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webwidget.rREBOL [
Title: "Web Form Widgets"
Date: 20-Jul-1999
File: %webwidget.r
Author: "Andrew Grossman"
Usage: {
make-widget/select to make a form select.
make-widget/select/multiple to make a multiple select.
make-widget/radio to make radio buttons.
make-widget/checkbox to make checkboxes.
Arguments are widget name, widget values, and selected value
(for select) or line ending (for others).
Add /number to any of these to number submitted values.
Purpose: {Generate HTML code quickly and easily for several form elements.}
library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: 'Tool
domain: [markup html]
tested-under: none
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
Version: 1.0.0
CGI-widget: func [
"Prints select, radio button, or checkbox CGI Form elements"
name [any-string!] "Widget name"
values [series!] "Widget items"
selectterm [any-type!] "Item selected and item ending"
/local num
all [select print reform [#<SELECT either multiple ['MULTIPLE][#]
#NAME= mold name #>]]
forall values [
print rejoin [
any [all [select {<OPTION VALUE=}]
all [radio {<INPUT TYPE="RADIO" VALUE=}]
all [checkbox {<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" VALUE=}]
] mold form either number [num: index? values][first values]
any [all [number selectterm = num " SELECTED"] #]
#> first values selectterm]
all [select print </SELECT>]
] |