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Archive version of: vid-build.r ... version: 8 ... luce80 9-Jan-2011

Amendment note: Window's offset and size in prefs, added panel, gui to clip, find and bug fixes || Publicly available? Yes

	Title: "VID_build"
	Date: 08-Jan-2011
	Version: 0.6.5
	File: %vid-build.r
	Author: "Marco Antoniazzi"
	Purpose: "Easily create VID guis"
	eMail: [luce80 AT libero DOT it]
	History: [
		0.0.1 [14-Mar-2010 "First version"]
		0.0.2 [31-Mar-2010 "Enhancements"]
		0.0.3 [21-Apr-2010 "Enhancements and bug fixes"]
		0.0.4 [11-Sep-2010 "Enhancements"]
		0.0.5 [18-Sep-2010 "Enhancements"]
		0.0.6 [24-Sep-2010 "Enhancements and bug fixes"]
		0.0.7 [26-Sep-2010 "Added style button and sensor"]
		0.0.8 [09-Oct-2010 "gui window reopens where it was closed"]
		0.0.9 [01-Nov-2010 "Enhancements and bug fixes"]
		0.6.0 [03-Jan-2011 "Added a few keyboard shortcuts, undo, redo, prefs, help, clear and bug fixes"]
		0.6.5 [07-Jan-2011 "Window's offset and size in prefs, added panel, gui to clip, find and bug fixes"]
	Notes: {
	- Shortcuts: Undo <Ctrl+z>, Redo <Ctrl+r>, Cut <Ctrl+x>, Copy <Ctrl+c>, Paste <Ctrl+v>, Quit <Esc>,
		Select previous <Up>, next <Down>, some previous <Pg-Up>, some next <Pg-Down>,
		first <Home>, last <End>, Mouse-wheel also scrolls
	- Use <Ctrl> to multi-select lines to be added to panels, beware the order used to select
	Todo: {
	- add "Save" button
	- save also offset of window
	Category: [util vid view]
	library: [
		level: 'intermediate
		platform: 'all
		type: 'tool
		domain: [gui vid]
		tested-under: [View]
		support: none
		license: 'BSD
		see-also: none

docs: ; change to suit your needs

counter: 0
line: ""
lab: " "
copied: []
main-list: copy []
undo-list: copy []
redo-list: copy []
pick-list: copy []
win-options: copy []
temp-options: copy []
win-title: "VID_build"
saved?: yes
text-found?: no
here-at: false
text-searched: ""
gui-script: copy []
back-picked: copy []
visible-lines: 0
system/view/vid/error: func [msg spot] [to-error [msg]] ; patch VID error function to keep it silent
widget_to_block: func [widget [block!] text [string!]][
	join widget [join text form counter]
add_new_widget: func [new-widget [block!] /local str-counter] [
	str-counter: reverse head change copy "0000" reverse to-string counter ; pad left with 0s
	insert new-widget load rejoin ["L" str-counter ":"]
	counter: counter + 1
	either empty? gui-list/data [
		clear main-list
		append/only main-list new-widget
		append gui-list/data mold/only new-widget
		if empty? gui-list/picked [append gui-list/picked first gui-list/data] ; security check
		insert/only find/only/tail main-list to-block first gui-list/picked new-widget
		insert find/tail gui-list/data first gui-list/picked mold/only new-widget

	append clear gui-list/picked mold/only new-widget
add_new_text: func [new-widget [block!] /local new-text] [
	if new-text: request-text/default join "New text" counter [
		add_new_widget join new-widget copy/deep new-text 
add_panel: func [/local picked] [
	picked: copy gui-list/picked
	loop length? picked [
		append picked mold/only remove load first picked
		remove picked
	add_new_widget copy load rejoin [{panel [origin 0 space 4x4 } reform picked {]}]

remove_selected: func [/local picked] [
	if empty? gui-list/data [exit]
	remove find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked

	picked: find gui-list/data first gui-list/picked
	clear gui-list/picked
	either tail? next picked [ ; is last line?
		append gui-list/picked first back picked
		append gui-list/picked first next picked
	remove picked

copy_selected: does [
	if empty? gui-list/data [exit]
	copied: copy first find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked
	remove copied ; remove line label
paste_selected: does [
	if empty? copied [exit]
	add_new_widget copy copied

