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Archive version of: rebolide.r ... version: 1 ... crazyaxe 31-Dec-2010

Amendment note: new script || Publicly available? Yes

Rebol [ 

Title: "Rebolide" 

File: %rebolide.r 

Author: "Massimiliano Vessi" 

Date: 2010-12-31 

Version: 0.0.4 

Purpose: {A Rebol IDe for beginners that helps learning Rebol} 

Library: [ level: 'beginner 

platform: 'all 

type: [ide] 

domain: [all] 

tested-under: [view Windos Linux ] 

support: none 

license: 'public-domain 

see-also: none ] 


inni: func [testo ] [

	set-text/caret a testo


saveas: func [] [

	filen: request-value  "File name?" 

	filed: to-file request-dir

	filep:  to-file rejoin [ filed "\" filen]


filep: none 

if not (exists? %rebgui.r) [ 

	Alert "Rebgui not found, I'll try to download it"

	read-thru/expand/update/to %rebgui.r


do %rebgui.r

display "Rebolide" [

menu data [ 

	"File" [

		"Open"  [filep:  to-file request-file

			temp: read filep

			set-text a  temp ] 

		"Save"  [ 

			if filep = none [ saveas ]

			write filep a/text


		"Save as..." [ 


			write filep a/text



	"Modify" [ 

		"Try" [ attempt [do to-string a/text ] ]

		"Copy"  [ print "copy" ] 

		"Cut" [print "cut"]  

		"Paste" [print "Paste" ] 


	"Help" [ "Info" [alert "Author: Massimiliano Vessi." ] ]



a: area 70x100

tab-panel  data [

	"Core" [

		scroll-panel 80x100 data [

			group-box "Comparison" data [

				button -1 "<" [ inni "< " ] tip "Returns TRUE if the first value is less than the second value"

				button -1 "<=" [ inni "<= " ] tip "Returns TRUE if the first value is less than or equal to the second value"

				button -1 "<>" [ inni "<> " ] tip "Returns TRUE if the values are not equal"

				button -1 "=" [ inni "= " ] tip "Returns TRUE if the values are equal"

				button -1 "==" [ inni "== " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the values are equal and of the same datatype"


				button -1 "=?" [ inni "=? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the values are identical.(same memory)"

				button -1 ">" [ inni "> " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the first value is greater than the second value"

				button -1 ">=" [ inni ">= " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value"




			group-box "Context" data [

				button -1 "alias" [ inni "alias " ]  tip "Creates an alternate alias for a word"

				button -1 "bind" [ inni "bind /copy " ]  tip "Binds words to a specified context"

				button -1 "context" [ inni "context " ]  tip "Defines a unique (underived) object"

				button -1 "get" [ inni "get /any " ]  tip "Gets the value of a word"

				button -1 "in" [ inni "in " ]  tip "Returns the word in the object's context"


				button -1 "set" [ inni "set /any /pad " ]  tip "Sets a word or block of words to specified value(s)"

				button -1 "unset" [ inni "unset " ]  tip "Unsets the value of a word"

				button -1 "use" [ inni "use " ]  tip "Defines words local to a block"

				button -1 "value?" [ inni "value? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the word has been set"



			group-box "Control" data [



				button -1 "attempt" [ inni "attempt [] " ]  tip "Tries to evaluate and returns result or NONE on error"

				button -1 "break" [ inni "break /return " ]  tip "Breaks out of a loop, while, until, repeat, foreach, etc"

				button -1 "catch" [ inni "catch [ throw ] " ]  tip "Catches a THROW from a block and returns its value"


				button -1 "compose" [ inni "compose /deep /only [ ( ) ] " ]  tip "Evaluates a block of expressions, only evaluating parens, and returns a block"

				button -1 "disarm" [ inni "disarm " ]  tip "Returns the error value as an object"


				button -1 "do" [ inni "do /args /next [] " ]  tip "Evaluates a block, file, URL, function, word, or any other value"


				button -1 "does" [ inni "does [] " ]  tip "A shortcut to define a function that has no arguments or locals"

				button -1 "either" [ inni "either [] []  " ]  tip "If condition is TRUE, evaluates the first block, else evaluates the second"

				button -1 "exit" [ inni "exit " ]  tip "Exits a function, returning no value"

				button -1 "for" [ inni "for word start end bump [] " ]  tip "Repeats a block over a range of values"


				button -1 "foreach" [inni "foreach word series [] " ] tip "Evaluates a block for each value(s) in a series"


				button -1 "forever" [ inni "forever [] " ]  tip "Evaluates a block endlessly"

				button -1 "forskip" [ inni "forskip word skip-num series [] " ]  tip "Evaluates a block for periodic values in a series"


				button -1 "func" [ inni {func [ /local "usage" /refinemet "refinemet usage"] []} ]  tip "Creates a function"

				button -1 "halt" [ inni "halt " ]  tip "Stops evaluation and returns to the input prompt"

				button -1 "if" [ inni "if  cond [] " ]  tip "If condition is TRUE, evaluates the block"


				button -1 "launch" [ inni "launch " ]  tip "Launches a new REBOL interpreter process"

				button -1 "loop" [ inni "loop n [] " ]  tip "Evaluates a block a specified number of times"

				button -1 "protect" [ inni "protect " ]  tip "Protect a word or block to prevent from being modified"


				button -1 "protect-system" [ inni "protect-system " ]  tip "Protects all system functions and the system object from redefinition"

				button -1 "quit" [ inni "quit " ]  tip "Stops evaluation and exits the interpreter"


				button -1 "reduce" [ inni "reduce " ]  tip "Evaluates an expression or block expressions and returns the result"


				button -1 "rejoin" [ inni "rejoin " ]  tip "Reduces and joins a block of values"

				button -1 "return" [ inni "return " ]  tip "Returns a value from a function"

				button -1 "secure" [ inni "secure []  " ]  tip "Specifies security policies (access levels and directories)"

				button -1 "switch" [ inni "switch /default [] " ]  tip "Selects a choice and evaluates what follows it"


				button -1 "throw" [ inni "catch [ throw ] " ]  tip "Throws control back to a previous catch"


				button -1 "try" [ inni "try [] " ]  tip "Tries to DO a block and returns its value or an error"

				button -1 "unprotect" [ inni "unprotect " ]  tip "Unprotects a word or block of words"

				button -1 "until" [ inni "until []  " ]  tip "Evaluates a block until its last command is TRUE"


				button -1 "wait" [ inni "wait /all " ]  tip "Waits for a duration, port, or both"


				button -1 "while" [ inni "while [] [] " ]  tip "While the first block is TRUE, evaluates the second block"				



			group-box "Datatype" data [	


				button -1 "to-local-file" [ inni "to-local-file  " ]  tip "Converts a REBOL file path to the local system file path"

				button -1 "to-rebol-file" [ inni "to-rebol-file  " ]  tip "Converts a local system file path to a REBOL file path"


				button -1 "any-block" [ inni "any-block  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for any-block values"

				button -1 "any-function?" [ inni "any-function?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for any-function values"


				button -1 "any-string?" [ inni "any-string?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for any-string values"

				button -1 "any-type?" [ inni "any-type?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for any-type values"


				button -1 "any-word?" [ inni "any-word?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for any-word values"

				button -1 "as-pair" [ inni "as-pair  " ]  tip "Combine X and Y values into a pair"

				button -1 "binary?" [ inni "binary? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for binary values"


				button -1 "bitset?" [ inni "bitset?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for bitset values"

				button -1 "block?" [ inni "block?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for block values"

				button -1 "char?" [ inni "char?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for char values"

				button -1 "datatype?" [ inni "datatype?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for datatype values"


				button -1 "date?" [ inni "date?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for date values"

				button -1 "decimal?" [ inni "decimal? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for decimal values"

				button -1 "email?" [ inni "email?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for email values"


				button -1 "error?" [ inni "error?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for error values"

				button -1 "function?" [ inni "function?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for function values"

				button -1 "get-word?" [ inni "get-word?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for get-word values"


				button -1 "hash?" [ inni "hash?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for hash values"

				button -1 "image?" [ inni "image?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for image values"

				button -1 "integer?" [ inni "integer?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for integer values"

				button -1 "issue?" [ inni "issue?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for issue values"


				button -1 "library?" [ inni "library?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for library values"

				button -1 "list?" [ inni "list?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for list values"

				button -1 "lit-path?" [ inni "lit-path?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for lit-path values"


				button -1 "lit-word?" [ inni "lit-word?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for lit-word values"

				button -1 "logic?" [ inni "logic?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for logic values"

				button -1 "make" [ inni "make  " ]  tip " Constructs and returns a new value"


				button -1 "money?" [ inni "money?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for money values"

				button -1 "native?" [ inni "native?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for native values"

				button -1 "none?" [ inni "none?  " ]   tip "Returns TRUE for none values"


				button -1 "number?" [ inni "number?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for number values"

				button -1 "object?" [ inni "object?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for object values"

				button -1 "op?" [ inni "op?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for op values"


				button -1 "pair?" [ inni "pair?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for pair values"

				button -1 "paren?" [ inni "paren?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for paren values"

				button -1 "path?" [ inni "path?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for path values"

				button -1 "port?" [ inni "port?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for port values"


				button -1 "refinement?" [ inni "refinement?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for refinement values"

				button -1 "routine?" [ inni "routine?  " ]   tip "Returns TRUE for routine values"


				button -1 "series?" [ inni "series?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for series values"

				button -1 "set-path?" [ inni "set-path?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for set-path values"

				button -1 "set-word?" [ inni "set-word?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for set-word values"


				button -1 "string?" [ inni "string?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for string values"

				button -1 "struct?" [ inni "struct? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for struct values"

				button -1 "tag?" [ inni "tag?  " ] tip "Returns TRUE for tag values"


				button -1 "time?" [ inni "as-pair  " ] tip "Returns TRUE for time values"

				button -1 "to" [ inni "to binary!/bitset!/block!/char!/date!/decimal!/email!/file!/get-word!/hash!/hex!/idate!/image!/integer!/issue!/list!/lit-path!/lit-word!/logic!/money!/pair!/paren!/path!/refinement!/set-path!/set-word!/string!/tag!/time!/tuple!/url!/word!" ]  tip "Constructs and returns a new value after conversion"

				button -1 "tuple?" [ inni "tuple?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for tuple values"

				button -1 "type?" [ inni "type?  " ]  tip "Returns a value's datatype"


				button -1 "unset?" [ inni "unset?  " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for unset values"

				button -1 "url?" [ inni "url?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for url values"

				button -1 "word?" [ inni "word?  " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for word values"





			group-box "Debug" data [

				button -1 "comment" [ inni "comment []  " ]  tip "Ignores the argument value and returns nothing"

				button -1 "dump-obj" [ inni "dump-obj /match " ]  tip "Returns a block of information about an object"

				button -1 "probe" [ inni "probe " ]  tip "Prints a molded, unevaluated value and returns the same value"


				button -1 "source" [ inni "source " ]  tip "Prints the source code for a word"

				button -1 "trace" [ inni "trace /net /function " ]  tip "Enables and disables evaluation tracing"



			group-box "Logic" data [

				button -1 "all" [ inni "all [] " ]  tip "Shortcut for AND. Evaluates and returns at the first FALSE or NONE"

				button -1 "and" [ inni "and " ]  tip "Returns the first value ANDed with the second"

				button -1 "any" [ inni "any [] " ]  tip "Shortcut OR. Evaluates and returns the first value that is not FALSE or NONE"

				button -1 "complement" [ inni "complement " ]  tip "Returns the one's complement value"



				button -1 "not" [ inni "not " ]  tip "Returns the logic complement"

				button -1 "or" [ inni "or " ]  tip "Returns the first value ORed with the second"


				button -1 "xor" [ inni "xor " ]  tip "Returns the first value exclusive ORed with the second"				



			group-box "I/O" data [

				button -1 "ask" [ inni "ask /hide " ]  tip "Ask the user for input"

				button -1 "checksum" [ inni "checksum /tcp /secure /hash /mehod /key  " ]  tip "Returns a CRC or other type of checksum"

				button -1 "close" [ inni "close " ]  tip "Closes an open port connection"

				button -1 "compress" [ inni "compress  " ]  tip "Compresses a string series and returns it"


				button -1 "debase" [ inni {debase  /base "" } ]  tip "Converts a string from a different base representation to binary"

				button -1 "decode-cgi" [ inni {decode-cgi } ]  tip "Converts CGI argument string to a block of set-words and value strings"

				button -1 "decompress" [ inni "decompress  " ]  tip "Decompresses a binary series back to a string"


				button -1 "dispatch" [ inni "dispatch [] " ]  tip "Wait for a block of ports. As events happen, dispatch port handler blocks"

				button -1 "enbase" [ inni "enbase  " ]  tip "Converts a string to a different base representation"

				button -1 "get-modes" [ inni "get-modes " ]  tip "Returns mode settings for a port"


				button -1 "input" [ inni "input /hide " ]  tip "Inputs a string from the console. New-line character is removed"

				button -1 "import-email" [ inni "import-email /multiple " ]  tip "Constructs an email object from an email message"

				button -1 "load" [ inni "load /header /next /library /markup /all " ]  tip "Loads a file, URL, or string. Binds words to global context"

				button -1 "open" [ inni "open /binary /string /direct /new /write /no-wait /lines /with /allow /mode / custom /skip " ]  tip "Opens a new port connection"


				button -1 "parse-xml" [ inni "parse-xml " ]  tip "Parses XML code and returns a tree of blocks"

				button -1 "prin" [ inni "prin " ]  tip "Outputs a value with no line break"

				button -1 "print" [ inni "print  " ]  tip "Outputs a value followed by a line break"

				button -1 "query" [ inni "query  " ]  tip "Returns information about a file, port or URL"


				button -1 "read" [ inni "read  /binary /string /direct /new /write /no-wait /lines /with /allow /mode / custom /skip " ]  tip "Reads from a file, url, or port-spec"

				button -1 "read-io" [ inni "read-io " ]  tip "Low level read from a port"

				button -1 "script?" [ inni "script? " ]  tip "Checks file, url, or string for a valid script header"

				button -1 "set-modes" [ inni "set-modes " ]  tip "Changes mode settings for a port"


				button -1 "set-net" [ inni "set-net " ]  tip "Network setup"

				button -1 "send" [ inni "send /only /header /attach /subject /show address message " ]  tip "Send a message to an address(es)"

				button -1 "update" [ inni "update " ]  tip "Updates the data related to a port"



			group-box "File & Directory" data [

				button -1 "change-dir" [ inni "change-dir " ]  tip "Changes the active directory path"

				button -1 "clean-path" [ inni "clean-path " ]  tip "Cleans-up '.' and '..' in path; returns the cleaned path"

				button -1 "delete" [ inni "delete " ]  tip "Deletes the specified file(s) or empty directory(s)"


				button -1 "dir?" [ inni "dir? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if a file or URL is a directory"

				button -1 "dirize" [ inni "dirize " ]  tip "Returns a copy of the path turned into a directory"

				button -1 "echo" [ inni "echo %file  ^/  echo none " ]  tip "Copies console output to a file"

				button -1 "exists?" [ inni "exists? " ]  tip "Determines if a file or URL exists"


				button -1 "file?" [ inni "file? " ]  tip " Returns TRUE for file values"

				button -1 "info?" [ inni "info? " ]  tip "The information is returned within an object that has SIZE, DATE, and TYPE words"

				button -1 "list-dir" [ inni "list-dir " ]  tip "Prints a multi-column sorted listing of a directory"


				button -1 "make-dir" [ inni "make-dir " ]  tip "Creates the specified directory. No error if already exists"


				button -1 "modified?" [ inni "modified? " ]  tip "Returns the last modified date of a file or URL"

				button -1 "rename" [ inni "rename " ]  tip "Renames a file to a new name"

				button -1 "save" [ inni "save /header /bmp /png /all " ]  tip "Saves a value or a block to a file or url"

				button -1 "size?" [ inni "size? " ]  tip "Returns the size of a file or URL's contents"


				button -1 "split-path" [ inni "split-path " ]  tip "Returns a block containing path and target"

				button -1 "suffix?" [ inni "suffix? " ]  tip "Return the suffix (ext) of a filename or url, else NONE"

				button -1 "what-dir " [ inni "what-dir  " ]  tip "Prints the active directory path"


				button -1 "write" [ inni "write /binary /string /append /no-wait /lines /with /allow /mode /custom destination value  " ]  tip "Writes to a file, url, or port-spec"

				button -1 "write-io" [ inni "write-io  " ]  tip "Low level write to a port"



			group-box "Math" data [

				button -1 "*" [ inni "( * ) " ]  tip "Returns the first value multiplied by the second"

				button -1 "**" [ inni "( ** ) " ]  tip "Returns the first number raised to the second number"

				button -1 "+" [ inni "( + ) " ]  tip "Returns the result of adding two values"

				button -1 "-" [ inni "( - ) " ]  tip "Returns the second value subtracted from the first"

				button -1 "/" [ inni "( / ) " ]  tip "Returns the first value divided by the second"

				button -1 "//" [ inni "( // ) " ]  tip "Returns the remainder of first value divided by second"

				button -1 "abs" [ inni "abs " ]  tip "Returns the absolute value"


				button -1 "arccosine" [ inni "arccosine " ]  tip "Returns the trigonometric arccosine in degrees"

				button -1 "arcsine" [ inni "arcsine " ]  tip "Returns the trigonometric arcsine in degrees"

				button -1 "arctangent" [ inni "arctangent " ]  tip "Returns the trigonometric arctangent in degrees"


				button -1 "cosine" [ inni "cosine " ]  tip "Returns the trigonometric cosine in degrees"

				button -1 "even?" [ inni "even? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the number is even"

				button -1 "exp" [ inni "exp " ]  tip "Raises E (natural number) to the power specified"

				button -1 "log-10" [ inni "log-10 " ]  tip "Returns the base-10 logarithm"


				button -1 "log-2" [ inni "log-2 " ]  tip "Return the base-2 logarithm"

				button -1 "log-e" [ inni "log-e " ]  tip "Returns the base-E (natural number) logarithm"

				button -1 "maximum-of" [ inni "maximum-of [] " ]  tip "Finds the largest value in a series"


				button -1 "minimum-of" [ inni "minimum-of [] " ]  tip "Finds the smallest value in a series"

				button -1 "negate" [ inni "negate " ]  tip "Changes the sign of a number"

				button -1 "negative?" [ inni "negative? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the number is negative"


				button -1 "odd?" [ inni "odd? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the number is odd"

				button -1 "positive?" [ inni "positive? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the value is positive"

				button -1 "random" [ inni "random /seed /secure /only " ]  tip "Returns a random value of the same datatype"

				button -1 "sign?" [ inni "sign? " ]  tip "Returns sign of number as 1, 0, or -1"


				button -1 "sine" [ inni "sine " ]  tip "Returns the trigonometric sine in degrees"

				button -1 "square-root" [ inni "square-root " ]  tip "Returns the square root of a number"

				button -1 "tangent" [ inni "tangent /radians " ]  tip "Returns the trigonometric tangent in degrees"


				button -1 "zero?" [ inni "zero? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if the number is zero"



			group-box "Series" data [

				button -1 "alter" [ inni "alter series value " ]  tip "If a value is not found in a series, append it; otherwise, remove it"

				button -1 "append" [ inni "append /only series value " ]  tip "Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns the series head"

				button -1 "array" [ inni "array /initial size " ]  tip "Makes and initializes a series of a given size"

				button -1 "at" [ inni "at series index " ]  tip "Returns the series at the specified index"

				button -1 "back" [ inni "back " ]  tip "Returns the series at its previous position"


				button -1 "change" [ inni "change /part /only /dup series value " ]  tip "Changes a value in a series and returns the series after the change"

				button -1 "clear" [ inni "clear " ]  tip "Removes all values from the current index series to the tail. Returns at tail"

				button -1 "copy" [ inni "copy /part /deep " ]  tip "Returns a series copy"

				button -1 "difference" [ inni "difference /case /skip " ]  tip "Return the difference of two series"


				button -1 "exclude" [ inni "exclude " ]  tip "Return the first series less the second"

				button -1 "extract" [ inni "extract series width " ]  tip "Extracts a value from a series at regular intervals"

				button -1 "find" [ inni "find /part /only /case /any /with /skip /match /tail /last /reverse series values " ]  tip "nds a value in a series and returns the series at the start of it"

				button -1 "found?" [ inni "found? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if value is not NONE"


				button -1 "head" [ inni "head " ]  tip "Returns the series at its head"

				button -1 "head?" [ inni "head? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if a series is at its head"

				button -1 "index?" [ inni "index? " ]  tip "Returns the index number of the current position in the series"

				button -1 "insert" [ inni "insert /part /only /dup series value " ]  tip "Inserts a value into a series and returns the series after the insert"


				button -1 "intersect" [ inni "intersect /case /skip " ]  tip "Create a new value that is the intersection of the two series"

				button -1 "join" [ inni "join " ]  tip "Concatenates values"

				button -1 "last" [ inni "last " ]  tip "Returns the last value of a series"


				button -1 "length?" [ inni "length? " ]  tip "Returns the length of the series from the current position"

				button -1 "offset?" [ inni "offset? " ]  tip "Returns the offset between two series positions"

				button -1 "pick" [ inni "pick series index " ]  tip "Returns the value at the specified position in a series"

				button -1 "poke" [ inni "poke series index newdata " ]  tip "Returns value after changing its data at the given index"


				button -1 "remove" [ inni "remove /part " ]  tip "Removes value(s) from a series and returns after the remove"

				button -1 "remove-each" [ inni "remove-each word series body " ]  tip "Removes a value from a series for each block that returns TRUE"

				button -1 "replace" [ inni "replace series search replace " ]  tip "Replaces the search value with the replace value within the target series"


				button -1 "repend" [ inni "repend /only series value " ]  tip "Appends a reduced value to a series and returns the series head"

				button -1 "reverse" [ inni "reverse /part " ]  tip "Reverses a series"

				button -1 "select" [ inni "select /part /only /case /any /with /skip series value " ]  tip "Finds a value in the series and returns the value or series after it"


				button -1 "skip" [ inni "skip series offset " ]  tip "Returns the series forward or backward from the current position"

				button -1 "sort" [ inni "sort /case /skip /compare /part /all /reverse " ]  tip "Sorts a series"

				button -1 "tail" [ inni "tail " ]  tip "Returns the series at the position after the last value"


				button -1 "tail?" [ inni "tail? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if a series is at its tail"

				button -1 "union" [ inni "union /case /skip " ]  tip "Returns all elements present within two blocks or strings ignoring the duplicates"

