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Scripts owned by gchiu

Scripts: 10

Member name:
Send Message to GSM Cellphone
cellphone.r1.8 KB
13 Mar 2003
To post a message via MTN's SMS gateway to a GSM phone
author: Graham Chiu
Cookie Client
cookies-client.r8.9 KB
13 Mar 2003
To grab cookies from the server and post form data.
author: andrew grossman
SMTP challenger
1.5 KB
26 Nov 2005
Issues an smtp challenge to see if recipient email address exists. Some mail servers will respond okay anyway to protect users from spammers.
author: Graham Chiu
Eztwain Support
2.5 KB
6 May 2006
Support image grabs from webcam using commercial eztwain library.
author: Graham Chiu
Http tools
6.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
To grab cookies from the server and post form data.
author: Graham Chiu
Iconic Image Browser
4.7 KB
29 May 2004
Browse a directory of images using a scrolling list of icons. Displays a progress bar while icons are being created.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Other owners: carl
REBOL Directory Services Lookup
3.7 KB
13 Mar 2003
Provides a simple but effective directory server for peer-to-peer and other types of REBOL applications. Can be installed on any CGI webserver.
author: Carl Sassenrath
Other owners: carl
6.0 KB
17 Nov 2005
The world's smallest paint program.
author: Frank Sievertsen
Cellphone reminder
5.4 KB
13 Mar 2003
Reads a file 'data.txt' containing appointment data, and sends my cell phone a text message 5 minutes before the appointment.
author: Graham Chiu
Skype Wrapper
2.2 KB
23 May 2006
make a cheap phone call!
author: Graham Chiu