add_to_undo-list: does [
	insert/only undo-list copy main-list
	if not empty? gui-list/picked [insert pick-list first gui-list/picked]
	saved?: no
undo: does [
	if empty? undo-list [exit]
	insert/only redo-list copy main-list
	append pick-list gui-list/picked
	main-list: take undo-list
	if not empty? gui-list/data [
		append gui-list/picked either empty? pick-list [first gui-list/data][take pick-list]
redo: does [
	if empty? redo-list [exit]
	insert/only undo-list copy main-list
	insert pick-list gui-list/picked
	main-list: take redo-list
	if not empty? gui-list/data [
		append gui-list/picked either empty? pick-list [first gui-list/data][take/last pick-list]

move_selected: func [/up /down /local picked dir new-index] [
	if empty? gui-list/data [exit]
	dir: either up [-1] [1]
	new-index: dir + index? picked: find gui-list/data first gui-list/picked
	if any [(new-index < 1) (new-index > length? gui-list/data)] [exit]

	move find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked dir

	move picked dir
replace_line: func [lab [string!] line [string!] /local old-line] [
	line: rejoin [lab line]
	if empty? gui-list/data [add_new_widget copy load line exit]
	old-line: find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked
	if (mold/only first old-line) = line [exit] ; unmodified line
	change/only old-line load line
	change/only find/only gui-list/data first gui-list/picked line
	append clear gui-list/picked line
select_line: func [where [word!] /local dir old-index new-index] [
	if empty? gui-list/data [exit]
	dir: switch/default where [
			up [-1]
			down [1]
			page-up [negate visible-lines]
			page-down [visible-lines]
			home [-10000] ; a great number
			end [10000] ; a great number
		] [exit]
	new-index: dir + old-index: index? find gui-list/data first gui-list/picked
	new-index: max 1 min new-index length? gui-list/data
	if new-index = old-index [exit]

	append clear gui-list/picked pick gui-list/data new-index
	show gui-list/update
change_style: does [
	if empty? gui-list/data [
		clear edit-style/text
		clear lab
	; avoid Ctrl to erase selection
	either empty? gui-list/picked [append gui-list/picked back-picked][back-picked: copy first gui-list/picked]
	selected-line: first gui-list/picked
	edit-style/text: copy line: find/tail selected-line " "
	lab: copy/part selected-line line
	show edit-style
	text-found?: no
rebuild_gui-list: func [/reset /local temp-list str-counter re-counter] [
	clear gui-list/data
	temp-list: copy main-list
	if main-list <> reduce [min-layout] [
		re-counter: 0
		forall temp-list [
			if reset [
				str-counter: reverse head change copy "0000" reverse to-string re-counter ; pad left with 0s
				head change first temp-list load rejoin ["L" str-counter ":"]
				re-counter: re-counter + 1
			append gui-list/data mold/only first temp-list
	clear gui-list/picked
update_list_and_layout: does [
	; use a minimum layout to show a prettier window
	if empty? gui-list/data [main-list: reduce [min-layout]]

	show gui-list/update
	;should I recycle ?
	new-win-layout: copy def-layout
	forall main-list [append new-win-layout load first main-list] ; reconstruct layout

reopen_window: func [/local new-win-offset view-err?] [
	new-win-offset: new-win/offset
	unview/only new-win
	new-win: none
	new-win: layout new-win-layout 
	either counter = 1 [
		if error? try [view/new/title/options center-face new-win win-title win-options] [view-err?: true]
		if error? try [view/new/title/offset/options new-win win-title new-win-offset win-options] [view-err?: true]
	window/changes: 'activate
	either view-err? [undo clear redo-list focus edit-style] [focus window]
min-layout: [size 100x100]
new-win: layout min-layout
def-layout: [do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp]
new-win-layout: copy def-layout

