Script Library: 1238 scripts


REBOL[ Title: "Yubnub search" Version: 1.0.0 Copyright: "Philippe Le Goff-2007" Author: {"Philippe Le Goff"} File: %yubnub-searches.r Date: 3-Jan-2007 Purpose: { Just a tool to play with Yubnub service - } Usage: { Select a search engine with rotary btn. Type the word(s) to search. Click "search" button. } Library: [ level: 'beginner platform: 'all type: [tool] domain: [web html] tested-under: winXP support: none license: 'BSD see-also: none ] ] rot-datas: sort extract metas: [ "Google" "g " "Google News" "gnews " "Yahoo!" "y " "Wikipedia" "wp " "Technorati" "tec " "Amazon" "am " "CNN" "cnn " "Weather for zip code" "weather " "eBay" "ebay " "" "allmusic " " tag" "deli " "Flickr" "flk " "ESPN" "espn " "Yahoo! Stock Quote" "stock " "Dictionary (" "a " ] 2 lay: [ key (escape) [quit] backeffect [ gradient 0x1 148.148.148 22.22.22 ] rt: rotary brick 150 data rot-datas font [size: 10 name: "Courrier New"] fld: field 150x20 pad 0x20 across btn-cancel 50x20 "Quit" [quit] font [color: white style: 'bold] pad 20x0 btn-help 70x20 "Search !" [ browse to-url rejoin ["" select metas rt/data/1 fld/text] ] return below pad 15x20 txt gray " © Philippe Le Goff-2007" font [size: 9] ] view layout lay
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage