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Scripts owned by ladislav

Scripts: 17

Member name:
apply.r5.2 KB
26 Dec 2012
APPLY function definition
author: Ladislav Mecir
c-aware.r444 bytes
3 Nov 2010
This is an idea, how to instantly make R2 cycle bodies CONTINUE-aware.
author: Ladislav Mecir
2.8 KB
2 Oct 2020
Func defines a function with given spec and body that remembers its arguments and locals after return. Clean-func defines a function with given spec and body that does not remember its arguments and locals after return.
author: Ladislav Mecir
closure.r1.9 KB
14 May 2009
CLOSURE is suggested instead of FUNC when you need functions exhibiting async behaviour, e.g. for: - View - Async Ports - Higher Order Functions Closures differ from normal Rebol functions by using a fresh context every time they are called. Rule of thumb: if your function is returning a new function, block, or a local word, you will be safe if [...]
author: Ladislav Mecir
contexts.r10.5 KB
7 Jul 2013
REBOL code from the bindology article
author: Ladislav Mecir
evaluate.r6.2 KB
15 Mar 2011
A few expression evaluators and expression translators written in REBOL.
author: Ladislav Mecir
Find script
find-script.r636 bytes
11 Nov 2012
The FIND-SCRIPT function from R3.
author: Ladislav Mecir
flatten.r325 bytes
30 Oct 2011
flatten a block
author: Ladislav Mecir
identity.r16.3 KB
7 Dec 2010
functions from the article
author: Ladislav Mecir
ladislav-include.r203 bytes
21 Jun 2013
This is just a stub, see the link.
author: Ladislav Mecir
Named functions
named-func.r1.4 KB
10 Oct 2012
Numerous requests were made by REBOL beginners wanting to get an easy recipe, how to use named functions in REBOL. They usually get an answer that in REBOL, user-defined functions are anonymous, i.e., they do not have a name. Only after they are defined, they can be assigned to one or more variables. While such functions are named after [...]
author: Ladislav Mecir
NIST clock
nistclock.r3.6 KB
14 Nov 2012
Get the current time using the NIST service. Defines NIST-TIME, NIST-CORRECTED-TIME and SET-SYSTEM-TIME functions. Uses a GUI to display and (eventually) set system time.
author: Ladislav Mecir
Check if subset
738 bytes
19 Mar 2004
Tells you if set1 is a subset of set2. Works for both series! and bitset! values.
author: gregg irwin
Other owners: greggirwin
parseen.r2.8 KB
28 Nov 2010
Parse enhancements for R2
author: Ladislav Mecir
printf and sprintf implementation
2.8 KB
6 Jun 2006
Wrapper for the printf and sprintf C routines
author: jaime vargas
Other owners: jaime
Tail func
tail-func.r2.2 KB
4 Oct 2012
define tail-recursive functions
author: Ladislav Mecir
use-rule.r3.4 KB
17 Jan 2012
Create a recursion and thread-safe parse rule with local variables. R2/R3 compatible.
author: ladislav mecir
Other owners: greggirwin