spc: 4x4
rebuild_script: func [the-script] [
	head forall main-list [remove first main-list append the-script rejoin ["^-" mold/only first main-list "^/"] ]
open_prefs: func [btn /local face] [
	win-options: copy temp-options
	foreach face win-checks/pane [
		if face/style = 'check-line [
			face/data: found? find win-options to-word face/text
	prefs-win-pos/text: new-win/offset
	prefs-win-size/text: new-win/size 
	prefs-win-title/text: new-win/text 
	field-min-size/text: either find win-options 'min-size [to-string win-options/min-size] [copy ""]
	inform/title/offset prefs-layout "" window/offset + btn/offset + (btn/size * 0x1)
set_prefs: does [
	remove/part find win-options 'min-size 2
	if (trim field-min-size/text) <> "" [append win-options reduce ['min-size to-pair field-min-size/text]]
	prefs-layout/changes: 'activate
	focus prefs-layout
prefs-layout: layout [
	origin 4x4 space 4x4 
	text "Window pos:"
	prefs-win-pos: info 65 return
	text "Window size:"
	prefs-win-size: info 65
	h4 "Window  title:" 
	prefs-win-title: field 150 [win-title: face/text set_prefs]
	h4 "Window options:"
	win-checks: panel [
		origin 0 space 4x4
		style check-line check-line [alter win-options to-word face/text set_prefs]
		check-line "no-title"
		check-line "no-border" 
		check-line "resize" 
		check-line "all-over" 
		check-line "activate-on-show"
	text "min-size"
	field-min-size: field 90 [either all [(trim face/text) <> "" error? try [face/text: to-string to-pair form reduce load face/text]] [focus face] [show face set_prefs]] return 
	btn 72 "OK" green + 50 [hide-popup temp-options: win-options]
	btn 72 "Cancel" [hide-popup win-options: temp-options update_list_and_layout]
find_in_list: func [face /local start line found] [
	if empty? gui-list/data [focus window exit]
	start: gui-list/data
	if all [text-found? text-searched = face/text] [start: next find gui-list/data gui-list/picked]
	foreach line start [if find line face/text [found: line break]]
	either found [
		append clear gui-list/picked found
		show gui-list/update
		text-found?: yes
		text-searched: copy face/text
		focus face
	] [
		focus window ; to unfocus edit-style
gadgets-layout: layout/offset [
	origin 0 space spc
	style box box 50x20 font [size: 12 color: black shadow: none]
	button 78 "button" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [button] "New button"]
	toggle 78 "toggle" [add_new_widget copy [toggle "UP" "Down" sky water]]
	btn 40 "btn" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [btn] "New button"] return
	rotary 78 "rotary" [add_new_widget copy [rotary "item 1" "item 2" "item 3"]]
	choice 78 "choice" [add_new_widget copy [choice "choice 1" "choice 2" "choice 3"]]
	tog 40 "tog" [add_new_widget copy [tog " UP " "Down"]] return
	check-line "check" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [check-line] "check this"]
	radio-line "radio" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [radio-line] "choose this"]
	pad 0x4 led 12x12 [add_new_widget copy [led 12x12]] pad 0x-4 text "led" [add_new_widget copy [led 12x12]]
	label "sensor" [add_new_widget copy [sensor 0x0 keycode [#"^(ESC)"] [unview] ]] return
	arrow up [add_new_widget copy [arrow up]]
	arrow down [add_new_widget copy [arrow down]]
	arrow left [add_new_widget copy [arrow left]]
	arrow right [add_new_widget copy [arrow right]]
	box "box" white - 20 [add_new_widget copy [box white]]
	box "panel" edge [size: 1x1 effect: 'ibevel color: black] [add_panel] return
	label "Progress:" [add_new_widget copy [progress]] pad 0x4 progress 120 pad 0x-4  return
	label "Separator:" [add_new_widget copy [bar]] pad 0x10 bar 120 pad 0x-10 return
	label "Horizontal Slider:" [add_new_widget copy [slider 120x16 with [data: 0.5]]] pad 0x3 slider 50x16 with [data: 0.5] return
	label "Vertical Slider:" [add_new_widget copy [slider 16x120 with [data: 0.5]]] pad 70x-30 slider 16x50 with [data: 0.5] return
	label "Horizontal Scroller:" [add_new_widget copy [scroller 120x16 with [data: 0.5]]] scroller 50x16 with [data: 0.5] return
	label "Vertical Scroller:" [add_new_widget copy [scroller 16x120 with [data: 0.5]]] pad 78x-30 scroller 16x50 with [data: 0.5] return
	field 100 "field" [add_new_widget copy [field]]
	drop-down 100 with [text: "drop-down" list-data: ["item 1" "item 2" "item 3"]] [add_new_widget copy [drop-down 200 with [text: first list-data: ["item 1" "item 2" "item 3"]]] ] return
	area 100x48 "area" [add_new_widget copy [area 200x48]]
	text-list 100x48 data ["1st line" "2nd line" "3rd line" "4rd line"] [add_new_widget copy [text-list 200x48 "1st line"]] return
] spc
text-layout: layout/offset [
	origin 0 space spc
	text "Normal text" [add_new_text [text]]
