Script Library: 1240 scripts


Rebol [ title: "Parse and write XML code" file: %xml-load-form.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" Copyright: "(C) 2018 Marco Antoniazzi. All Rights reserved." email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 07-08-2018 version: 0.7.1 Purpose: "Parse XML code and return a tree of block, and vice-versa." History: [ 0.0.1 [15-07-2018 "Started"] 0.7.0 [30-07-2018 "Completed main aspects"] 0.7.1 [07-08-2018 "Twicked a little"] ] library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: 'function domain: [parse markup xml] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD ] Use: {See examples at end of script} help: { This script has two main functions: 'xml-to-block' that parses XML code and returns a tree of blocks. This tree and all its sub-blocks lengths are and are kept even, this way you can use common path selection or the provided internal functions 'select-nth' 'select-tree' 'change-nth' 'change-tree' and also 'get_element_by_attr' 'get_element_by_id' to get or set one or more elements of the tree. 'form-xml' that transforms a tree of blocks returned by xml-to-block to an xml string! As part of the parsing process, to keep the structure 'even', some special elements of type issue! are inserted in the output. - Since Rebol2 does not support Unicode this script does not support it either. - There is no "post-processing" of parsed input so you will have to decode or re-parse the parts that need it (eg. entities, DTD). - This is a quite extensive implementation but NOT complete, especially the DTD part. - There is no special support for namespaces or other particular aspect. - A malformed document is not parsed correctly resulting in an error, but if parsing succeds it cannot be considerd as if the document is "valid" and/or "well-formed". DISCLAIMER: USE THIS SCRIPT AT YOUR OWN RISK. } ] if not value? 'xml-ctx [; avoid redefinition xml-ctx: context [ __first: __last: __temp: none prolog: doctype: comment: pi: cdata: false ; rules document: [ S? (keep 'xml keep new: copy [] push new) prolog_ element any Misc (pop)] fail: [end skip] apx: notapx: none digit: charset [#"0" - #"9"] alpha: charset [#"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z"] hexchar: union digit charset [#"a" - #"f" #"A" - #"F"] space: charset "^(09)^(0A)^(0D)^(20)" newline: charset "^(0A)^(0D)" Char: union space charset [#"^(21)" - #"^(FF)"] ; [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]] apex: charset {"'} notquote: complement charset {"} notapos: complement charset {'} notltamp: complement charset "<&" notltampbr: exclude notltamp charset "]" notlit: complement charset {%&"'} S: [some space] S?: [any space] indentation: [newline S?] NameStartChar: charset [":_" #"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z" #"^(C0)" - #"^(D6)" #"^(D8)" - #"^(F6)" #"^(F8)" - #"^(FF)"] ;| [#xF8-#x2FF] | [#x370-#x37D] | [#x37F-#x1FFF] | [#x200C-#x200D] | [#x2070-#x218F] | [#x2C00-#x2FEF] | [#x3001-#xD7FF] | [#xF900-#xFDCF] | [#xFDF0-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#xEFFFF] ] NameChar: union NameStartChar charset ["-." #"0" - #"9" #"^(B7)"] ; | [#x0300-#x036F] | [#x203F-#x2040] ] Name: [ NameStartChar any NameChar ] Eq: [ S? "=" S?] ; Literals AttValue: [copy apx [{"} | {'} | {}] (notapx: either apx [complement union charset "<&" charset apx] [char]) copy __temp any [notapx | Reference] apx (keep __temp)] ; ------()------- SystemLiteral: [ {"} copy __temp any notquote {"} | {'} copy __temp any notapos {'}] PubidLiteral: [ {"} copy __first any PubidChar {"} | {'} copy __first any PubidCharnotapos {'}] PubidChar: charset [ "^(0A)^(0D)^(20)" #"0" - #"9" #"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z" {-'[]+,./:=?;!*#@$_%}] PubidCharnotapos: exclude PubidChar charset {'} ;CharData: [any notltamp] ; [ [^<&]* - [[^<&]* "]]>" [^<&]*]] CharData: [pos: [any notltampbr "]]>" any notltamp] fail :pos | any notltamp] prolog_: [ opt XMLDecl any Misc opt [doctypedecl any Misc] ] Misc: [ comment_ | PI_ | S] XMLDecl: [ "<?xml" (if prolog [keep '?xml keep new: copy [] push new]) VersionInfo opt EncodingDecl opt SDDecl S? "?