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svn-version.rREBOL [
Title: "SVN Version"
Date: 4-Oct-2010
Version: 1.0.0
File: %svn-version.r
Author: "Nenad Rakocevic"
Usage: {
>> svn-version? %/c/dev/cheyenne-server/
== 92
Purpose: {
Retrieve the global revision number from a local SVN repository.
This mimics the feature offered by the svnversion command-line tool
This can be used in PREBOL (or other scripts preprocessors) to insert the
SVN global revision number as a build version.
Email: %nr--softinnov--com
Library: [
level: 'intermediate
platform: 'all
type: [tool tutorial]
domain: [file-handling parse]
tested-under: "Core 2.7.6 Windows 7"
support: none
license: none
see-also: none
context [
revision: svn-dir: none
digit: charset "0123456789"
dir?: func [file [file!]][slash = last file]
process: func [file /local value][
parse/all read file [
any [
"!svn/ver/" copy value some digit (
if revision < value: to integer! value [revision: value]
) | skip
dive: func [path /local file][
if exists? file: path/:svn-dir/all-wcprops [process file]
foreach file read path/. [
if all [
dir? file
file <> svn-dir/all-wcprops
dive path/:file
set 'svn-version? func [
"Return the global SVN revision number from a local SVN repository"
path [file!] "SVN repository folder"
/alt-dir "Search in _svn/ instead of .svn/ folders"
revision: 0
svn-dir: pick [%_svn/ %.svn/] to-logic alt-dir
if not dir? path [append path slash]
dive path
] Notes