				button -1 "uique" [ inni "unique /case /skip " ]  tip "Returns a set with duplicate values removed"



			group-box "String" data [

				button -1 "build-tag" [ inni "build-tag []  " ]  tip "Generates a tag from a composed block"

				button -1 "charset" [ inni {charset ""} ]  tip "Makes a bitset of chars"

				button -1 "detab" [ inni "detab /size " ]  tip "Converts tabs in a string to spaces,standard tab size is 4"

				button -1 "dehex" [ inni "dehex  " ]  tip "Converts URL-style hex encoded (%xx) strings"


				button -1 "entab" [ inni "entab /size " ]  tip "Converts spaces in a string to tabs,standard tab size is 4"

				button -1 "form" [ inni "form  " ]  tip "Converts a value to a string"

				button -1 "lowercase" [ inni "lowercase " ]  tip "Converts string of characters to lowercase"				

				button -1 "mold" [ inni "mold /only /all /flat " ]  tip "Converts a value to a REBOL-readable string"


				button -1 "reform" [ inni "reform " ]  tip "Forms a reduced block and returns a string with spaces"

				button -1 "rejoin" [ inni "rejoin " ]  tip "Reduces and returns a string without spaces"

				button -1 "remold" [ inni "remold " ]  tip "Forms a reduced block and returns a string with spaces and sqare-bracket"


				button -1 "trim" [ inni "trim /head /tail /auto /lines /all /with  " ]  tip "Removes whitespace from a string. Default removes from head and tail"

				button -1 "uppercase" [ inni "uppercase /part " ]  tip "Converts string of characters to uppercase"



			group-box "Time" data [	

				button -1 "now" [ inni "now /year /month /day /time /zone /date /weekday /precise " ]  tip "Returns the current local date and time"




	"VID" [

		scroll-panel 80x100 data [

			group-box "Special  funticons" data [

				button -1 "brightness?" [ inni "brightness? " ]  tip "Returns the monochrome brightness (0.0 to 1.0) for a color value"

				button -1 "caret-to-offset" [ inni "caret-to-offset  " ]  tip " Returns the offset position relative to the face of the character position"


				button -1 "center-face" [ inni "center-face  " ] tip "Center a face on screen or relative to another face"

				button -1 "clear-fields" [ inni "clear-fields  " ] tip "Clear all text fields faces of a layout"


				button -1 "do-events" [ inni "do-events " ]  tip "When this function is called the program becomes event driven"


				button -1 "dump-face" [ inni "dump-face " ]  tip "Print face info for entire pane"

				button -1 "event?" [ inni "event? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE for event values"

				button -1 "focus" [ inni "focus " ]  tip "Focuses key events on a specific face"

				button -1 "hide" [ inni "hide " ]  tip " Hides a face or block of faces"


				button -1 "in-window?" [ inni "in-window? " ]  tip " Return true if a window contains a given face"

				button -1 "layout" [ inni "layout /size /pffset /parent /origin /styles /keep /tight " ]   tip "Return a face with a pane built from style description dialect"

				button -1 "make-face" [ inni "make-face /styles /clones /spec /offset /keep " ]  tip "Make a face from a given style name or example face"


				button -1 "offset-to-caret" [ inni "offset-to-caret face offset" ]  tip " Returns the offset in the face's text corresponding to the offset pair"

				button -1 "show" [ inni "show " ] tip "Display a face or block of faces"

				button -1 "size-text" [ inni "size-text " ]  tip " Returns the size of the text in a face"


				button -1 "span?" [ inni "span? " ]  tip "Returns a block of [min max] bounds for all faces"

				button -1 "stylize" [ inni "stylize " ]  tip " Return a style sheet block"

				button -1 "unfocus" [ inni "unfocus  " ]  tip " Removes the current key event focus"

				button -1 "unview" [ inni "unview /all /only" ]  tip " Closes window(s)"


				button -1 "view" [ inni "view /new /offset /options /title " ]  tip "Displays a window face"

				button -1 "viewed?" [ inni "viewed? " ]  tip "Returns TRUE if face is displayed"

				button -1 "within?" [ inni "within? point offset size " ]  tip " Return TRUE if the point is within the rectangle bounds"



			group-box "Inform" data [

				button -1 "alert" [ inni "alert " ]  tip " Flashes an alert message to the user. Waits for a user response"

				button -1 "flash" [ inni "flash " ]  tip "Flashes a message to the user and continues"

				button -1 "inform" [ inni "inform /offset /title /timeout " ]  tip "Display an exclusive focus panel for alerts, dialogs, and requestors"




			group-box "Request" data [

				button -1 "choose" [ inni "choose /style /window /offset /across " ]  tip "Generates a choice selector menu, vertical or horizontal"

				button -1 "confirm" [ inni "confirm /with " ]  tip "Confirms a user choice"

				button -1 "request" [ inni "request /offset /ok /only /confirm /type /timeout " ]  tip "Requests an answer to a simple question"


				button -1 "request-color" [ inni "request-color /color /offset  " ]  tip " Requests a color value"

				button -1 "request-date" [ inni "request-date /offset " ]  tip "Requests a date"


				button -1 "request-download" [ inni "request-download /to " ]  tip "Request a file download from the net. Show progress. Return none on error"

				button -1 "request-file" [ inni "request-file /title /file /filter /keep /omly /path /save " ]  tip "Requests a file using a popup list of files and directories"


				button -1 "request-list" [ inni "request-list title [] " ]  tip "Requests a selection from a list"

				button -1 "request-pass" [ inni "request-pass  /offset /user /only /title  " ]  tip "Requests a username and password"


				button -1 "request-text" [ inni "request-text /offset /default  " ]   tip "Requests a text string be entered"




	"DRAW" [







;[! "[value]"] 

