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Archive version of: rebolide.r ... version: 9 ... crazyaxe 12-Jan-2011

Rebol [ 
Title: "Rebolide" 
File: %rebolide.r 
Author: "Massimiliano Vessi" 
Date: 2010-12-31 
Version: 1.1.8
Purpose: {A Rebol IDE for beginners that helps learning Rebol} 
Library: [ level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all 
type: [tool demo ide] 
domain: [all] 
tested-under: [view Windows Linux ] 
license: 'gpl
see-also: none ] 

;thanks to Graham, Nick Antonaccio, Semseddin Moldibi, Zoltan Eros
yv1:  to-block { label "Words" return label "Blocks" return label "Functions" return label "Objects"}
; function to find object, function, etc. in source
findall: func [ a_findall /local temp temp2] [
	funzioni: copy []
	oggetti: copy []
	blocchi: copy []
	parole: copy []
	b_findall: parse/all a_findall ":"
	temp2: none
	foreach item b_findall [   
		temp: first (parse item none) ;valore
		if temp2 [
			if temp = "func" [ append funzioni temp2   ]
			if temp = "make" [  append oggetti temp2   ]
			if temp = "[" [  append blocchi temp2   ] 
			if not ( any [ temp = "func"  temp = "make" temp = "[" ]) [ append parole temp2  ]
		temp2: last (parse item none) ;variabile	
	sort funzioni
	sort oggetti
	sort blocchi
	sort parole 
	return (reduce [ "functions"  funzioni "objects" oggetti "blocks" blocchi "words" parole])	

;functio to insert text in the source area
inni: func [testo2 ] [