Script Library: 1240 scripts


REBOL [ Title: "Rebol date to-timestamp" Date: 18-Jul-2001/11:05:22+2:00 Version: 0.0.3 File: %to-timestamp.r Author: "Oldes" Purpose: "For better date storage (in large date databases)" Email: %oldes--bigfoot--com mail: %oldes--bigfoot--com library: [ level: 'beginner platform: none type: 'tool domain: 'DB tested-under: none support: none license: none see-also: none ] ] to-timestamp: func[ {Returns date converted to TIMESTAMP integer (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS)} d [date!] "Date to convert" /dateonly {Returns only date: YYYYMMDD} /local pad ][ pad: func[s][either s < 10 [join "0" s][s]] to-integer rejoin [ d/year pad d/month pad d/day either dateonly [""][ rejoin [ pad d/time/hour pad d/time/minute pad d/time/second ] ] ] ]
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  • (oldes:bigfoot:com)