['vline (- grootte)]
draw-legal-moves-box: append/only draw-legal-moves-box field-shape
legal-moves-box/effect: reduce ['draw draw-legal-moves-box]
show legal-moves-box
place-pieces-init: func [/local piece-order kleur n img-piece] [
piece-order: "RNBQKBNR"
kleur: "-white"
for n 1 8 1 [
img-piece: to-word rejoin ["img-" pick piece-order n kleur]
pieces/pane/:n/image: get img-piece
pieces/pane/:n/size: 41x41
pieces/pane/:n/offset: as-pair n - 1 * grootte 7 * grootte
for n 9 16 1 [
pieces/pane/:n/image: img-P-white
pieces/pane/:n/size: 41x41
pieces/pane/:n/offset: as-pair n - 9 * grootte 6 * grootte
kleur: "-black"
for n 17 24 1 [
pieces/pane/:n/image: img-P-black
pieces/pane/:n/size: 41x41
pieces/pane/:n/offset: as-pair n - 17 * grootte grootte
for n 25 32 1 [
img-piece: to-word rejoin ["img-" pick piece-order n - 24 kleur]
pieces/pane/:n/image: get img-piece
pieces/pane/:n/size: 41x41
pieces/pane/:n/offset: as-pair n - 25 * grootte 0
show pieces
pieceval-to-letter: func [piece [integer!]] [
switch piece [
4 5 6 7 [return "P"]
128 129 130 131 [return "K"]
32 33 34 35 [return "R"]
16 17 18 19 [return "B"]
8 9 10 11 [return "N"]
64 65 66 67 [return "Q"]
field-as-offset: func [n /local x y ] [
x: grootte * to-integer n - 1 / 8
y: 7 - (n - 1 // 8) * grootte
return as-pair x y
place-pieces: func [/local n piecenr thispiece letter kleur img-piece] [
;-- use the generated block from the chess-move generator to place the pieces on the board
; This block looks like:
; [128 [3] 64 [20 21]] or something like that
;-- first clear old images from the board
for n 1 32 1 [pieces/pane/:n/offset: -200x-200]
piecenr: 1
for n 1 64 1 [
thispiece: game-board/(n)
if 0 < thispiece [
letter: pieceval-to-letter game-board/(n)
kleur: either odd? thispiece ["-black"]["-white"]
img-piece: to-word rejoin ["img-" letter kleur]
pieces/pane/:piecenr/image: get img-piece
pieces/pane/:piecenr/offset: field-as-offset n
piecenr: piecenr + 1
compute-offset-field: func [xy [pair!]
/local rij kol veldpaar] [
rij: to-integer (xy/2 / grootte) + 1
kol: to-integer (xy/1 / grootte) + 1
veldpaar: as-pair kol rij
xy-to-field: func [xy [pair!] /local t] [
t: xy/1 - 1 * 8 + 9 - xy/2
validate-moving: func [from-field destination [pair!] /fieldnr] [
;-- use the generated block from-to-fields from the chessmoves.r
; generator to determine the valid destination fields of the
; selected piece
; This block looks like:
; [1 [2 3] 64 [20 21]]
destinations: select from-to-fields from-field
;-- Start by checking inside the board boundaries
either all [destination/1 > 0
destination/1 < 9
destination/2 > 0
destination/2 < 9] [
fieldnr: xy-to-field destination
if none = destinations [return false]
if found? find destinations fieldnr [return true]
return false
return false
; Button actions
action-import-position: func [] [
importstring: copy new-white-pos/text
importstring: append importstring new-black-pos/text
wb: either check-move/data [1][0]
; this is a function from %chessmoves.r
import-position importstring wb
either error-in-position [
print error-description
action-take-back-move: func [] [
; call function from %chessmoves.r
;print "action-take-back-move"
show pieces
action-help: func [] [
alert "Sorry, not implemented at this moment."
; Move the selected piece to the "end" of the layout
; effectively to the top of the z-index
;-- function copied from %display-chess-board.r from by Sunanda
move-to-top: func [series item /local item-index item-value] [
item-index: find series item
item-value: first item-index
remove item-index
append series item-value
show last series
show item-value
update-interface: func [] [
hintbox/color: either white-to-move [white][black]
who-is-to-move-txt/text: either white-to-move ["White"]["Black"]
show hintbox
show who-is-to-move-txt
list-played/data: played-moves
show list-played
list-legal/data: legal-moves
show list-legal
txt-number-legal/text: length? legal-moves
show txt-number-legal
txt-information/text: either 0 = length? info-txt ["Message area"][info-txt]
show txt-information
movestyle: [
engage: func [face action event] [
if action = 'down [
position: face/offset
startfield: compute-offset-field face/offset + event/offset
fieldfrom: startfield/1 - 1 * 8 + 9 - startfield/2
move-to-top pieces/pane face
make-draw-legal-moves fieldfrom
start: event/offset
if find [over away] action [
face/offset: face/offset + event/offset - start
show face
if action = 'up [
fieldto: compute-offset-field face/offset + event/offset
either validate-moving fieldfrom fieldto [
face/offset: 0x0 + as-pair fieldto/1 - 1 * grootte fieldto/2 - 1 * grootte
; give move to the chessmoves module
perform-move fieldfrom xy-to-field fieldto
face/offset: position
show face
piece-styles: stylize [
apiece: image red-pixel feel movestyle
; Layout applicationscreen
main: layout [
;size 800x700
styles piece-styles
hier: at
at hier + 0x50
board-box: box " " 320x320 white
txt-information: text teal ivory 320 center "Message area"
btn-back: button 100 "Undo move" [action-take-back-move]
text 130 "Player to move next:"
who-is-to-move-txt: text "White"
hintbox: box 20x20 white
thispos: text "Input your gameposition"
text "White pieces (KE1Dd2RA1Rh4Bc1Bf1Nb1Ng1Pa2 etc):"
new-white-pos: field 300 ""
text "Black pieces (KE8Dd5RA8Rh6Bc8Bf8Nb8Ng8Pa7 etc):"
new-black-pos: field 300 ""
check-move: check false [either check-move/data [move-for-txt/text: "Black to move"]
[move-for-txt/text: "White to move"]
show move-for-txt]
move-for-txt: text "White to move"
last-move-txt: text 80 "Last move"
last-move: field 100 ""
btn-import: button 90 "Import Pos." [action-import-position]
btn-help: button 50 "Help" [action-help]
at hier + 0x50
legal-moves-box: box " " 1x1 white
at hier + 0x50
pieces: panel [below size 320x320
apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece
apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece
apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece
apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece apiece
at 380x20
vh2 "Legal moves list:"
at 380x50
list-legal: text-list 150x500 ""
at 380x560
txt-number-legal: text 60 teal ivory "Number"
at 540x20
vh2 "Played moves:"
at 540x50
list-played: text-list 150x500 ""
at hier
btn-debug: button "Debug draw" [print hier]
btn-inform: button "Info" [i: to-image main save/png %screenshot.png i]
btn-herstart: button "Herstart" [unview/all do %cbh.r]
; Program
;box-size: to-pair reduce [8 * grootte + 1 8 * grootte + 1]
box-size: to-pair reduce [8 * grootte 8 * grootte]
board-box/size: box-size
legal-moves-box/size: box-size
legal-moves-box/color: none
pieces/size: box-size
board-box/effect: reduce ['draw draw-board-box]
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