	text "Bold text" bold [add_new_text [text bold]]
	text "Italic text" italic [add_new_text [text italic]]
	text "Underlined text" underline [add_new_text [text underline]]
	label "Label text" [add_new_text [label]] return
	title "Title" [add_new_text [title]]
	h1 "Heading 1" [add_new_text [h1]]
	h2 "Heading 2" [add_new_text [h2]]
	h3 "Heading 3" [add_new_text [h3]]
	h4 "Heading 4" [add_new_text [h4]]
] spc
window: layout [
	style choice choice white - 20 font [style: none size: 11 colors: [0.0.0 255.150.55] shadow: none]
	origin spc space spc
	btn "Load gui block" [load_gui]
	btn "Save as..." yellow [save_file]
	btn "Save as REBOL..." yellow [save_file/reb]
	btn "Reopen window" green + 100 [unview/only new-win view/new center-face new-win]
	btn "Prefs" [open_prefs face]
	btn "?" sky [browse docs] return
	btn "Undo" #"^z" [undo]
	btn "Redo" #"^r" [redo]
	btn "Copy gui to clipboard" [clear gui-script rebuild_script gui-script write clipboard:// to-string gui-script]
	btn "Clear gui" orange [if not empty? gui-list/picked [here-at: false add_to_undo-list clear main-list rebuild_gui-list update_list_and_layout]]
	text "Find:" para [origin: 2x4] field 80 [find_in_list face] return
	h3 "Choose auto-layout:" return
	choice "Across" "Below" 60x22 [add_new_widget copy reduce [to-word face/text]]
	btn "Return" [add_new_widget copy [return]]
	btn "Guide" [add_new_widget copy [guide]]
	btn "here: at" [add_new_widget copy [here: at] here-at: true]
	btn "at here" [either here-at [add_new_widget copy [at here]][alert {Add a "here: at"}]]
	btn "tab" [add_new_widget copy [tab]]
	choice "origin 10x10" "space 10x10" "pad 10x10" "tabs 100" "indent 10" 90x22 [add_new_widget copy load value]
	btn "style" [
		if not empty? gui-list/picked [
			add_new_widget copy reduce ['style this-style: second to-block first gui-list/picked this-style 'red]
	] return
	h3 "Choose element to add:" return
	rotary "Gadgets" "Text" 220x24 gray + 100 font [colors: [0.0.0 255.150.55] shadow: none] [
		switch value [
			"Gadgets" 	[panels/pane: gadgets-layout show panels]
			"Text" 		[panels/pane: text-layout show panels]
	btn "Cut" #"^x" gadgets-layout/size / 3x1 * 1x0 + -16x24 [copy_selected remove_selected]
	btn "Copy" #"^c" gadgets-layout/size / 3x1 * 1x0 + -16x24 [copy_selected]
	btn "Paste" #"^v" gadgets-layout/size / 3x1 * 1x0 + -16x24 [paste_selected]
	arrow 'up 24x24 [move_selected/up] arrow 'down 24x24 [move_selected/down] return
	panels: box gadgets-layout/size + (spc * 4) edge [size: spc effect: 'ibevel]
	gui-list: text-list panels/size data copy [] [change_style] with [
		update: func [/local item tot-rows visible-rows] [
			tot-rows: length? data visible-lines: visible-rows: lc
			sld/redrag visible-rows / max 1 tot-rows
			if item: find data picked/1 [
				either visible-rows >= tot-rows [
					sld/step: 0.0
					sld/data: 0.0
					sn: 0
					sld/step: 1 / (tot-rows - visible-rows)
					sld/data: (index? item) / tot-rows ; simple but it works
					if sld/data < sld/step [sld/data: 0]
					sn: to-integer sld/data / sld/step
		append init [
			iter/para/origin: -40x0 ; hide labels (should be size-text something)
			sld/action: func [face value] [ ;patched
				if sn = value: max 0 to-integer value * ((length? slf/data) - lc) [exit] ; I alwways hated that "1 +" !
				sn: value 
				show sub-area
	] return
	do [panels/pane: gadgets-layout]
	h3 "Edit style:"
	key (escape) [ask-close] return
	edit-style: field panels/size * 2x0 - 104x0 + 4x38 wrap [
		if (trim face/text) = "" [
		either attempt [layout to-block compose load face/text] [
			if (type? lab) <> string! [lab: copy/part selected-line line] ; "lab" used as get-word !!
			replace_line lab face/text
		] [
			focus edit-style
	choice "color" "gradient" "edge" [
		if edit-style/text <> "" [
			switch value [
				"color" 	[repend edit-style/text [" " any [request-color ""]]]
				"gradient" 	[append edit-style/text { effect [gradient 200.0.0 0.0.200]}]
				"edge" 		[append edit-style/text { edge [size: 2x2 effect: 'bevel color: red]}]
			replace_line lab edit-style/text
	] return
window/feel: make window/feel [
	detect: func [face event][
		case [
			event/type = 'key [
				if system/view/focal-face/feel = ctx-text/edit [ ; editing has precedence (if not escaping)
					either event/key = (escape) [change_style return none][return event]
				if face: find-key-face face event/key [
					if get in face 'action [do-face face event/key]
					return none
				if word? event/key [select_line event/key]
				return none
			event/type = 'scroll-line [either event/offset/y < 0 [select_line 'up] [select_line 'down] ]
			event/type = 'close [ask-close return none]

