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date: 1-oct-2005
file: %sqd.r
title: "Stack, queue and deque functions"
author: "Sunanda"
purpose: "Implement stack, queue and deque data structures"
version: 0.0.1
library: [
platform: [all]
type: [function tool]
level: 'intermediate
domain: [math scientific]
license: 'bsd
tested-under: 'win
support: "ask me!"
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Stack: LIFO: last in, first out: add to top, remove from top
;; Queue: FIFO: first in, first out: add to top, remove from bottom
;; Deque: add/remove from either end
;; For documentation:
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------
sqd: make object! [
;; =----------------------=
;; redefine words we need
;; =----------------------=
_make: get in system/words 'make
_length?: get in system/words 'length?
_type?: get in system/words 'type?
;; =----=
;; make
;; =----=
make: func [
/items p-items [integer!]
if not items [p-items: 100]
return _make object! [
type: "stack"
data: _make block! p-items
;; =-------=
;; length?
;; =-------=
length?: func [stack-name [object!]
return _length? stack-name/data
;; =-----=
;; type?
;; =-----=
type?: func [stack-name [object!]
return copy stack-name/type
;; =-----=
;; probe
;; =-----=
probe: func [stack-name [object!]
return copy/deep stack-name/data
;; =--------=
;; to-stack
;; =--------=
to-stack: func [stack-name [object!]
stack-name/type: "stack"
return true
;; =--------=
;; to-queue
;; =--------=
to-queue: func [stack-name [object!]
stack-name/type: "queue"
return true
;; =--------=
;; to-deque
;; =--------=
to-deque: func [stack-name [object!]
stack-name/type: "deque"
return true
;; =----=
;; push
;; =----=
push: func [stack-name [object!]
either all [stack-name/type = "deque" bottom]
either block? item [append/only stack-name/data item]
[append stack-name/data item]
either block? item [insert/only stack-name/data item]
[insert stack-name/data item]
return item
;; =---=
;; pop
;; =---=
pop: func [stack-name [object!]
if any [stack-name/type = "stack"
all [stack-name/type = "deque" not bottom]
pop-item: stack-name/data/1
stack-name/data: next stack-name/data
return pop-item
;; queue or deque with /bottom
if 0 = _length? stack-name/data [return none]
pop-item: last stack-name/data
remove back tail stack-name/data
return pop-item
;; =----=
;; peek
;; =----=
peek: func [stack-name [object!]
if any [stack-name/type = "stack"
all [stack-name/type = "deque" not bottom]
pop-item: stack-name/data/1
return pop-item
;; queue or deque with /bottom
if 0 = _length? stack-name/data [return none]
pop-item: last stack-name/data
return pop-item
;; =------=
;; rotate
;; =------=
rotate: func [stack-name [object!]
if (_length? stack-name/data) < 2
[return false] ;; not enough items to rotate
if any [stack-name/type = "stack"
all [stack-name/type = "deque" not bottom]
;; swap top two items
;; ------------------
insert stack-name/data stack-name/data/2
remove at stack-name/data 3
return true
if stack-name/type = "queue"
;; swap top and bottom
;; -------------------
insert stack-name/data last stack-name/data
append stack-name/data stack-name/data/2
remove at stack-name/data 2
remove at stack-name/data (-1 + _length? stack-name/data)
return true
;; Must be a /bottom deque -- so
;; swap bottom and its predeccessor
;; --------------------------------
append stack-name/data pick stack-name/data (-1 + _length? stack-name/data)
remove at stack-name/data (-2 + _length? stack-name/data)
return true
] ;; object Notes