>" (if prolog [pop])] ; ------()------- VersionInfo: [ S "version" Eq apex "1." copy __temp some digit apex (if prolog [keep 'version keep join "1." __temp])] ; ------()------- EncodingDecl: [ S "encoding" Eq apex copy __temp EncName apex (if prolog [keep 'encoding keep __temp])] ; ------()------- EncName: [ alpha any [alpha | digit | "-" | "." | "_"]] SDDecl: [ S "standalone" Eq apex copy __temp ["yes" | "no"] apex (if prolog [keep 'standalone keep __temp])] ; ------()------- element: [ STag ["/>" | ">" opt indentation content ETag ] ( pop ; replace simple block with its content (but then I can not correctly reconstruct the xml string) ;if all [2 = length? __last: last __first: first stack issue? first __last] [change back tail __first __last/2] )] ; ------()------- STag: [ "<" copy __temp Name (keep load __temp keep new: copy [] push new) any [S Attribute] S?] ; ------()------- Attribute: [ copy __temp Name (keep load __temp) Eq AttValue ] ; ------()------- ETag: [ "</" Name S? ">"] content: [ copy __temp opt CharData (if __temp [keep #Text keep __temp]) any [[element | copy __temp Reference (append last first stack __temp) | CDSect | PI_ | comment_] opt CharData]] comment_: [ "<!--" copy __temp to "-->" "-->" (if comment [keep #Comment keep __temp])] ; ------()------- PI_: [ "<?" copy __first PITarget copy __last to "?>" "?>" (if pi [keep #PI keep append __first __last])] ; ------()------- PITarget: [ "xml" [S | "?>"] fail | Name S?] CDSect: [ "<![CDATA[" copy __temp to "]]>" "]]>" (if cdata [keep #CDATA keep __temp])] ; ------()------- doctypedecl: [ ; ------()------- "<!DOCTYPE" S copy __temp Name (if doctype [keep '!DOCTYPE keep new: copy [] push new keep #Name keep __temp ]) opt [S ExternalID] S? opt ["[" copy __temp intSubset "]" (if doctype [keep #InternalSubset keep __temp]) S?] ">" (if doctype [pop]) ] intSubset: [any [markupdecl | ["%" Name ";" | S ]] ] markupdecl: [elementdecl | AttlistDecl | EntityDecl | NotationDecl | conditionalSect | PI_ | comment_ ] elementdecl: [ "<!ELEMENT" S Name S thru ">"] AttlistDecl: [ "<!ATTLIST" S Name S thru ">"] EntityDecl: [ "<!ENTITY" S opt ["%" S] Name S thru ">"] NotationDecl: [ "<!NOTATION" S Name S thru ">"] conditionalSect: ["<![" thru "]]>"] ; this "eats" those up here Reference: ["&" [Name | "#" some digit | "#x" some hexchar] ";"] ExternalID: [ ; ------()------- "SYSTEM" S SystemLiteral (if doctype [keep 'SYSTEM keep __temp]) | "PUBLIC" S PubidLiteral S SystemLiteral (if doctype [keep 'PUBLIC keep new: copy [] push new keep __first keep __temp pop]) ] ; out: copy [] stack: copy [] stack: head insert/only stack out push: func [new] [insert/only stack new] pop: func [] [remove stack] keep: func [data] [append/only first stack data] set 'xml-to-block func [ "Parses XML code and returns a tree of blocks." code [string!] "XML code to parse" /with elements [block!] "block of words indicating which extra elements to keep. Accepts: prolog, doctype, comment, pi, cdata" ][ if elements [forall elements [set in self first elements true]] out: copy [] stack: copy [] stack: head insert/only stack out either parse/all code document [ ; reset flags elements: [prolog doctype comment pi cdata] forall elements [set in self first elements false] head new-line-deep out ][ clear out ] ] indent: "" ; intentionally use a static string form-xml: func [ "Transforms a tree of blocks returned by xml-to-block to an xml string!" block [block!] /root id "optionally give root name" /local out name value endchar attrs tailtag subblocks emit emit-attrs text ][ out: copy "" if empty? block [return out] attrs: copy "" subblocks: false emit: func [block][append out rejoin block] emit-attrs: func [name value][append attrs rejoin [{ } name {="} value {"}]] endchar: "/" if all [id id <> 'xml] [ endchar: either #"?" = first form id ["?"]["/"] emit [indent "<" id] ] tailtag: tail out forskip block 2 [ name: block/1 value: block/2 text: false case [ 'SYSTEM = name [ emit [{ SYSTEM "} value {"}]] 'PUBLIC = name [ emit [{ PUBLIC "} value/1 {" "} value/2 {"}]] block? value [ subblocks: true insert indent tab either all [2 = length? value #Text = first value] [ emit [indent "<" name ">" value/2 "</" name ">^/" ] ][ either 0 = length? value [ emit [indent "<" name "/>^/"] ][ emit [form-xml/root value name] ] ] remove indent ] issue? name [ emit switch name [ #Comment [subblocks: true [indent tab "<!