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wraptext.rREBOL [
Title: "Word Wrap Text"
Date: 18-Jun-1999
File: %wraptext.r
Author: "Scrip Rebo"
Purpose: "Handy function to fill and wrap a text paragraph."
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: 'tool
domain: 'text-processing
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
wrap-text: func [
/margin size "Char count after which the wrap occurs."
/local count
count: 1
if not margin [size: 50] ; default size
trim/lines para
forall para [
if all [count >= size find/match para " "][
change para newline
count: 0
count: count + 1
head para
print wrap-text {
This is a paragraph that
we want to
fill and wrap using the default margin which is
set to 50.
} |