Script Library: 1240 scripts


Rebol [ title: "Tweener" file: %tweener.r author: "Marco Antoniazzi" Copyright: "(C) 2018 Marco Antoniazzi. All Rights reserved." email: [luce80 AT libero DOT it] date: 29-07-2018 version: 0.7.5 Purpose: "Make transitions between two values. Many easing functions to animate faces." History: [ 0.0.1 [01-05-2018 "Started"] 0.5.1 [09-05-2018 "Completed sync and async modes"] 0.6.1 [20-05-2018 "Implemented cubic-bezier, steps and frames functions"] 0.6.2 [22-05-2018 "Implemented jitter function"] 0.7.0 [26-05-2018 "Implemented async stoppable fade"] 0.7.1 [27-05-2018 "Implemented defaults"] 0.7.2 [01-06-2018 "Implemented CSS bezier defaults"] 0.7.3 [03-06-2018 "Added nice example"] 0.7.4 [10-06-2018 "Fix: set not only integers. Changed bind rejoin with reduce to-set-path"] 0.7.5 [29-07-2018 "Fix: Frames button and frames default parameter should be 2 (thx @greggirwin)"] ] library: [ level: 'intermediate platform: 'all type: 'tool domain: [gfx animation] tested-under: [View] support: none license: 'BSD ] help: { This script provides 3 functions to create and stop trabsitions: <transit> "Animate smoothly from one facet value to a new one over time." face [object!] "The face to which apply transition" 'facet [word! path!] "The facet that will change" value [number! pair! tuple!] "New value" duration [number! time!] "Duration in seconds" easefunc [word!] "Function used to tween" /delay timed [number! time!] "Optional initial delay (default is 0)" /params a [number! block! none!] p [number!] "Parameters for functions that need them" /async tick-face [object!] "Make this transition asyncronous using tick-face 's timer" <transitions> "Animate smoothly from one or more facet(s) value(s) to new one(s) over time." specs [block!] {list of lists with faces, facets and values in the format: [ face [object!] [ [ facet [word! path!] new-value [number! pair! tuple!] duration [number! time!] ease-function [word! function!] delay [number! time!] param1 [number! block!] param2 [number!] ] ... ] ... ] } /async tick-face [object!] "Make this transition asyncronous using tick-face 's timer" <stop_transition/async> "Stop a transition (only async for now)" face [object!] "The face which has the transition to be stopped" facet [word! path!] "The facet that is transitioning" /async tick-face [object!] "The <ticker> face which whose timer is used to give the pace" there are also <set-defaults> and <restore-defaults> to set and restore default duration, ease-function, delay and rate. To use async mode you need a face to be used as a "ticker". See example face <ticker> at end of this file to see how it can be done. A synchronous transition is executed at maximum frame-rate and will start only after the previous synchronous transition has completed, an asynchronous transition is executed at a (almost) fixed frame-rate and will start indipendently of other transitions. Most easing functions are derived from Robert Penner's Easing Equations (see below). There are other functions inside the comments below. You can add your own easing function. See example "custom-ease" in axample part at the end of the script. An easing (interpolating) function is a function that: - passes through the points (0,0) and (1,1) , and almost any math function can be scaled, rotated and translated to pass through those points... - if it is adjustable with 1 or 2 parameters it MUST ALWAYS pass through (0,0) and (1,1) indipendently of the parameters. Please note that: - Transitions "specs" blocks are first compose/deep and then reduced. - In the example script there are not the "CSS" transition functions but they are implmented and with the same names: ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out } ] if not value? 'tweener-ctx [; avoid redefinition tweener-ctx: context [ pi_2: pi * 0.5 round-fast: func [n] [n: 0.5 + n n - mod n 1] set-facet: func [face [object!] member [word! path! ] value /local][ any [ ;attempt [do bind load rejoin ["face/" member ": " value] 'local] ;attempt [do bind load rejoin ["face/" member ": to-integer tweener-ctx/round-fast " value] 'local] attempt [do reduce [append to-set-path 'face member value]] attempt [do reduce [append to-set-path 'face member to-integer round-fast value]] ] ] default-duration: 0.2 default-ease: 'linear default-delay: 0 default-rate: 50 ; FPS , or use e.g. 00:00:00.02 to set as seconds set-defaults: func [ "Set default values" values [block!] "block of 0<->4 values" /duration value1 [number! time!] /ease value2 [word!] /delay value3 [number! time!] /rate value4 [number! time!] ][ default-duration: any [values/1 value1 default-duration] default-ease: any [values/2 value2 default-ease] default-delay: any [values/3 value3 default-delay] default-rate: any [values/4 value4 default-rate] ] restore-defaults: func ["Restore values to their factory defaults"][ default-duration: 0.2 default-ease: 'linear default-delay: 0 default-rate: 50 ] aface: none paused?: false sync-play: off easeInQuad: easeOutQuad: easeInOutQuad: easeOutInQuad: easeInCubic: easeOutCubic: easeInOutCubic: easeOutInCubic: easeInQuart: easeOutQuart: easeInOutQuart: easeOutInQuart: easeInQuint: easeOutQuint: easeInOutQuint: easeOutInQuint: easeInSine: easeOutSine: easeInOutSine: easeOutInSine: easeInExpo: easeOutExpo: easeInOutExpo: easeOutInExpo: easeInCirc: easeOutCirc: easeInOutCirc: easeOutInCirc: easeInElastic: easeOutElastic: easeInOutElastic: easeOutInElastic: easeInBack: easeOutBack: easeInOutBack: easeOutInBack: easeInBounce: easeOutBounce: easeInOutBounce: easeOutInBounce: easeInBounceInt: easeOutBounceInt: easeInOutBounceInt: easeOutInBounceInt: linear: bezier: steps: frames: jitter: none easefunctions: [ ; functions that we will not reverse linear "Easing equation function for a simple linear tweening, with no easing." [ ;t: t / d ; this is placed at the beginning of every function so t is in range 0..1 ;c * t + b ; this is placed at the end of every function so t is scaled and translated to final value ] bezier "Easing function using cubic bézier curve. Parameter <a> is a block! of 4 values for the coordinates of the 2 control points (default: [0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0])" [ t: yforx/yfort yforx/tforx t any [a [0 0 1 1]] ] steps "Easing equation function for a tweening with steps. Parameter <a> is number of steps (default: 1). Parameter <p> is initial condition (default: 1)" [ a: max 1 to integer! any [a 1] p: min max 0 to integer! p 1 t: min max 0 1 / a * (p + to integer! t * a) 1 ] frames "Easing equation function for a tweening with specified frames. Parameter <a> is number of frames (default: 2)" [ a: max 2 to integer! any [a 2] t: min max 0 (t: (to integer! t * a) t / (a - 1)) 1 ] jitter "Easing function for a random jittering. Parameter <a> is percentage of jittering (default: 5%)" [ a: min max 0 any [a 5] 100 t: t + ((0 - 1 + random 1000 - (0 - 1)) / 1000 * (1 / 100.0 * a)) ;if 0 = temp: (0 - 1 + random 1000 - (0 - 1)) / 1000 * 0.05 [temp: 0.001] ;t: t + temp ;a: random 100; max 0 to integer! a ;p: 1 ;min max 0 to integer! p 1 ;t: min max 0 1 / a * (p + round/to t * a 0.01) 1 ;t: min max 0 (t: (to integer! t * a) t / (a )) 1 ;t: min max 0 1 / a * (p + to integer! t * a) 1 ] ;====ATTENTION: if you add a function here you MUST also add its "set-word" above======== ] spec: ["Easing equation function" t "Current time (in frames or seconds)." b "Starting value." c "Change needed in value." d "Expected easing duration (in frames or seconds)." a "First optional parameter for function" p "Second optional parameter for function" /local temp ] foreach [name description body] easefunctions [ spec/1: description do compose [(to-set-word name) func copy spec head insert tail insert body [if t >= d [return c + b] t: t / d] [c * t + b]] ;FIXME: if d = 0 [return b + c] ] {Most of these functions are derived from Robert Penner's Easing Equations: Disclaimer for Robert Penner's Easing Equations license: TERMS OF USE - EASING EQUATIONS Open source under the BSD License. Copyright © 2001 Robert Penner All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. } easefunctions: [ ; functions that we will also reverse easeInQuad "Easing equation function for a quadratic (t^^2) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: t * t ] ;easeOutQuad "Easing equation function for a quadratic (t^^2) easing out: decelerating to zero velocity." ;[0 - c * ((t: t / d) * (t - 2)) + b] ;[0 - c * ((t: t / d - 1) * t) + c + b] ;[c - (c * ((t: 1 - (t / d)) * t)) + b] ;[easeInQuad d - t b + c 0 - c d a p] ;easeInOutQuad "Easing equation function for a quadratic (t^^2) easing in/out: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration." ;[either t < (d * 0.5)[easeInQuad t * 2 b c * 0.5 d a p][easeOutQuad t * 2 - d b + (c * 0.5) c * 0.5 d a p]] ;easeOutInQuad "Easing equation function for a quadratic (t^^2) easing out/in: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration." ;[either t < (d * 0.5)[easeOutQuad t * 2 b c * 0.5 d a p][easeInQuad t * 2 - d b + (c * 0.5) c * 0.5 d a p]] easeInCubic "Easing equation function for a cubic (t^^3) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: t * t * t ] easeInQuart "Easing equation function for a quartic (t^^4) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: t * t * t * t ] easeInQuint "Easing equation function for a quintic (t^^5) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: t * t * t * t * t ] easeInSine "Easing equation function for a sinusoidal (sin(t)) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: 1 + sine/radians t + 3 * pi_2 ] easeInExpo "Easing equation function for an exponential (2^^t) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: power 2 10 * (t - 1) ] easeInCirc "Easing equation function for a circular (sqrt(1-t^^2)) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity." [ t: -1 * (square-root 1 - (t * t)) + 1 ] easeInElastic "Easing equation function for an elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity.<a> is amplitude, <p> is period." [ t: t - 1 a: max 1 any [a 1] p: min max 0.1 p 2 t: -1 * ( a * (2 ** (10 * t)) * sine/radians (( (t * 1 - ( p / (2 * pi) * arcsine/radians (1 / a))) * (2 * pi) / p)) ) ] easeInBack "Easing equation function for a back (overshooting cubic easing) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity.Parameter <a> is amplitude" [ a: any [a 1.70158] ; this value gives 10% of overshooting t: t * t * ((a + 1) * t - a) ;t: t - 1 * a + t * t * t ] ;==== THIS IS NOT a Penner's function easeInBounce "Easing equation function for a decaying bounce easing in: accelerating from zero velocity. <a> is number of bounces." [ a: any [a 4] p: t - 1 * pi * a t: t * abs (sine/radians p) / p ] ;==== THIS IS NOT a Penner's function easeInBounceInt "Easing equation function for a bounce (integer number of times) easing in: accelerating from zero velocity. <a> is steps number." [ a: round-fast any [a 4] p: t - 1 * pi * a t: abs (sine/radians p) / p ] ; in the functions below x is t (that is t / d ) ; 1 / sech(a) * sech(a / x) ; 1 / sech(a) * sech(a / x) / x ; mim max 0 (log-10 x) / 2 + 1 1 ; mim max 0 1 / (1.62 - x) - 0.62 1 ; a * x * x * ((2 + (1 / a)) - (2 * x)) ; similar to "back" but y-mirrored (AKA "smoothstep") ; t: t - 1 * a + 1 * t; similar to "back" but quadratic (if a = 0 is linear, if a = 1 is quadratic) ; <a> integer! >= 1 p: pi * t * a t: 1 - (sin(2 * p) - sin(p)) / p ; Meyer wavelet ; 1 - (e ** (-3 * x * x) cos (a * 6 * x)) ; Morlet wavelet ; t: 1 - abs ((e ** (-6 * t)) * cosine/radians (a * 6 * t)) ; modified Morlet wavelet as a very nice bounce effect ;====ATTENTION: if you add a function here you MUST also add its "set-word" above======== ] new-name: "" new-body: [] foreach [name description body] easefunctions [ spec/1: description do compose [(to-set-word name) func copy spec head insert tail insert body [if t >= d [return c + b] t: t / d] [c * t + b]] spec/1: replace copy description "in: accelerating from" "out: decelerating to" new-name: replace form name "In" "Out" new-body: compose [(name) d - t b + c 0 - c d a p] do bind compose [(to-set-word new-name) func copy spec head new-body] self spec/1: replace copy description "in: accelerating from zero velocity." "in/out: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration." new-body: [either t < (d * 0.5)[_ t * 2 b c * 0.5 d a p][_ t * 2 - d b + (c * 0.5) c * 0.5 d a p]] new-body/5/1: to-word name new-body/6/1: to-word new-name new-name: replace form name "In" "InOut" do bind compose [(to-set-word new-name) func copy spec bind head new-body self] self spec/1: replace copy description "in: accelerating from zero velocity." "out/in: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration." new-name: replace form name "In" "Out" new-body/5/1: to-word new-name new-body/6/1: to-word name new-name: replace form name "In" "OutIn" do bind compose [(to-set-word new-name) func copy spec bind head new-body self] self ] yforx: context [ ; functions translated from those of Don Lancaster (optimized for 0..1 interval) x1: 0 y1: 0 x2: 1 y2: 1 A: B: C: D: E: F: _3A: _2B: 0 xfort: func [t][ A * t + B * t + C * t ] yfort: func [t][ D * t + E * t + F * t ] slopedtdx: func [t] [ if 0 = t: (_3A * t + _2B * t + C) [t: 1] t ] tforx: func [x p /local tguess tryx][ x1: min max 0 p/1 1 y1: p/2 ; min max -2 p/2 2 x2: min max 0 p/3 1 y2: p/4 ;min max -2 p/4 2 A: x1 - x2 * 3 + 1 B: x2 - x1 - x1 * 3 C: x1 * 3 D: y1 - y2 * 3 + 1 E: y2 - y1 - y1 * 3 F: y1 * 3 _3A: 3 * A _2B: 2 * B tguess: x loop 6 [ ; avoid infinite loop tryx: xfort tguess if tryx = x [break] ;if 0.005 > abs tryx - x [break] tguess: min max 0 tguess - ((tryx - x) / slopedtdx tguess) 1 ] tguess ] ] ;transitions-pause: does [paused?: true] ;transitions-unpause: transitions-play: does [paused?: false] ;transitions-stop: transitions-clear-all: does [clear properties] stop_atransition: func ["Stop a transition (only async for now)" face [object!] "The face which has the transition to be stopped" facet [word! path!] "The facet that is transitioning" /async tick-face [object!] "The <ticker> face which whose timer is used to give the pace" /local props ][ either none? async [ ; TBD ][ if props: find tick-face/anim-specs face [remove-each item second props [item/1 = facet]] ] ] atransit: func ["Animate smoothly from one facet value to a new one over time." face [object!] "The face to which apply transition" 'facet [word! path!] "The facet that will change" value [number! pair! tuple!] "New value" duration [number! time!] "Duration in seconds" easefunc [word!] "Function used to tween" /delay timed [number! time!] "Optional initial delay (default is 0)" /params a [number! block! none!] p [number!] "Parameters for functions that need them" /async tick-face [object!] "Make this transition asyncronous using tick-face 's timer" /local props ][ timed: any [timed 0] a: any [a 1] p: any [p 1] props: head insert/only copy [] reduce [facet value duration easefunc timed a p] do pick [transitions transitions/async] none? async reduce [face compose [(props)] ] tick-face ] atransitions: func ["Animate smoothly from one or more facet(s) value(s) to new one(s) over time." specs [block!] "list of lists with faces, facets and values in the format [face [facet [word! path!] new-value [number! pair! tuple!] duration [number! time!] ease-function [word! block!] delay [number! time!] param1 [number! block!] param2 [number!] ...] ...]" /async tick-face [object!] "Make this transition asyncronous using tick-face 's timer" /local prop properties begin ease-function ][ if 0 = length? specs [exit] if none? async [ if sync-play [exit] ; avoid sync transitions interruption ] specs: reduce compose/deep specs forskip specs 2 [ aface: first specs properties: second specs if not object? aface [to-error "transitions MUST be applied to a face!"] if not block? properties [to-error "transition properties MUST be block!"] foreach prop properties [ if not block? prop [to-error "transition properties MUST be block!"] insert tail prop switch/default length? prop [ 0 1 [to-error "transition properties MUST have at least 2 elements"] 2 3 4 5 6 7 [skip compose [_ _ (default-duration) (default-ease) (default-delay) (none) 1] length? prop] ] [to-error "transition properties MUST have at max 7 elements"] if not any [word? prop/1 path? prop/1] [to-error "transition MUST be applied to a facet given as a word! or path!"] if not any [number? prop/2 pair? prop/2 tuple? prop/2] [to-error join "transition changing value MUST be number!, pair! or tuple! not: " mold type? prop/2] if not any [number? prop/3 time? prop/3] [to-error "transition duration MUST be number! or time!"] if not any [word? prop/4 function? get prop/4] [to-error "transition ease function MUST be word! or function!"] ;FIXME: or get-word! if not any [number? prop/5 time? prop/5] [to-error "transition delay MUST be number! or time!"] ;... if all [prop/4 = 'bezier not any [none? prop/6 block? prop/6]] [to-error "bezier transition parameter MUST be a block!"] prop/3: max 0 to-decimal prop/3 ; duration ; FIXME: beware division by 0 prop/5: max 0 to-decimal prop/5 ; delay either word? prop/4 [ ease-function: switch/default prop/4 [ ease ease-in ease-out ease-in-out [:bezier] custom-ease [:custom-ease] ] [get in self to-get-word prop/4] if none? :ease-function [to-error rejoin ["function " prop/4 " does not exist"]] if :ease-function = :bezier [ prop/6: switch/default prop/4 [ ease [[.25 .1 .25 1]] ease-in [[.42 0 1 1]] ease-out [[0 0 .58 1]] ease-in-out [[.42 0 .58 1]] ; quadIn: [0.21,0,0.56,0.126] ; cubIn: [0.335,0,0.666,0.3] ; quartIn: [0.5,0,0.73,-0.022] ; quintIn: [0.59,-0.007,0.777,-0.038] ; sinIn: [0.23,0,0.5,0.17] ; circIn: [0.552,0,1,0.448] ][prop/6] ] prop/4: :ease-function ][ prop/4: get prop/4 ] ;probe ;begin: do bind load rejoin ["do aface/" prop/1] tweener-ctx begin: do append to-path 'aface prop/1 prop/1: to-path prop/1 insert tail prop begin ; FIXME: or add it as an other (optional?) parameter insert tail prop to decimal! now/time/precise ; start insert tail prop 0.0 ; time ] ] either async [ insert tail tick-face/anim-specs specs tick-face/rate: default-rate ; start ALL (not already started) async transitions show tick-face ][ ;======== MAIN LOOP ========== sync-play: on while [not empty? specs][;time <= max-duration] [ forskip specs 2 [ aface: first specs transition-step aface second specs if empty? head second specs [remove/part find specs aface 2] wait 0 ; let process user input events (R3, World, Topaz and Red probably need a different value) ] ] sync-play: off ] specs ] transition-step: func [tface [object!] properties [block!] /local prop i n start time][ if paused? [; FIXME: TBD wait 0 ;start: to decimal! now/time/precise ;time: time + start exit ] forall properties [ prop: first properties start: prop/9 time: prop/10 ; if delay is passed and total duration is not passed then do next step of transition(s) ; if delay is passed go on if time > prop/5 [ ;do command either any [pair? prop/8 tuple? prop/8] [ n: switch type?/word prop/8 [pair! [2] tuple! [length? prop/8]] repeat i n [ set-facet tface rejoin [prop/1 i] prop/4 (time - prop/5) prop/8/:i prop/2/:i - prop/8/:i prop/3 prop/6 prop/7 ] ][ set-facet tface prop/1 prop/4 (time - prop/5) prop/8 prop/2 - prop/8 prop/3 prop/6 prop/7 ] ] prop/10: (to decimal! now/time/precise) - start ; time ; if total duration is passed stop current transition (Note: do check at end to avoid early interruption) if time >= (prop/3 + prop/5) [ ; FIXME: use this? if prop/2 = prop/8 NO, does not work correctly remove properties ; FIXME: and append to completed? ] ] ;wait 0 ; let process user input events show tface ; if red : unless sync? [show face] ] ; make main functions global set [transit transitions stop_transition] reduce [:atransit :atransitions :stop_atransition] ] ; context ] ; value? ;==== example ==== do ; just comment this line to avoid executing examples [ if system/script/title = "Tweener" [;do examples only if script started by us context [ ; avoid inserting names in global context ; custom-ease e: 2.718281828459045 sech: func [x [number!]] [x: min max 0.0001 x 10 2 / ( (e ** x) + (e ** - x) )] set 'custom-ease func ["Easing equation function" t "Current time (in frames or seconds)." b "Starting value." c "Change needed in value." d "Expected easing duration (in frames or seconds)." a "First optional parameter for function" p "Second optional parameter for function" ][ if t >= d [return c + b] t: t / d t: (sech a / 2 / t) / (sech a / 2) / t c * t + b ] ; stylize/master [ ;==== ;==== ticker ==== ;==== anim-ticker: sensor 0x0 rate none feel [ engage: func [face action event /local anim-specs][ ;======== MAIN LOOP ========== if action = 'time [ anim-specs: face/anim-specs forskip anim-specs 2 [ tweener-ctx/transition-step first anim-specs second anim-specs if empty? second anim-specs [remove/part anim-specs 2] ] if empty? anim-specs [ face/rate: none show face ; stop ALL async animations ] ] ] ] with [ anim-specs: copy [] ; set this to the block of specs for the various animations ] ] win-dim: 630x600 woff: 20x20 wspace: 10x10 wwidth: win-dim/x wheight: win-dim/y pwidth: wwidth - (woff/x * 2) center-x: func [faces [object! block!] face2][ faces: reduce compose [(faces)] foreach face faces [ face/offset/x: max 0 face2/size/x - face/size/x / 2 + face2/offset/x ] ] set-time: func [face][ set-face face copy/part to-itime now/time 5 ] direction: 1 a: p: 1 lay: [ backdrop sky - 30.30.0 ticker: anim-ticker pad 0x-10 ; erase space created by ticker origin 0x0 across page-1: panel (wwidth) [ box-rotate: box (1x0 * wwidth + 0x400) effect compose/deep [draw [ ;pen white fill-pen yellow translate (1x0 * wwidth / 2 + 0x210) rotate 0 ; used to tween only from 0 to 6 to avoid glich of tweening from 354 to 0 rotate -90 ; start at 12 o'clock box 70x-6 180x6 3 ]] rate 1 feel [ engage: func [face action event][ if action = 'time [ if 0 = third now/time [set-time text-clock] ; a minute is passed, update shown time face/effect/draw/rotate: 0 face/effect/draw/8: 6 * third now/time - 15 ; this is async because otherwise we will have to wait for it to finish before being able to do the next transition (that is changing to next page) transit/params/async face effect/draw/rotate 6 .5 'easeOutBounceInt 3 1 ticker ] ] ] pad 0x-228 text-clock: text "00:00" sky - 30.30.0 font [size: 50] pad (0x1 * wheight - 0x200) h1-title: h1 "Here is a REBOL script" white h1-title-2: h1 "to make nice transitions" white btn-see: btn "Let's see!" (pwidth) [ transitions [ page-1 [[offset/x (page-1/size/x * -1 - 2) .5 easeOutInExpo]] page-2 [[offset/x 0 .5 easeOutInExpo]] ] box-rotate/rate: none show box-rotate ; stop clock ] ] page-2: panel (wwidth) [ do [sp: 4x4] origin 10x10 space sp Across btn-go: btn "Go!" 40x40 green [ a: load get-face field-a2 if any [not number? a a < -2 a > 2] [set-face field-a2 a: 0.0] a: load get-face field-a3 if any [not number? a a < 0 a > 1] [set-face field-a3 a: 1.0] a: load get-face field-a4 if any [not number? a a < -2 a > 2] [set-face field-a4 a: 1.0] a: load get-face field-a1 if not any [number? a none? a] [set-face field-a1 a: 1] p: load get-face field-p if not number? p [set-face field-p p: 1] if h1-func/text = "frames" [set-face field-a1 max 2 load get-face field-a1] if h1-func/text = "bezier" [a: reduce [load get-face field-a1 load get-face field-a2 load get-face field-a3 load get-face field-a4]] transit/params box-sample offset/x (box-sample/offset/x + (200 * direction)) get-face text-secs to-word get-face h1-func a p direction: negate direction ] pad 0x5 h1-func: h1 "linear" 200 return h3-descr: h3 600x40 "Easing equation function for a simple linear tweening, with no easing." return text "Duration:" slider-secs: slider 100x16 0.5 white [ secs: get-face face either secs < 0.5 [secs: max 0.1 round/to secs * 2 0.05][secs: max 1 round/to secs - 0.5 * 20 0.5] set-face text-secs secs ] text-secs: text bold "1.0" 30 text "second(s)" ;pad 0x-4 return pad 0x10 box-sample: box 20x20 blue pad 0x10 return style field field 40 white text "<a> parameter:" 100 field-a1: field "none" field-a2: field "0.0" field-a3: field "1.0" field-a4: field "1.0" return text "<p> parameter:" 100 field-p: field "1" return guide style box box "easeInOutBounceInt" 150x20 font [size: 12] effect [draw [pen none fill-pen 0.0.128 box 0x0 150x20 10]] feel [ over-super: :over over: func [face over? offset][ over-super face over? offset ; pass up to super-class (not necessary in this case) either over? [ ; stop previous transition stop_transition/async face 'effect/draw/fill-pen ticker ; rapidly change to new color ;face/effect/draw/fill-pen: blue + 0.100.0 ;show face transit face effect/draw/fill-pen blue + 0.100.0 0.01 'linear ][ ; slowly change to old color transit/async face effect/draw/fill-pen navy .5 'linear ticker ] ] ] [ set-face h1-func face/text set-face h3-descr first third get in tweener-ctx to-word face/text ] box "custom-ease" [set-face h1-func face/text] ] box-black: box (win-dim) black box-white: box (win-dim) effect compose/deep [draw [ pen (none) fill-pen box 0x0 (win-dim) 20 ]] do [ center-x [box-rotate h1-title h1-title-2 text-clock btn-see] page-1 set-time text-clock set-face text-secs 1.0 ] ] ; add ease functions buttons page-2-buttons: copy [] n: 1 foreach item next first tweener-ctx [ if function? elem: get in tweener-ctx item [ if all [string? title: first third :elem find/match title "Easing"][; none? find form item "ease"] [ append page-2-buttons reduce ['box form item] if 0 = modulo n 4 [append page-2-buttons 'return] n: n + 1 ] ] ] insert skip tail first find find/last lay 'panel block! -3 page-2-buttons ; view/new main-window: center-face layout/size lay win-dim insert-event-func func [face event] [ if event/face = main-window [ switch event/type [ close [ ;ask_close transit box-white offset 0x0 0.01 'linear transit box-white effect/draw/4 0.4 'linear transit box-black offset 0x0 0.01 'linear transitions [ box-white [ [effect/draw/6 (wheight / 2 - 10 * 0x1) 0.3 easeOutCubic] [effect/draw/7 (wheight / 2 + 10 * 0x1 + (1x0 * wwidth)) 0.3 easeOutCubic] ] ] transitions [ box-white [ [effect/draw/6 (win-dim / 2 - 15x10) 0.3 easeOutCubic] [effect/draw/7 (win-dim / 2 + 15x10) 0.3 easeOutCubic] ] ] transit box-white effect/draw/4 0.5 'linear return event ;if all [value? 'help-win event/face = help-win] [unset 'help-win] ;event ] ] ] event ] ; ;comment transitions [ text-clock [[font/color (white) 1 linear .2]] h1-title [[offset/y (h1-title/offset/y - 240) .3 easeOutBack 2]] h1-title-2 [[offset/y (h1-title-2/offset/y - 240) .3 easeOutBack 2.2]] btn-see [[offset/y (btn-see/offset/y - 240) .5 easeOutElastic 2.3 1.3 .5]] ] do-events ] ; context ] ; if title ]
halt ;; to terminate script if DO'ne from webpage