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Archive version of: vid-build.r ... version: 7 ... luce80 3-Jan-2011Amendment note: Added a few keyboard shortcuts, undo, redo, prefs, help, clear and bug fixe || Publicly available? Yes REBOL [ Title: "VID_build" Date: 03-Jan-2011 Version: 0.6.0 File: %vid-build.r Author: "Marco Antoniazzi" Purpose: "Easily create VID guis" eMail: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] History: [ 0.0.1 [14-Mar-2010 "First version"] 0.0.2 [31-Mar-2010 "Enhancements"] 0.0.3 [21-Apr-2010 "Enhancements and bug fixes"] 0.0.4 [11-Sep-2010 "Enhancements"] 0.0.5 [18-Sep-2010 "Enhancements"] 0.0.6 [24-Sep-2010 "Enhancements and bug fixes"] 0.0.7 [26-Sep-2010 "Added style button and sensor"] 0.0.8 [09-Oct-2010 "gui window reopens where it was closed"] 0.0.9 [01-Nov-2010 "Enhancements and bug fixes"] 0.6.0 [03-Jan-2011 "Added a few keyboard shortcuts, undo, redo, prefs, help, clear and bug fixes"] ] Todo: { - add button to re-initialize labels - add "Save" button - show offset and size of window - save also offset of window - add panels (with tree-list or second text-list?) - add "Find" button } Category: [util vid view] library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: 'tool domain: [gui vid] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD see-also: none ] ] counter: 0 line: "" copied: [] main-list: copy [] undo-list: copy [] redo-list: copy [] pick-list: copy [] win-options: copy [] temp-options: copy [] win-title: "VID_build" saved?: true docs: ; change to suit your needs system/view/vid/error: func [msg spot] [to-error [msg]] ; patch VID error function to keep it silent system/view/window-feel: make face/feel [ ; patch system/view/window-feel/detect function to not interfere with fields detect: func [face event][ either all [ event/type = 'key face: find-key-face face event/key ][ if get in face 'action [do-face face event/key] if system/view/focal-face/feel = ctx-text/edit [return event] ; <- added none ][ event ] ] ] widget_to_block: func [widget [block!] text [string!]][ join widget [join text form counter] ] add_new_widget: func [new-widget [block!]] [ insert new-widget load rejoin ["L" counter ":"] counter: counter + 1 add_to_undo-list either empty? gui-list/data [ clear main-list append/only main-list new-widget append gui-list/data mold/only new-widget ][ if empty? gui-list/picked [append gui-list/picked first gui-list/data] ; security check insert/only find/only/tail main-list to-block first gui-list/picked new-widget insert find/tail gui-list/data first gui-list/picked mold/only new-widget ] clear gui-list/picked append gui-list/picked mold/only new-widget update_list_and_layout ] add_new_text: func [new-widget [block!] /local new_text] [ if new_text: request-text/default join "New text" counter [ add_new_widget join new-widget copy/deep new_text ] ] remove_selected: func [/local picked] [ if empty? gui-list/data [exit] add_to_undo-list remove find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked picked: find gui-list/data first gui-list/picked clear gui-list/picked either tail? next picked [ ; is last line? append gui-list/picked first back picked ][ append gui-list/picked first next picked ] remove picked update_list_and_layout ] copy_selected: does [ if empty? gui-list/data [exit] copied: copy first find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked remove copied ; remove line label ] paste_selected: does [ if empty? copied [exit] add_new_widget copy copied ] add_to_undo-list: does [ insert/only undo-list copy main-list insert pick-list gui-list/picked saved?: false ] undo: does [ if empty? undo-list [exit] insert/only redo-list copy main-list append pick-list gui-list/picked main-list: take undo-list rebuild_gui-list if not empty? gui-list/data [ append gui-list/picked either empty? pick-list [first gui-list/data][take pick-list] ] update_list_and_layout ] redo: does [ if empty? redo-list [exit] insert/only undo-list copy main-list insert pick-list gui-list/picked main-list: take redo-list rebuild_gui-list if not empty? gui-list/data [ append gui-list/picked either empty? pick-list [first gui-list/data][take/last pick-list] ] update_list_and_layout ] move_up_selected: does [ if empty? gui-list/data [exit] if equal? first gui-list/data first gui-list/picked [exit] add_to_undo-list move find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked -1 move find gui-list/data first gui-list/picked -1 update_list_and_layout ] move_down_selected: does [ if empty? gui-list/data [exit] if equal? last gui-list/data first gui-list/picked [exit] add_to_undo-list move find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked 1 move find gui-list/data first gui-list/picked 1 update_list_and_layout ] replace_line: func [lab [string!] line [string!]] [ line: rejoin [lab line] if empty? gui-list/data [add_new_widget copy load line exit] add_to_undo-list change/only find/only main-list to-block first gui-list/picked load line change/only find/only gui-list/data first gui-list/picked line clear gui-list/picked append gui-list/picked line update_list_and_layout ] change_style: does [ if empty? gui-list/data [ clear edit-style/text clear lab exit ] selected-line: first gui-list/picked ; edit-style/text: copy line: find/tail selected-line " " lab: copy/part selected-line line show edit-style ] rebuild_gui-list: does [ clear gui-list/data forall main-list [if main-list <> reduce [min-layout] [append gui-list/data mold/only first main-list]] clear gui-list/picked ] update_list_and_layout: does [ ; use a minimum layout to show a prettier window if empty? gui-list/data [main-list: reduce [min-layout]] gui-list/update 0 0 show gui-list change_style ;should I recycle ? new-win-layout: copy def-layout forall main-list [append new-win-layout load first main-list] ; reconstruct layout main-list: head main-list reopen_window ] reopen_window: func [/local new-win-offset] [ new-win-offset: new-win/offset unview/only new-win new-win: none new-win: layout new-win-layout either counter = 1 [ view/new/title/options center-face new-win win-title win-options ][ view/new/title/offset/options new-win win-title new-win-offset win-options ] window/changes: 'activate focus window ] min-layout: [size 100x100] new-win: layout min-layout def-layout: [do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp] new-win-layout: copy def-layout spc: 4x4 open_prefs: func [btn /local face] [ temp-options: copy win-options foreach face win-checks/pane [ if face/style = 'check-line [ face/data: found? find temp-options to-word face/text ] ] inform/title/offset prefs-layout "" window/offset + btn/offset + (btn/size * 0x1) ] set_prefs: func [/local win-min-size] [ remove/part find temp-options 'min-size 2 if (trim field-min-size/text) <> "" [ if error? try [win-min-size: to-pair field-min-size/text][focus field-min-size return] append temp-options reduce ['min-size win-min-size] ] win-options: temp-options hide-popup update_list_and_layout ] prefs-layout: layout [ origin 4x4 space 4x4 h4 "Window title:" field 150 [win-title: face/text] h4 "Window options:" win-checks: panel [ origin 0x0 space 4x4 style check-line check-line [alter temp-options to-word face/text] check-line "no-title" check-line "no-border" check-line "resize" check-line "all-over" check-line "activate-on-show" ] Across text "min-size" field-min-size: field 90 [either error? try [to-pair face/text] [focus face] [show face]] return btn 72 "OK" green + 50 [set_prefs] btn 72 "Cancel" [hide-popup] ] gadgets-layout: layout/offset [ origin 0 space spc across button 78 "button" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [button] "New button"] toggle 78 "toggle" [add_new_widget copy [toggle "UP" "Down" sky water]] btn 40 "btn" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [btn] "New button"] return rotary 78 "rotary" [add_new_widget copy [rotary "item 1" "item 2" "item 3"]] choice 78 "choice" [add_new_widget copy [choice "choice 1" "choice 2" "choice 3"]] tog 40 "tog" [add_new_widget copy [tog " UP " "Down"]] return check-line "check" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [check-line] "check this"] radio-line "radio" [add_new_widget widget_to_block [radio-line] "choose this"] pad 0x4 led 12x12 [add_new_widget copy [led 12x12]] pad 0x-4 text "led" [add_new_widget copy [led 12x12]] label "sensor" [add_new_widget copy [sensor 0x0 keycode [#"^(ESC)"] [unview] ]] return arrow up [add_new_widget copy [arrow up]] arrow down [add_new_widget copy [arrow down]] arrow left [add_new_widget copy [arrow left]] arrow right [add_new_widget copy [arrow right]] box 100x20 "box" white - 20 font [size: 12 color: black shadow: none] [add_new_widget copy [box white]] return label "Progress:" [add_new_widget copy [progress]] pad 0x4 progress 120 pad 0x-4 return label "Separator:" [add_new_widget copy [bar]] pad 0x10 bar 120 pad 0x-10 return label "Horizontal Slider:" [add_new_widget copy [slider 120x16 with [data: 0.5]]] pad 0x3 slider 50x16 with [data: 0.5] return label "Vertical Slider:" [add_new_widget copy [slider 16x120 with [data: 0.5]]] pad 70x-30 slider 16x50 with [data: 0.5] return label "Horizontal Scroller:" [add_new_widget copy [scroller 120x16 with [data: 0.5]]] scroller 50x16 with [data: 0.5] return label "Vertical Scroller:" [add_new_widget copy [scroller 16x120 with [data: 0.5]]] pad 78x-30 scroller 16x50 with [data: 0.5] return field 100 "field" [add_new_widget copy [field]] drop-down 100 with [text: "drop-down" list-data: ["item 1" "item 2" "item 3"]] [add_new_widget copy [drop-down 200 with [text: first list-data: ["item 1" "item 2" "item 3"]]] ] return area 100x48 "area" [add_new_widget copy [area 200x48]] text-list 100x48 data ["1st line" "2nd line" "3rd line" "4rd line"] [add_new_widget copy [text-list 200x48 "1st line"]] return ] spc text-layout: layout/offset [ origin 0 space spc below text "Normal text" [add_new_text [text]] text "Bold text" bold [add_new_text [text bold]] text "Italic text" italic [add_new_text [text italic]] text "Underlined text" underline [add_new_text [text underline]] label "Label text" [add_new_text [label]] return title "Title" [add_new_text [title]] h1 "Heading 1" [add_new_text [h1]] h2 "Heading 2" [add_new_text [h2]] h3 "Heading 3" [add_new_text [h3]] h4 "Heading 4" [add_new_text [h4]] ] spc window: layout [ style choice choice white - 20 font [style: none size: 11 colors: [0.0.0 255.150.55] shadow: none] origin spc space spc across btn "Load gui block" [load_gui] btn "Save as..." yellow [save_file] btn "Save as REBOL..." yellow [save_file/reb] btn "Reopen window" green + 100 [unview/only new-win view/new center-face new-win] btn "Prefs" [open_prefs face] btn " ? " sky [browse docs] return btn "Undo" #"^z" [undo] btn "Redo" #"^r" [redo] btn "Clear gui" orange [if not empty? gui-list/picked [add_to_undo-list clear main-list rebuild_gui-list update_list_and_layout]] return h3 "Choose auto-layout:" return choice "Across" "Below" 60x22 [add_new_widget copy reduce [to-word face/text]] btn "Return" [add_new_widget copy [return]] btn "Guide" [add_new_widget copy [guide]] btn "here: at" [add_new_widget copy [here: at]] btn "at here" [add_new_widget copy [at here]] btn "tab" [add_new_widget copy [tab]] choice "origin 10x10" "space 10x10" "pad 10x10" "tabs 100" "indent 10" 90x22 [add_new_widget copy load value] btn "style" [ if not empty? gui-list/picked [ add_new_widget copy reduce ['style this-style: second to-block first gui-list/picked this-style 'red] ] ] return h3 "Choose element to add:" return rotary "Gadgets" "Text" 220x24 gray + 100 font [colors: [0.0.0 255.150.55] shadow: none] [ switch value [ "Gadgets" [panels/pane: gadgets-layout show panels] "Text" [panels/pane: text-layout show panels] ] ] btn "Cut" #"^x" gadgets-layout/size / 3x1 * 1x0 + -16x24 [if system/view/focal-face <> edit-style [copy_selected remove_selected]] btn "Copy" #"^c" gadgets-layout/size / 3x1 * 1x0 + -16x24 [if system/view/focal-face <> edit-style [copy_selected]] btn "Paste" #"^v" gadgets-layout/size / 3x1 * 1x0 + -16x24 [if system/view/focal-face <> edit-style [paste_selected]] arrow 'up 24x24 [move_up_selected] arrow 'down 24x24 [move_down_selected] return panels: box gadgets-layout/size + (spc * 4) edge [size: spc effect: 'ibevel] do [panels/pane: gadgets-layout lab: " "] gui-list: text-list panels/size data copy [] [change_style] return h3 "Edit style:" key #"^(ESC)" [either system/view/focal-face = edit-style [change_style] [quit_prog window compose [type 'close face (window)]]] return edit-style: field panels/size * 2x0 - 104x0 + 4x38 wrap [ if (trim face/text) = "" [ remove_selected exit ] either attempt [layout to-block compose load face/text] [ replace_line lab face/text ] [ focus edit-style ] ] choice "color" "gradient" "edge" [ if edit-style/text <> "" [ switch value [ "color" [repend edit-style/text [" " any [request-color ""]]] "gradient" [append edit-style/text { effect [gradient 200.0.0 0.0.200]}] "edge" [append edit-style/text { edge [size: 2x2 effect: 'bevel color: red]}] ] replace_line lab edit-style/text ] ] return ] save_file: func [/reb /local file-name filt ext response script] [ if empty? main-list [return false] either reb [ filt: "*.r" ext: %.r ][ filt: "*.rbl" ext: %.rbl ] file-name: request-file/title/keep/only/filter "Save as Rebol script" "Save" filt if equal? file-name none [return false] if not-equal? suffix? file-name ext [append file-name ext] if exists? file-name [response: request/confirm rejoin [{File "} last split-path file-name {" already exists, overwrite it?}]] if response <> true [return false] flash join "Saving to: " file-name either reb [ script: copy reform [{REBOL [{Automatically generated by VID_build. Author: Marco Antoniazzi}] ^/^/view/title/options center-face layout [^/^-} mold/only def-layout "^/"] forall main-list [remove first main-list append script reform ["^-" mold/only first main-list "^/"] ] append script rejoin [{] "} win-title {" [} win-options {]}] ;print script write file-name script ][ insert main-list compose/only/deep ['VID_build_gui-block [counter (counter) win-title (win-title) win-options (win-options)]] save file-name main-list remove/part main-list 2 ] saved?: true wait 2 unview true ] load_gui: func [/local file-name temp-list] [ file-name: request-file/title/keep/only/filter "Load a gui block" "Load" "*.rbl" if equal? file-name none [exit] temp-list: load file-name if not-equal? first temp-list 'VID_build_gui-block [exit] main-list: temp-list counter: second main-list clear win-options win-title: "VID_build" if block? counter [ ; compatibility win-prefs: counter counter: win-prefs/counter if (win-title: to-string win-prefs/win-title) = "" [win-title: "VID_build"] win-options: win-prefs/win-options ] remove/part main-list 2 rebuild_gui-list append gui-list/picked last gui-list/data update_list_and_layout undo-list: copy [] redo-list: copy [] saved?: true ] quit_prog: func [face event /local answer] [ either all [event/type = 'close event/face = window][ either not saved? [ answer: request ["Exit without saving?" "Yes" "Save" "No"] case [ ; switch does NOT work! Rebol bug? answer = true [quit] answer = false [either save_file [quit] [none]] answer = none [none] ] ][ quit ] ][ event ] ] insert-event-func :quit_prog view/new/title/options window "VID_build" [] inform layout [text as-is {This is a simple, fast VID GUI builder. The knowledge of REBOL VID System is required. Instructions: 1) Click on some "styles" below the "Gadgets" button 2) Experiment with the other elements 3) Save the layout as a Rebol block or a Rebol program }] wait 0.3 ; to not confuse user view/new center-face new-win window/changes: 'activate focus window do-events Notes