--" value "-->^/"]] #Name [append attrs " " [value]] #InternalSubset [endchar: "]" [ " [" value ]] #PI [subblocks: true [indent tab "<?" value "?>^/"]] #CDATA [subblocks: true [indent tab "<[CDATA[" value "]]>^/"]] #Text [subblocks: true text: true [value]] ] ] 'else [emit-attrs name value] ] ] if any [subblocks empty? attrs] [ if all [id id <> 'xml] [append attrs ">"] if not text [append attrs "^/"] ] insert tailtag attrs either subblocks [ if all [id id <> 'xml] [if not text [emit [indent]] emit ["</" id ">^/"]] ][ emit [endchar ">^/"] ] out ] new-line-deep: func [block [block!]] [ foreach item block [ if all [block? item any [2 < length? item block? item/2]] [new-line/all/skip item on 2 new-line-deep item] ] block ] get_element_by_attr: func [block [block!] name [word! lit-word!] value [string!] /local result] [ result: none foreach [aname avalue] block [ if all [aname = name avalue = value] [return block] if block? avalue [result: get_element_by_attr avalue name value] if block? result [return result] ] result ] get_element_by_id: func [block [block!] id [string!] ] [ get_element_by_attr block 'id id ] ; get_elements_by_tagname: ;select and change nth and tree comment { define 4 useful functions. They are compressed only because they are generic and do not belong only to xml select-nth series value n "Finds nth value in the series and returns the value or series after it, or none." select-tree series path "Finds a value in the series using path given as a block and returns the value or series after it, or none." change-nth series name n value "Finds nth value in the series and changes the value or series after it." change-tree series path value "Finds a value in the series using path given as a block and changes the value or series after it." } do decompress 64#{ eJytVMFu2zAMvesr6J5SYJnhHIMBufUnDB9Um4mF2JIh0Q2Kdf8+ipKTNCiGrMhJNkmR7z1SVAEHbGltqd/CfrYt1Or3i7FdADbBmx5mBGOBeoSA3mAAbTvwSLO3Qcwp xvmzf0/owdCPaLPO4s8/oOpWU9s3oHJQnc4CJuepYHvKoizUxhIe0BeNahjMZNojl3yHenBuArvcZLSMsiRthqWwpOA7TQMV31UxYE0e8ZaZ/pLXHIw9wKSZ9sG8oQUd I18HJwAunBfbyXDkjS4p7/cUkMq15I6/JX/ogRXRI0ovDOGYJNE+YAJaq+DYzQcSSOTJ+a4A5SaKFSjdzIqC+oDFxknQFrCSxncu2p6jPxmqZ660UmYvsb+ggpp6704w 6iMCeu8429Ooh73zI3YJzF5mII5T2fbaHlDEf2IuEfoWLqO2SHbmFisJ853QvDQ5/jUqohF9trCKmBwBjhO977IK38cmmT12c4tL0VxTOiWAHz9Cj3s2dw9NasH5SSxV 5b44y02knMX5z3WQbv2b1110BPenJZA3g3DQw3DHGog5mgzp02qAHnWXLc0V2cf192E63LQ1L8cvu8sQ2zs6nF5NlnUHgw6U9EiljOVwAtFRLNX5xYWjma4c6831lAiE shLXcmwgt+wv/5MqXV0GAAA= } ; ] ; context ] ; value? ;==== example ==== do ; just comment this line to avoid executing examples [ if system/script/title = "Parse and write XML code" [;do examples only if script started by us context [ ; avoid inserting names in global context xml: { <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?php abc def in prolog?> <!DOCTYPE greeting PUBLIC "abc" "def" [ <!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)> ]> <users> <![CDATA[ (<a>) ]]> <user id="u1" age="20"> <?php xyz in tag?> <name>Ema</name> <surname>Princi</surname> <address>Torino</address> </user> <!-- #@! --> <user id="u2" age=">44" sex="M"> <names> <name/> <name></name> <name class="high" len="short"> <!-- Mix --> </name> <name class="low">Max</name> </names> <surname>Rossi</surname> <address>Roma'</address> </user> </users> } probe xml-tree: xml-to-block/with xml [prolog doctype comment pi cdata] print ">>>> get_element_by_id" probe u: xml-ctx/get_element_by_id xml-tree "u2" print ">>>> path selection" ns: u/names ; use simple path selection to access element foreach [name attributes] ns [ print attempt [attributes/class] ] print ">>>> block-path selection" probe select-tree xml-tree [xml users user 2 names name 3 len] ; xml/users/user:2/names/name:3/len print ">>>> block-path change" change-tree xml-tree [xml users user 2 names name 3 len] "very-long" probe select-tree xml-tree [xml users user 2 names name 3 len] print ">>>> xml reconstruction" print xml-ctx/form-xml xml-tree halt ] ; context ] ; if title ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage