'xcopy allows to execute selectives copies from/to different media.
4. Usage
4.1 Copy a file to a file
xcopy %origin-file-path.r %target-file-path.r
The origin file, which access path is %origin-file.r will be copy to the destination path %origin-file.r.
4.2 Copy a file to a directory
xcopy %origin-file.r %target-dir/
The origin file, which access path is %origin-file.r will be copy to the destination directory %target-dir/, using the same name as the original file.
4.3 Copy a directory to a directory
xcopy %origin-dir/ %target-dir/
All files and subdirectories of the origin directory %origin-dir/ will be copied under the destination directory %target-dir/.
The destination directory will be created if it does not exists. The structure of the subdirectories will be preserved.
5. Refinement
You can use following refinements for a more precise usage
5.1 verbose
xcopy/verbose %origin-dir/ %target-dir/
All actions will be feedbacked to the user, using the console.
5.2 no-warn
xcopy/no-warn %origin-dir/ %target-dir/
By default, 'xcopy asks the user's confirmation before overwritting an existing file. Using the refinement /no-warn allows the overwritting in all cases, without confirmation.
You can use this refinement to limit the copy to the files having the specified extension(s). The extension desired are always put into a block, also if there is only one: