Script Library: 1241 scripts


REBOL [ title: "WAP Mail Reader CGI" date: 10-Aug-2010 file: %wap-mail-reader.r author: Nick Antonaccio purpose: { Read email using your WAP cell phone browser. } ] #!./rebol276 -cs REBOL [title: "WAP Mail Reader CGI"] submitted: decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string prin {Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml^/^/} prin {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>^/} prin {<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" "">^/} accounts: [ ["pop.server" "smtp.server" "username" "password" %you--site--com] ["pop.server2" "smtp.server2" "username" "password" %you--site2--com] ["pop.server3" "smtp.server3" "username" "password" %you--site3--com] ] if ((submitted/2 = none) or (submitted/2 = none)) [ print {<wml><card id="1" title="Select Account"><p>} print {Account: <select name="account">} forall accounts [ print rejoin [ {<option value="} index? accounts {">} last first accounts {</option>} ] ] print {</select> <select name="readorsend"> <option value="readselect">Read</option> <option value="sendinput">Send</option> </select> <anchor> <go method="get" href="wapmail.cgi"> <postfield name="account" value="$(account)"/> <postfield name="readorsend" value="$(readorsend)"/> </go> Submit </anchor>} print {</p></card></wml>} quit ] if submitted/4 = "readselect" [ t: pick accounts (to-integer submitted/2) system/schemes/pop/host: t/1 system/schemes/default/host: t/2 system/schemes/default/user: t/3 system/schemes/default/pass: t/4 system/user/email: t/5 prin {<wml><card id="1" title="Choose Message"><p>} prin rejoin [{<setvar name="account" value="} submitted/2 {"/>}] prin {<select name="chosenmessage">} mail: read to-url join "pop://" system/user/email foreach message mail [ pretty: import-email message if (find pretty/subject "***SPAM***") = none [ replace/all pretty/subject {"} {} replace/all pretty/subject {&} {} prin rejoin [ {<option value="} pretty/subject {">} pretty/subject {</option>} ] ] ] print {</select> <anchor> <go method="get" href="wapmail.cgi"> <postfield name="subroutine" value="display"/> <postfield name="chosenmessage" value="$(chosenmessage)"/> <postfield name="account" value="$(account)"/> </go> Submit </anchor> </p></card></wml>} quit ] if submitted/2 = "display" [ t: pick accounts (to-integer submitted/6) system/schemes/pop/host: t/1 system/schemes/default/host: t/2 system/schemes/default/user: t/3 system/schemes/default/pass: t/4 system/user/email: t/5 prin {<wml><card id="1" title="Display Message"><p>} mail: read to-url join "pop://" system/user/email foreach message mail [ pretty: import-email message if pretty/subject = submitted/4 [ replace/all pretty/content {"} {} replace/all pretty/content {&} {} replace/all pretty/content {3d} {} strip: copy "" foreach item (load/markup pretty/content) [ if ((type? item) = string!) [strip: join strip item] ] prin strip ] ] print {</p></card></wml>} quit ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage
  • email address(es) have been munged to protect them from spam harvesters. If you are a Library member, you can log on and view this script without the munging.
  • (you:site3:com)
  • (you:site2:com)
  • (you:site:com)