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xmlgen.rREBOL [
Title: "XML Generator"
Date: 4-Jun-1999
File: %xmlgen.r
Author: "Scrip Rebo"
Purpose: {Simple functions to generate XML output. Creates example XML as published in Scientific American, May 1999.}
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: none
type: none
domain: [DB markup xml]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
;-- Scientific American example using REBOL blocks:
example: [
movie [
title "Star Trek: Insurrection"
star "Patrick Stewart" "Brent Spiner"
theater [
theater-name "MonoPlex 2000"
showtime 14:15 16:30 18:45 21:00
price [
adult $8.50
child $5.00
theater [
theater-name "Bigscreen 1"
showtime 19:30
price $6.00
;-- XML conversion functions:
emit-xml: function [data] [action tag-word][
foreach item data [
action: select [
word! [tag-word: form item]
block! [emit-tag tag-word [emit-xml item]]
] type?/word item
either action [do action] [emit-tag tag-word item]
emit-tag: func [tag value] [
either block? value [
emit [indent to-tag tag newline]
insert/dup indent " " 4
do value
remove/part indent 4
emit [indent to-tag join "/" tag newline]
emit [
indent to-tag tag
to-tag join "/" tag
emit: func [data] [append output reduce data]
output: make string! 8000
indent: make string! 40
;-- Convert example to XML and print it:
emit-xml example
print output |