ask-close: does [
	either not saved? [
		answer: request ["Exit without saving?" "Yes" "Save" "No"]
		case [ ; switch does NOT work! Rebol bug?
			answer = true [quit]
			answer = false [if save_file [quit]]
save_file: func [/reb /local file-name filt ext response script] [
	if empty? main-list [return false]

	either reb [
		filt: "*.r"
		ext: %.r
		filt: "*.rbl"
		ext: %.rbl
	file-name: request-file/title/keep/only/filter "Save as Rebol script" "Save" filt
	if equal? file-name none [return false]
	if not-equal? suffix? file-name ext [append file-name ext]
	if exists? file-name [response: request/confirm rejoin [{File "} last split-path file-name {" already exists, overwrite it?}]]
	if response <> true [return false]
	flash join "Saving to: " file-name

	either reb [
		script: copy rejoin [{REBOL [{Automatically generated by VID_build. Author: Marco Antoniazzi}]
		^/^/view/title/options center-face layout [^/^-} mold/only def-layout "^/"]
		rebuild_script script
		append script rejoin [{] "} win-title {" [} win-options {]}]
		;print script
		write file-name script
		insert main-list compose/only/deep ['VID_build_gui-block [counter (counter) win-title (win-title) win-options (win-options)]]
		save file-name main-list
		remove/part main-list 2
	saved?: yes
	wait 2
load_gui: func [/local file-name temp-list] [
	until [
		file-name: request-file/title/keep/only/filter "Load a gui block" "Load" "*.rbl"
		if equal? file-name none [exit]
		exists? file-name
	temp-list: load file-name
	if not-equal? first temp-list 'VID_build_gui-block [exit]
	main-list: temp-list
	counter: second main-list
	clear win-options
	win-title: "VID_build"
	if block? counter [ ; compatibility
		win-prefs: counter
		counter: win-prefs/counter
		if (win-title: to-string win-prefs/win-title) = "" [win-title: "VID_build"]
		temp-options: win-options: win-prefs/win-options
	remove/part main-list 2

	;counter: 0 ; always start with 0
	append gui-list/picked last gui-list/data
	undo-list: copy [] redo-list: copy []
	saved?: true

view/new/title/options window "VID_build" []

inform layout [text as-is {This is a simple, fast VID GUI builder.
The knowledge of REBOL VID System is required.


	1) Click on some "styles" below the "Gadgets" button
	2) Experiment with the other elements
	3) Save the layout as a Rebol block or a Rebol program
wait 0.3 ; to not confuse user
view/new center-face new-win
window/changes: 'activate
focus window