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28-Feb 1:01 UTC
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Documentation for: profile-timer.rVersion: 0.0.1 (corrects typos) 10-Oct-2004 Sunanda 1. PurposeTo help you find the elapse time for executing arbitrary stretches of code. Could help to track down slow parts that need tuning. 2. Similar scriptsThe Library also contains: A difference is that profile-timer.r lets you create multiple, named, timers. 3. Quick examples3.1. Time a single eventdo %profile-timer.r ;; load the script profile-timer/start "an-event" ;; start timing loop 10000 [99 * 99] ;; the code being timed profile-timer/stop "an-event" ;; stop the timer probe profile-timer/show "an-event" ;; display the timer make object! [ event-id: "an-event" total-completed-events: 1 total-time: 0:00:00.06 current-event: none ] As you can see, the loop took .06 seconds 3.2. Time Nested eventsEach event you time has a unique name (supplied by you) so they can be started and stopped independently: profile-timer/start "whole program" loop 25 [ profile-timer/start "loop" loop 10000 [99 * 99] profile-timer/stop "loop" ] profile-timer/stop "whole program" probe profile-timer/show "loop" make object! [ event-id: "loop" total-completed-events: 25 total-time: 0:00:00.22 current-event: none ] probe profile-timer/show "whole program" make object! [ event-id: "whole program" total-completed-events: 1 total-time: 0:00:00.27 current-event: none Again, as you can see from the probes, event loop executed 25 times for a total execution time of 0.22 seconds. Event whole program executed just once for a total time of 0.27 seconds. That, of course, includes the time for the loop events. 4. Usagedo %profile-timer.r ;; to load the script profile-timer/xxxx "event name" ;; to time or display an event 4.1. Refinements
4.2. Show timerA timer object looks like this:make object! [ event-id: "my timer" total-completed-events: 4 total-time: 0:00:01.23 current-event: none ]
5. LimitationsMay not give accurate results if used across midnight. |