;[!= "[value1 value2]"] 

;[!== "[value1 value2]"] 

;[* "[value1 value2]"] [** "[number exponent]"] [+ "[value1 value2]"] [++ "['word]"] [- "[value1 value2]"] [-- "['word]"] [/ "[value1 value2]"] [// "[value1 value2]"] [< "[value1 value2]"] [<= "[value1 value2]"] [<> "[value1 value2]"] [= "[value1 value2]"] [== "[value1 value2]"] [=? "[value1 value2]"] [> "[value1 value2]"] [>= "[value1 value2]"] [? "['word]"] [?? "['name]"] [about "[]"] [abs "[value]"] [absolute "[value]"] [action? "[value]"] [add "[value1 value2]"] [ajoin "[block]"] [alert "[str]"] [alias "[word name]"] [all "[block]"] [also "[value1 value2]"] [alter "[series value /case]"] [and "[value1 value2]"] [and~ "[value1 value2]"] [any "[block]"] [any-block? "[value]"] [any-function? "[value]"] [any-object? "[value]"] [any-path? "[value]"] [any-string? "[value]"] [any-type? "[value]"] [any-word? "[value]"] [append "[series value /only]"] [apply "[func block /only]"] [arccosine "[value /radians]"] [arcsine "[value /radians]"] [arctangent "[value /radians]"] [array "[size /initial value]"] [as-binary "[string]"] [as-pair "[x y]"] [as-string "[string]"] [ascii? "[value]"] [ask "[question /hide]"] [assert "[conditions /type]"] [at "[series index]"] [attempt "[value]"] [back "[series]"] [binary? "[value]"] [bind "[words known-word /copy]"] [bind? "[words]"] [bitset? "[value]"] [block? "[value]"] [body-of "[value]"] [bound? "[words]"] [break "[/return value]"] [brightness? "[color]"] [browse "[value /only]"] [build-attach-body "[body files boundary]"] [build-markup "[content /quiet]"] [build-tag "[values]"] [call {[cmd /input in /output out /error err /wait /console /shell /info /show]}] [caret-to-offset "[face offset]"] [case "[block /all]"] [catch "[block /name word]"] [cause-error "[err-type err-id args]"] [center-face "[obj /with face]"] [change "[series value /part range /only /dup count]"] [change-dir "[dir]"] [char? "[value]"] [charset "[chars]"] [checksum {[data /tcp /secure /hash size /method word /key key-value]}] [choose {[choices function /style styl /window winf /offset xy /across]}] [clean-path "[target]"] [clear "[series]"] [clear-face "[face /no-show]"] [clear-fields "[panel]"] [close "[port]"] [closure "[spec body]"] [closure? "[value]"] [collect "[body /into output]"] [comment "[value]"] [complement "[value]"] [component? "[name]"] [compose "[value /deep /only]"] [compress "[data]"] [confine "[offset size origin margin]"] [confirm "[question /with choices]"] [connected? "[]"] [construct "[block /with object]"] [context "[blk]"] [copy "[value /part range /deep]"] [copy* "[value /part range /deep]"] [cosine "[value /radians]"] [cp "[value /part range /deep]"] [create-link "[source dest /start dir /note desc /args arg-str]"] [crypt-strength? "[]"] [cvs-date "[date]"] [cvs-version "[str]"] [datatype? "[value]"] [date? "[value]"] [dbug "[msg]"] [debase "[value /base base-value]"] [decimal? "[value]"] [decloak "[data key /with]"] [decode-cgi "[args]"] [decode-url "[url]"] [decompress "[data]"] [default "['word value]"] [deflag-face "[face 'flag]"] [dehex "[value]"] [delete "[target /any]"] [delete-dir "[dir]"] [deline "[string /lines]"] [desktop "[url /only]"] [detab "[string /size number]"] [dh-compute-key "[obj public-key]"] [dh-generate-key "[obj]"] [dh-make-key "[/generate length generator]"] [difference "[set1 set2 /case /skip size]"] [dir? "[target]"] [dirize "[path]"] [disarm "[error]"] [dispatch "[port-block]"] [divide "[value1 value2]"] [do "[value /args arg /next]"] [do-boot "[target args dependent]"] [do-browser "[code]"] [do-events "[]"] [do-face "[face value]"] [do-face-alt "[face value]"] [do-thru "[url /args arg /update /check info /boot]"] [does "[body]"] [draw "[image commands]"] [dsa-generate-key "[obj]"] [dsa-make-key "[/generate length]"] [dsa-make-signature "[/sign obj data]"] [dsa-verify-signature "[obj data signature]"] [dump-face "[face]"] [dump-obj "[obj /match pat]"] [dump-pane "[face]"] [echo "[target]"] [edge-size? "[face]"] [editor "[file /app app-word]"] [eighth "[series]"] [either "[condition true-block false-block]"] [else "[]"] [email? "[value]"] [emailer "[/to target /subject what]"] [empty? "[series]"] [enbase "[value /base base-value]"] [encloak "[data key /with]"] [enline "[series /with end-of-line]"] [entab "[string /size number]"] [equal? "[value1 value2]"] [error? "[value]"] [even? "[number]"] [event? "[value]"] [exclude "[set1 set2 /case /skip size]"] [exists-thru? "[url /check info]"] [exists? "[target]"] [exit "[]"] [exp "[power]"] [extract {[series width /index pos /default value /into output]}] [fifth "[series]"] [file? "[value]"] [find {[series value /part range /only /case /any /with wild /skip size /match /tail /last /reverse]}] [find-key-face "[face keycode]"] [find-window "[face]"] [first "[series]"] [first+ "['word]"] [flag-face "[face 'flag]"] [flag-face? "[face 'flag]"] [flash "[val /with face /offset xy]"] [focus "[face /no-show]"] [for "['word start end bump body]"] [forall "['word body]"] [foreach "['word data body]"] [forever "[body]"] [form "[value]"] [forskip "['word skip-num body]"] [found? "[value]"] [fourth "[series]"] [free "[value]"] [func "[spec body]"] [funct "[spec body /with object]"] [function "[spec vars body]"] [function? "[value]"] [get "[word /any]"] [get-env "[var]"] [get-face "[face]"] [get-modes "[target modes]"] [get-net-info "[]"] [get-path? "[value]"] [get-style "[name /styles ss]"] [get-word? "[value]"] [greater-or-equal? "[value1 value2]"] [greater? "[value1 value2]"] [halt "[]"] [has "[locals body]"] [hash? "[value]"] [head "[series]"] [head? "[series]"] [help "['word]"] [hide "[face /show]"] [hide-popup "[/timeout]"] [hilight-all "[face]"] [hilight-text "[face begin end]"] [hsv-to-rgb "[hsv]"] [if "[condition then-block /else else-block]"] [image? "[value]"] [import-email "[data /multiple parent]"] [in "[object word]"] [in-dir "[dir block]"] [in-window? "[window face]"] [index? "[series /xy]"] [info? "[target]"] [inform "[panel /offset where /title ttl /timeout time]"] [input "[/hide]"] [input? "[]"] [insert "[series value /part range /only /dup count]"] [insert-event-func "[funct]"] [inside? "[p1 p2]"] [install "[]"] [integer? "[value]"] [intersect "[ser1 ser2 /case /skip size]"] [issue? "[value]"] [join "[value rest]"] [last "[series]"] [latin1? "[value]"] [launch {[value /reboot /uninstall /link url /quit /secure-cmd /as-is /install]}] [launch-thru "[url /update /check info]"] [layout {[specs /size pane-size /offset where /parent new /origin pos /styles list /keep /tight]}] [length? "[series]"] [lesser-or-equal? "[value1 value2]"] [lesser? "[value1 value2]"] [library? "[value]"] [license "[]"] [link-app? "[]"] [link-relative-path "[file]"] [link? "[]"] [list-dir "[dir]"] [list? "[value]"] [lit-path? "[value]"] [lit-word? "[value]"] [load "[source /header /next /library /markup /all]"] [load-image "[image-file /update /clear]"] [load-stock "[name /block size]"] [load-stock-block "[block]"] [load-thru {[url /update /binary /to local-file /all /expand /check info]}] [local-request-file "[parms]"] [log-10 "[value]"] [log-2 "[value]"] [log-e "[value]"] [logic? "[value]"] [loop "[count block]"] [lowercase "[string /part range]"] [make "[type spec]"] [make-dir "[path /deep]"] [make-face {[style /styles ss /clone /size wh /spec blk /offset xy /keep]}] [map-each "['word data body /into output]"] [map? "[value]"] [max "[value1 value2]"] [maximum "[value1 value2]"] [maximum-of "[series /skip size /case]"] [min "[value1 value2]"] [minimum "[value1 value2]"] [minimum-of "[series /skip size /case]"] [mod "[a b]"] [modified? "[target]"] [modulo "[a b]"] [mold "[value /only /all /flat]"] [money? "[value]"] [move "[source offset /part length /skip size /to]"] [multiply "[value1 value2]"] [native "[spec]"] [native? "[value]"] [negate "[number]"] [negative? "[number]"] [net-error "[info]"] [new-line "[block value /all /skip size]"] [new-line? "[block]"] [next "[series]"] [ninth "[series]"] [none? "[value]"] [not "[value]"] [not-equal? "[value1 value2]"] [notify "[str]"] [now {[/year /month /day /time /zone /date /weekday /yearday /precise]}] [number? "[value]"] [object? "[value]"] [odd? "[number]"] [offset-to-caret "[face offset]"] [offset? "[series1 series2]"] [op? "[value]"] [open {[spec /binary /string /direct /seek /new /read /write /no-wait /lines /with end-of-line /allow access /mode args /custom params /skip length]}] [open-events "[]"] [or "[value1 value2]"] [or~ "[value1 value2]"] [outside? "[p1 p2]"] [overlap? "[f1 f2]"] [pair? "[value]"] [paren? "[value]"] [parse "[input rules /all /case]"] [parse-email-addrs "[data]"] [parse-header "[parent data /multiple]"] [parse-header-date "[data]"] [parse-xml "[code]"] [path "[value selector]"] [path-thru "[url]"] [path? "[value]"] [pick "[series index]"] [poke "[value index data]"] [port? "[value]"] [positive? "[number]"] [power "[number exponent]"] [prin "[value]"] [print "[value]"] [probe "[value]"] [protect "[value]"] [protect-system "[]"] [q "[/return value]"] [query "[target /clear]"] [quit "[/return value]"] [quote "[:value]"] [random "[value /seed /secure /only]"] [read {[source /binary /string /direct /no-wait /lines /part size /with end-of-line /mode args /custom params /skip length]}] [read-cgi "[/limit size]"] [read-io "[port buffer length]"] [read-net "[url /progress callback]"] [read-thru {[url /progress callback /update /expand /check info /to local-file]}] [recycle "[/off /on /torture]"] [reduce "[value /only words]"] [refinement? "[value]"] [reflect "[value field]"] [reform "[value]"] [rejoin "[block]"] [remainder "[value1 value2]"] [remold "[value]"] [remove "[series /part range]"] [remove-each "['word data body]"] [remove-event-func "[funct]"] [rename "[old new]"] [repeat "['word value body]"] [repend "[series value /only]"] [replace "[target search replace /all /case /tail]"] [request {[str /offset xy /ok /only /confirm /type icon /timeout time]}] [request-color "[/color clr /offset xy]"] [request-date "[/offset xy /date when]"] [request-dir "[/title title-line /dir where /keep /offset xy]"] [request-download "[url /to local-file]"] [request-file {[/title title-line button-text /file name /filter filt /keep /only /path /save]}] [request-list "[titl alist /offset xy]"] [request-pass {[/offset xy /user username /only /title title-text]}] [request-text "[/offset xy /title title-text /default str]"] [resend "[to from message]"] [reset-face "[face /no-show]"] [resize-face "[face size /x /y /no-show]"] [return "[value]"] [reverse "[value /part range]"] [rgb-to-hsv "[rgb]"] [round {[n /even /down /half-down /floor /ceiling /half-ceiling /to scale]}] [routine? "[value]"] [rsa-encrypt "[obj data /decrypt /private /padding padding-type]"] [rsa-generate-key "[obj length generator]"] [rsa-make-key "[]"] [run "[file /as suffix]"] [same? "[value1 value2]"] [save "[where value /header header-data /bmp /png /all]"] [save-user "[]"] [scalar? "[value]"] [screen-offset? "[face]"] [script? "[value]"] [scroll-drag "[face /back /page]"] [scroll-face "[face offset /x /y /no-show]"] [scroll-para "[tf sf]"] [second "[series]"] [secure "['level]"] [select {[series value /part range /only /case /any /with wild /skip size]}] [send {[address message /only /header header-obj /attach files /subject subj /show]}] [series? "[value]"] [set "[word value /any /pad]"] [set-face "[face value /no-show]"] [set-font "[aface 'word val]"] [set-modes "[target modes]"] [set-net "[settings]"] [set-para "[aface 'word val]"] [set-path? "[value]"] [set-style "[name new-face /styles ss]"] [set-user "[]"] [set-user-name "[str]"] [set-word? "[value]"] [seventh "[series]"] [shift "[data bits /left /logical /part length]"] [show "[face]"] [show-popup "[face /window window-face /away]"] [sign? "[number]"] [sine "[value /radians]"] [sixth "[series]"] [size-text "[face]"] [size? "[target]"] [skip "[series offset]"] [sort {[series /case /skip size /compare comparator /part length /all /reverse]}] [source "['word]"] [span? "[pane /part count]"] [spec-of "[value]"] [split-path "[target]"] [square-root "[value]"] [stats {[/pools /types /series /frames /recycle /evals /clear]}] [strict-equal? "[value1 value2]"] [strict-not-equal? "[value1 value2]"] [string? "[value]"] [struct? "[value]"] [stylize "[specs /master /styles styls]"] [subtract "[value1 value2]"] [suffix? "[path]"] [swap "[series1 series2]"] [switch "[value cases /default case /all]"] [tag? "[value]"] [tail "[series]"] [tail? "[series]"] [take "[value /part length /last]"] [tangent "[value /radians]"] [tenth "[series]"] [textinfo "[face line-info line]"] [third "[series]"] [throw "[value /name word]"] [throw-error "[err-type err-id args]"] [throw-on-error "[blk]"] [time? "[value]"] [title-of "[value]"] [to "[type spec]"] [to-binary "[value]"] [to-bitset "[value]"] [to-block "[value]"] [to-char "[value]"] [to-closure "[value]"] [to-datatype "[value]"] [to-date "[value]"] [to-decimal "[value]"] [to-email "[value]"] [to-error "[value]"] [to-file "[value]"] [to-function "[value]"] [to-get-path "[value]"] [to-get-word "[value]"] [to-hash "[value]"] [to-hex "[value]"] [to-idate "[date]"] [to-image "[value]"] [to-integer "[value]"] [to-issue "[value]"] [to-itime "[time]"] [to-library "[value]"] [to-list "[value]"] [to-lit-path "[value]"] [to-lit-word "[value]"] [to-local-file "[path]"] [to-logic "[value]"] [to-map "[value]"] [to-money "[value]"] [to-none "[value]"] [to-pair "[value]"] [to-paren "[value]"] [to-path "[value]"] [to-port "[value]"] [to-rebol-file "[path]"] [to-refinement "[value]"] [to-relative-file "[file /no-copy /as-rebol /as-local]"] [to-set-path "[value]"] [to-set-word "[value]"] [to-string "[value]"] [to-tag "[value]"] [to-time "[value]"] [to-tuple "[value]"] [to-typeset "[value]"] [to-url "[value]"] [to-word "[value]"] [trace "[mode /net /function]"] [trim "[series /head /tail /auto /lines /all /with str]"] [true? "[val]"] [try "[block]"] [tuple? "[value]"] [type? "[value /word]"] [types-of "[value]"] [typeset? "[value]"] [undirize "[path]"] [unfocus "[]"] [uninstall "[]"] [union "[set1 set2 /case /skip size]"] [unique "[set /case /skip size]"] [unless "[condition block]"] [unlight-text "[]"] [unprotect "[value]"] [unset "[word]"] [unset? "[value]"] [until "[block]"] [unview "[/all /only face]"] [update "[port]"] [upgrade "[]"] [uppercase "[string /part range]"] [url? "[value]"] [Usage "[]"] [use "[words body]"] [utf? "[data]"] [value? "[value]"] [values-of "[value]"] [vbug "[msg]"] [view {[view-face /new /offset xy /options opts /title text]}] [viewed? "[face]"] [viewtop "[url /only]"] [wait "[value /all]"] [what "[]"] [what-dir "[]"] [what-ho "[]"] [while "[cond-block body-block]"] [win-offset? "[face]"] [within? "[point offset size]"] [word? "[value]"] [words-of "[value]"] [write {[destination value /binary /string /direct /append /no-wait /lines /part size /with end-of-line /allow access /mode args /custom params]}] [write-io "[port buffer length]"] [write-user "[]"] [xor "[value1 value2]"] [xor~ "[value1 value2]"] [zero? "[number]"]